Bheela’s Blog -126

Bheela Wadehra
10 min readJul 9, 2023


09 July 2023

Episode 125 Recap

Sawa has been forced to live away from her family in a hut for her suicide attempt.

Oshin plans to run away to Tokyo and shares her plans with Sawa. But Oshin realizes that she is pregnant.

Please click the link below to read the full episode:

Bheela’s Blog -125

25 June

Episode 126


Oshin is giving the final touches to her plan. Her resolve to leave the Tanokura household with her son, Yu, is firm. She has invited Sawa along, too; Oshin wants to take Sawa away from her plight of being a shunned wife. After all, Sawa had attempted suicide, and Oshin felt very sorry for the poor woman’s dilemma.

She plans to leave on the middle day of the Equinox, and she has shared her plan with Sawa. Now that the day is finally here, she is somewhat nervous.

She is startled by a noise. Ryuzo enters the room and comments, ‘Why are you wearing a nice kimono?’

‘It is the Equinox, and we will be visiting graves. We are not working today either. So I wanted to at least look nice,’ Oshin replies with a fake smile.

‘Who are you out to impress?’ Ryuzo jokes with her, laughing, ‘My brother, Kamejiro is here, so say hello. He is my second eldest brother! He is with the army in Kokura. He is on leave now.’ Ryuzo lifts Yu in his arms and rocks him.

(Kokura is a former city in SW Japan, on North Kyushu: merged with adjacent townships in 1963 to form the new city of Kitakyushu.)

‘Isn’t he a captain?’ asks Oshin.

‘Military men have it good these days.,’ says Ryuzo and walks out of the room with Yu.

Oshin quickly gathers the items she is packing, including the toy gifted by Ken. She keeps the cloth bag aside and goes to the living room.

‘This is Kamejiro!’ Ryuzo introduces his brother to Oshin. Kamejiro looks smart in a military uniform.

‘My name is Oshin; I am pleased to meet you.’ Oshin says politely, bowing.

‘Ryuzo, Oshin is a fine woman, seems very Tokyo-like,’ says the brother, impressed by Oshin’s manners.


‘You should have brought your wife and child,’ comments Ms. Kiyo.

‘I don’t want to bring her here to her in-laws!’ says Kamejiro, laughing, ‘she wouldn’t get a chance to rest here.’

‘She should be here to visit our ancestral graves! She only goes to see her own parents,’ Ms. Kiyo complains as usual.

‘So what? You already have two brides here,’ says the brother. He then takes out a packet and says, looking at Oshin, ‘Oshin, I have a gift for you! Please accept it as a wedding present.’ He hands the gift to Oshin.

‘You don’t have to be so nice to her,’ Ms. Kiyo tells her son.

‘Thanks,’ say Ryuzo and Oshin together. ‘Oshin, let us open it,’ Ryuzo tells Oshin nicely; he doesn’t want his brother to know their discontent.

Tsuneko brings a tray with snacks for everyone.

‘Have some bota-mochi; it is your favorite,’ says Ms. Kiyo, serving a plate to her son.

(Botamochi is a sweet dish, popular as an afternoon snack. More on this dish:,Botamochi%20vs%20Ohagi,flower%2C%20Botan%2C%20a%20peony.)

‘Looks good! Please, you both join us, too!’ says Kamejiro, looking at Oshin.

‘Oshin, why don’t you go shore up the crops,’ says Ms. Kiyo; she doesn’t want Oshin to get a minute’s rest and attention.

‘It is a holiday today!’ reminds Daigoro.

‘Farmers get no days off!’ retorts Kiyo. Oshin is relieved to get a chance to get away. She bows and gets up to leave.

‘Oshin, don’t go yet! You two aren’t going back to Tokyo? I visited there recently. It is being rebuilt!’ says the brother. Oshin halts listening to the man; her plan is in her mind.

‘It has been six months since the earthquake,’ says Daigoro.

‘You had a business there, don’t waste away back in the village! Tokyo is the city of the future.’ insists Kamejiro.

Oshin lowers her head. Ryuzo also gets thoughtful, but he says grimly, ‘I don’t miss Tokyo.’

‘You don’t?’ Kamejiro is surprised.

‘I don’t want to do business anymore!’ says Ryuzo firmly.


