Bheela’s Blog -103
06 November 2022
Bheela’s Blog -103
Episode 102 Recap
The sewing machine company sends two tailors, and they stitch as per the design created by Oshin. The senior tailor master teaches Oshin to make patterns. Ryuzo helps set up the shop, engaging carpenters to make the required furniture.
Oshin visits Ms. Taka and hands her some flyers to advertise the store.
Finally, the store has a grand opening.
Oshin café friends arrive to help on the day the store opens. Oshin is happy that she can work with her husband. Her wish gets fulfilled; she doesn’t care if there is a sale.
Please click the link to read the full Episode:
Episode 103
On 01 September, 1922, Tanokura company re-opens as a specialty shop for children’s clothes. Oshin realizes there is a significant need for functional Western garments for children. The café girls join to help Oshin on the first day of the shop opening.
Someko and Oshigeko go to the front door, watch the decoration, and admire the arrangements.
‘We have a total of 50 outfits in stock. Ten each of five different styles. If we can sell it all in 10 days, we can make it,’ says Oshin; she explains the product to the café girls.
‘That is cutting it close. I expected a huge pile of clothes to sell! That is why I came to help.’ Someko comments, laughing with a mock complaint.
‘I am sorry,’ says Oshin and bursts out laughing.
‘You won’t make much by selling 50 outfits in 10 days,’ Oshigeko says; she is worried as she feels the stock to be too low for such a product.
‘I don’t know how much profit you are making for the 50 sets, but with your skill, wouldn’t you earn more doing people’s hair?’ Someko is practical, and she asks Oshin earnestly.
‘I am married to a clothier; I want to be a good wife. This way, I can work together with my husband. I think that is more important,’ replies Oshin.
‘We shouldn’t be criticizing your choice,’ Someko understands Oshin’s priorities well. She looks around and comments, ‘Where are all the customers?’
Ryuzo enters with a tray carrying tea. He says, ‘there is no need to rush. It is still very early. Have some mugi-cha tea.’
(Mugi-cha Tea is a roasted-grain-based infusion made from barley. It has a toasty, bitter flavor. For more on such barley tea, please click
The girls are happy to see Ryuzo helping Oshin.
‘The owner is serving us tea!’ says Oshigeko, excited.
‘This was Oshin’s idea; she runs the shop,’ says Ryuzo.
The girls sip from the glasses and appreciate.
‘You stayed home to help your wife? You are a good husband.’ says Someko.
Ryuzo is embarrassed. He adjusts his tie and says, ‘I thought I would better help her.’
‘Your marriage seems to be on solid ground.’ Someko is happy for them.
‘It is all Oshin’s doing!’ adds Oshigeko.
‘No-no, he is just trying to understand me,’ says Oshin, looking at Ryuzo.
‘Watching you work so hard I can’t just do nothing,’ admits Ryuzo.
‘He criticizes, but he helped me a lot,’ Oshin tells the girls. Then she continues, turning toward Ryuzo, ‘I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you,’
‘You stayed up all those nights.’ Ryuzo responds by holding her close.
‘Oh, stop it! We are still single,’ jokes Oshigeko.
‘We just came to help, don’t show off in front of us,’ Someko says, full of laughter. She adds, ‘I am so glad to see Oshin so happy. Congratulations, Oshin!’
‘This customer was looking for our store,’ Genzi enters with an elderly woman holding the flyer. Oshin and the two café girls welcome their first customer by bowing together.
Genzi is on the street. He goes about with flyers in his hands, looking for possible customers. He announces, ‘it is a grand opening! Please come and look!’ He gives a brochure to a woman with a child.
‘You can take the sleeves up or make them longer,’ Oshin shows a dress to a woman.
‘Will this fit a six-year-old?’ Oshigeko taps Oshin’s shoulder and asks.
‘Try those hanging over there. The child will be better off getting a larger size. She is still growing!’ says Oshin to another customer.
‘The skirt fits, but the top is too big,’ says the mother holding the dress on her child.
‘Find one that fits,’ Oshin tells Oshigeko.
Oshigeko pulls Oshin to a side and whispers, ‘then your outfits would be out of size!’
‘We can fix that later.’ Says Oshin.
‘We will be glad to do alterations for you.’ Says Oshin to the customer.
‘Will these shrink or bleed in the wash?’ the customer is doubtful. Oshin is not prepared to answer this question. Ryuzo comes forward to help.
‘No, we use only the best domestic materials,’ says Ryuzo clarifying to the woman. He shows the customer by holding the dress gently and says, ‘hand wash lightly and don’t wring them out. It is much easier to wash than a kimono.’
‘I guess I will get one for my grandchild,’ says the elderly woman.
‘We will make alterations at no additional cost,’ says Ryuzo to the woman, and he looks at Oshin and tells her, ‘Please wrap this up!’ Oshin picks up the dress and starts packing up.
‘You can just get a skirt if you wish,’ says Ryuzo to the customer. Oshin is impressed by Ryuzo’s way of dealing with the client.
The shop is closed. The café girls sit at the dining table and start eating.
‘We weren’t much help,’ says Someko, disappointed by the low sale on the first day.
‘We don’t know about Western-style clothes,’ says Oshigeko. Oshin prepares meals for them and brings the tray to the dining area.