‘He can’t go back there, he still has debts,’ Kiyo spills the beans.

‘I am betting on making it on land reclaimed from Ariake Sea! I want to live out my dream. I have to go check with the cooperative members,’ says Ryuzo and he gets up. He hands Yu to Oshin and goes out.

Kamejiro understands the undercurrent. He looks at Oshin and says, ‘you must be having tough time of it, Oshin!’ then he looks at Yu and says, ‘The boy has got a good strong face!’

‘His name is Yu, it means strong!’ says Daigoro proudly, ‘He has got a future to look forward to.’

Fukutaro enters with his two kids and says, ‘I cleaned the headstones!’ Then he says, looking at Kamejiro, ‘you are back?’

‘I got some time off,’ says Kamejiro and he shows the gifts to the kids. The children come running to collect them.

‘Go wash your hands, first!’ says Ms. Kiyo. Oshin watches all of them.

‘Why are you just waiting there?’ asks Kiyo as she spots Oshin. ‘A woman can’t just rest even on a holiday. Tsuneko is working, isn’t she? Any why are you wearing a nice kimono like that?’

Oshin quietly bows and leaves the room. Kamejiro watches her going and says, ‘women in farms sure have it tough! My wife Hiroko would never make it here.’

‘Everybody has to persevere. Oshin has it relatively easy. It could be worse. She should be grateful.’ says Kiyo and Kamejiro smiles.

‘I am home!’ Atsuko shouts as she enters the room. ‘You are home! We figured you would be coming by!’ says Kamejiro to his sister.

‘I didn’t expect to see you here big brother!’ Atsuko greets her brother and sits down.

‘You are looking good,’ says Kamejiro and then he continues, looking at his mother, ‘don’t complain to her about my Hiroko. Atsuko is always here visiting you.’

‘She needs to come home once in a while, to get away from her in-laws. She has no rest.’

‘Your two sons’ wives have to put up with you! Let them go home sometimes, too. I am sure you order them about constantly. I feel sorry for them.’ the son shows mirror to Kiyo, but she clearly has double standards.

‘That is right!’ says Daigoro, agreeing with his son.

‘What are you saying? I don’t make my sons’ wives work hard. Atsuko has been married a year. Yet, she has no babies. That means she is not comfortable there.’ says Kiyo.

‘Mom, I was told, it is pretty certain…’ says Atsuko shyly, lowering her eyes.

‘You are with child?’ asks Daigoro; he understands from his daughter’s expressions.

‘Yes, I am in my third month!’ replies Atsuko.


‘Atsuko!’ Kiyo cries out with joy, ‘Really? I am so glad!’ Kiyo claps and says to her husband, holding his arm, ‘She is with child!’

As they shout and make noise, Tsuneko works in the kitchen quietly. She makes dough.

Oshin meanwhile ties Yu on her back and does a final packing. She has no intention of ever returning to this house. She secures all her belongings as well on her back. She closes the sliding door behind her and tip toes towards the main gate.

As she passes the living room, she hears her mother-in-law’s voice, ‘Now that Atsuko is pregnant, we have nothing to worry about! Take good care of yourself and have a good healthy baby. Do be careful; you are not very strong.’

Kiyo then looks at Oshin and says, ‘Oshin, hurry up and go out to work!’

‘I will watch the boy for you!’ says Kamejiro.

‘No, I am used to having him with me,’ says Oshin.

‘A woman has to care for her own baby! All farmers’ wives work with their babies.’ says Kiyo.

As Oshin is about to leave, Tsuneko hands over a box to Oshin and says, ‘Here is your lunch. So that you don’t have to come back here for lunch.’

‘Thank you!’ says Oshin and bows to her co-sister.

‘Let us celebrate today; all my kids are here! I have suko-sushi for you, too,’ says Kiyo.

‘I love it the way you make it!’ Atsuko is excited.

‘Eat all you want.’ says Kiyo.


Oshin doesn’t care about bota-mochi or suko-sushi. Her life here is coming to an end today. She is excited about leaving. She picks up her tools and walks toward the fields. But she feels envious of the baby Atsuko is carrying compared to her unborn child. Atsuko’s baby will be born with everyone’s blessing. Her second baby wouldn’t be welcome here.

But at least she will be giving birth at some place other than Tonokura’s home at Saga.


Oshin decides to wait for the train in the forest. She clears a spot to rest under a tree. She lies down and plays with Yu. She worries about Sawa; will she be coming?
Sawa waits anxiously at her hut. She looks around. She comes out as she hears the footsteps.

Ryuzo approaches the hut and waits at some distance.

‘I am sorry to have called you out here,’ says Sawa as she looks at Ryuzo. She says, ‘I didn’t want people to see us talking. Your wife is leaving on the afternoon train. She told me she is leaving the Tanokura house!’

‘Oshin is planning to do that?’ Ryuzo could not believe it. He asks, ‘How do you know about it?’

‘I was to go with her.’ says Sawa.

‘You and she planned it?’ Ryuzo catches Sawa’s shoulders and shouts.

‘Please don’t be angry with her,’ Sawa pleads, ‘she had such a hard time here. She has decided to leave to make her own life.’


Sawa continues, ‘It is too hard for a woman to make it alone. Once she leaves, it will be too late. I want you two to stay together! Please stop her before it is too late,’ Sawa folds her hands and bows to Ryuzo.

‘The afternoon train?’ Ryuzo panics. As Sawa nods, he takes a turn and starts running. Sawa watches him go.


Oshin carries Yu in her arms and starts running towards the railway station. She sees some villagers on the way and greets them. Suddenly she comes face to face with Ryuzo, who is rushing towards her from the opposite direction.
Oshin takes a turn and starts running, but with Yu being a heavy child on her back, Ryuzo soon catches up with her.

‘I won’t let you go to Tokyo!’ Ryuzo catches Oshin by her shoulder and warns her. He continues, ‘If you insist on going, leave Yu here!’

Oshin holds Yu tight and asks Ryuzo, ‘Sawa told you?’

‘I knew what you were up to!’

‘Then you must know why I am going to Tokyo!’ Oshin cries out.

‘You are being selfish!’ Ryuzo charges Oshin.

‘I don’t care what you say! I am no longer a Tanokura! Let me go; I will miss my train!’ Oshin struggles out of Ryuzo’s clutch and tries to free herself to run.

‘Forget it! What will you do in Tokyo all by yourself?’ shouts Ryuzo.

‘Sweetheart! Then come with me,’ Oshin pleads again, probably the one last time, ‘Let us just leave now together!’

‘Don’t be silly!’ Ryuzo repeats.

‘Then I will have to go alone!’ Oshin starts walking with Yu.

‘Fine, then. Leave Yu with me. You can’t take him.’

‘He is my son!’ Oshin retorts and starts walking again. Yu starts yelling; he gets scared to see his parents in this condition.

‘I can’t take it anymore. Yu is my only companion! All you ever do is listen to your mother!’ accuses Oshin, and she starts crying. She takes hold of herself and says to Ryuzo, shouting, ‘You are weak! You are afraid of returning to Tokyo, so you cower behind your parents. I don’t want a man who won’t protect his wife! I can get a job in Tokyo. My baby Yu will have no father from this day on.’ Oshin says all that she wants to say out of desperation.

Ryuzo feels insulted, and he slaps Oshin hard on her cheek. Oshin loses balance. She loses grip on Yu, and Ryuzo grabs the child. Oshin somehow gets up, and she catches Ryuzo’s arm. Ryuzo applies all his force to push Oshin aside. Oshin screams with extreme pain.

Ryuzo looks back. Oshin hits a stone, and she lies motionless on the ground.

‘Oshin!’ Ryuzo gets scared. Placing Yu on the ground, Ryuzo rushes to Oshin.

‘Oshin, are you okay?’ Ryuzo shouts; she checks Oshin’s head from where the blood comes out. Ryuzo keeps taking Oshin’s name as he cannot decide what to do.

Oshin thinks about the train as she loses consciousness. She imagines running to the train, but the station is far. Why can’t she reach the station?

Ryuzo looks at her with sadness.

What will happen now that Oshin’s plan has miserably failed? Will she try again?

We will know more in the coming episode, number 127, soon.



Bheela Wadehra
Bheela Wadehra

Written by Bheela Wadehra

Originally from JBP-MP, daughter of Ajit & Basanti, sister of Chanda, Neela & Archanaa, wife of Sudhir, Mom of Tanvi & Poorvi. Works as an Engr at GGN-HR

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