‘You were a big help! I hope you are not too tired to start your evening café duty,’ Oshin is worried for the girls.
‘It is harder work than being a waitress. Oshin, it is not easy running a store!’ says Someko.
‘We sold two dresses and a skirt today!’ Oshin remains positive.
‘Is that all? And your husband made that sale! He knows his stuff!’ says Oshigeko; they are impressed to see how Ryuzo handled the customers.
‘I will have to study more,’ says Oshin.
‘Oshin, you should go back to doing hair,’ says Someko seriously, ‘you would be a lot better off. You are wasting your skill.’
Oshin smiles.
Oshin enters the main hall after seeing the café girls off. Genzi and Ryuzo help to close the shop.
As Oshin lifts a dress, Genzi says, ‘I will do this; you go and rest!’
‘Genzi, you were busy passing out the flyer all day long,’ says Oshin.
‘I wasn’t much help. All I did was stand around all day, so I am not tired.’
‘We only sold two dresses and a skirt today.’
‘At least we sold some! I am happy to see you both working together. It was worth opening this store, after all. You are carrying a child; you would better take it easy,’ Genzi reminds Oshin.
‘I am fine! It is better that I keep working. I am sure the baby will be a hard-working one, too. I wonder how much we can sell tomorrow.’ Oshin looks at Ryuzo as she is somewhat apprehensive.
‘Business should be done slowly but steadily,’ Ryuzo shares his wisdom; he pretends to be a professor, and three of them burst out laughing.
It is bedtime. Ryuzo lies down flat on his back, keeping his arms under his head. Oshin sits next to him, admiring.
‘You would better go to bed,’ says Ryuzo.
‘Thanks for staying home today to help. I didn’t expect you to take off from work,’ Oshin is grateful.
‘You are on your own from tomorrow. I can’t stay away from work every day,’ says Ryuzo.
After a pause, Oshin says slowly, ‘sweetheart, I love you very much,’
Ryuzo laughs joyfully; he turns to the side and says, ‘why all of a sudden?’
‘I now know what a nice man you are. I don’t care if I never sell another dress. I am just glad to be in love with you.’
‘Oshin,’ says Ryuzo as he draws Oshin’s hands close.
‘I am so glad to be your wife,’ she closes her eyes and rests her head on Ryuzo’s arms.
‘You can’t sleep today?’ says Ryuzo lovingly.
‘You can’t sleep today?’ asks Kei. Oshin and Kei are in a hotel room. Oshin is lying on an expensive bed. Oshin recalls every moment of the day when she had opened her very first store.
‘Those were the best days of my life! I also opened many more stores later, but the first one was memorable. To think that I once had my youth,’ she remembers and shares with Kei.
‘You are still young and adorable,’ says Kei; he is also lying on another bed next to his grandma. He is fond of his grandma and listens carefully to all Oshin has to say about her past.
Oshin has a hearty laugh listening to Kei’s statement. She is equally fond of her grandson.
‘I am envious; one could live one’s dream back then. I have no worries, so I shouldn’t complain. The days of finding one’s own success are gone. It is a tragedy that I was born in modern times. We have everything, but we want more and are not clear about what exactly we want,’ says Kei philosophically.
‘Maybe you are right! Happiness can only come out of sadness, frustration, and hardship. That is why everything I did brought me so much happiness. It came after we hit rock bottom. My marriage to Ryuzo was fulfilling, too,’ says Oshin; sleep eludes her as she thinks of her past.
After 10 days, the outfits still need to be sold. Oshin is ready to give up without having any regrets. This experience brings Oshin and Ryuzo together.
‘I am sorry, I have made us lose our money,’ Oshin confesses to Ryuzo in the morning. Ryuzo gets ready to leave for his day job, and Oshin decides to tell him about her decision.
‘I thought it was a good idea. The styles were just right for today’s customers,’ Ryuzo encourages Oshin by placing his hand over her shoulder. He says, ‘just be more confident!’
‘I am done for. It was just a trial, anyway. I will never make Western-style clothes again,’ Oshin speaks to Ryuzo, looking sideways, unable to make eye contact.
Oshin gets busy with her daily household chores. Genzi sits in the cloth shop, yawing. He suddenly wakes up with a bell sound of a passing vehicle. He looks for customers, but none come to their shop.
Suddenly, two men in fine suits and hats enter the shop. They remove their hats. Genzi welcomes them. They start looking at the dresses by picking them and putting them aside in a rough manner.
‘Please don’t touch the merchandise,’ Genzi requests them politely, but the two don’t pay any heed and go about picking the clothes.
Genzi gets suspicious. ‘What do you want?’ he asks. When the men don’t answer, he gets panicky.
Genzi runs to the backyard, where Oshin is drying the clothes, she washed.
Unmindful of her surroundings, Oshin sings a song as she uses a bamboo stick to raise the washed clothes on a high rod.
‘You better come inside,’ Genzi calls her as he reaches the background. He is alarmed and scared.
Oshin slowly turns to Genzi, enquiring.
‘Hurry! Never mind the wash!’ Genzi alerts her. Oshin is surprised and stands looking at Genzi.
Genzi cannot wait; he pulls Oshin to the main hall.
Who are these two men? What do they want?
We will find more in the coming episode, number 104, soon!