Bheela’s Blog -102
30 October 2022
Oshin begins giving shape to the business idea. She meets the vendors, learns to stitch using a machine, and sews a beautiful dress.
Ryuzo joins a job, but he isn’t happy. He gets impressed to see the dress Oshin designed. Some of his confidence returns, and he takes an interest in the new venture
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Episode 102
In the years following the First World War, women in Japan start wearing functional western styles. By 1922, children have switched from kimonos to Western clothes. Oshin plans to make this market a new niche for Tanokura & Co.
Carpenters start their work in the main store area of the Tanokura house, and Genzi serves tea to the workers. There is wood scrap lying all around.
‘What business are they going to do here?’ a worker gets curious and asks Genzi.
‘I have no idea what those young people are up to. Ha-Ha!’ Genzi replies.
Oshin and Ryuzo come out. Ryuzo is ready to leave for his job, wearing a nice suit, and holds his hat in his left hand.
‘Please do a good job!’ he tells the worker.
‘Going to work?’ the labor asks. Ryuzo smiles and nods. Oshin hands over his bag to him.
Genzi stops him and bows to him. Ryuzo laughs out loud and leaves.
Oshin uncovers the sewing machine and sets it up.
‘Genzi, are you worried? Don’t you trust my husband’s judgment? He has been in the garment business for a long time,’ Oshin says, looking at Genzi; she is somewhat nervous, so she seeks comfort by talking to Genzi.
‘Yes, of course,’ pat comes a reply from Genzi.
‘I was surprised too. My husband figured out all the labor costs and profits to be made just by looking at that one piece I stitched. He made the calculations so fast! I was impressed,’ says Oshin, full of pride. She continues, ‘he sure knows his stuff! I want to follow his lead forever.’
‘In that case, I have no problem. Young Master was once a leading figure in the garment industry. If it is alright with him, I have no problem,’ says Genzi. He, too, is always proud of his Young Master.
‘The economy can sway the course of business. There is no guarantee that we will succeed. But we have this store; we can’t let it go waste. One needs something to make life exciting,’ says Oshin. She is still young, but her naturally gifted business instinct gets sharpened daily.
‘I will support you both to the fullest!’ as usual, Genzi gets emotional and sobs, but this time, with joy.
‘Good morning!’ Oshin gets visitors, and they greet her. It’s the woman from the sewing machine company. She arrives with two young girls carrying some tools.
‘I have brought you two new tailors,’ says the saleswoman.
‘Thank you so much,’ Oshin greets them, and the girls bow to her.
‘This is Umeko, and this is Itoko,’ the woman introduces the girls.
‘I am Mrs. Tanokura; this is all new to me. I will be needing your help and assistance,’ chirps Oshin.
‘We are pleased to meet you,’ the girls say in unison.
‘How shall I pay them?’ Oshin enquires, looking at the saleswoman.
‘By the piece,’
‘We want to make 10 pieces for each style and sell them here at our store. I can’t guarantee that we will succeed,’ Oshin remains transparent with her new employees.
(This is another acute business sense Oshin has. Several companies fail when the owners or management are not honest with their staff, but Oshin is way ahead of her time!)
‘We will come as long as there is business,’ says Umeko, the younger of the two.
‘Can you start today?’ Oshin asks excitedly.
‘Yes,’ the girls reply together.
‘Please start with these patterns,’ says Oshin and ushers the new tailors in.
Genzi comes out to monitor the carpentry work.
‘The lady here sure is a good businesswoman! The husband of hers had better watch out!’ the labor comments. Even a worker can observe and appreciate Oshin’s skills.
Genzi wants to respond but is interrupted by a delivery boy at the door.
‘I brought you the fabric you ordered!’ says the boy placing a cloth bag full of fabric.
‘What order?’ Genzi is puzzled.
‘Mr. Tanokura has ordered them,’ the boy takes out a bill and shows it to Genzi.
‘He ordered that?’ Oshin asks as she comes to the front door.
‘We will come for the money at the end of the month,’ the boy hands over the slip to Oshin.
‘Thank you,’ says Oshin as she reads the slip.
Ryuzo is back from his work. Oshin sits with him in the dining area. He places different fabrics on the floor and matches them with the sheets of the order paper.
‘We will settle on these fabrics for each style. You can exchange them if you disapprove. I got them at an excellent price,’ Ryuzo is happy to show his purchase to Oshin.
‘These are fabulous, just right!’ says Oshin.
‘I am glad that I took the trouble!’
‘You sure do know about garments!’
‘You are not so bad yourself! You know about styles and design!’
‘I couldn’t have done it without you,’ says Oshin with gratitude, which brings joy to Ryuzo. He laughs, a bit shy to get these accolades. He puts his ears next to Oshin’s belly keeping his head on her lap.
Oshin holds his head and says, ‘can you hear?’
‘I am sure it will be a boy!’ Ryuzo says. Genzi enters the room and is embarrassed to interrupt the couple’s intimate moment. He turns quickly and goes away.
Oshin and Ryuzo watch him running and burst out laughing. They hold hands and feel the bliss.
The new tailor girls are at the job. They operate the machine using their feet to stitch the dresses. Genzi comes watching them, and he looks toward the back yard where Oshin is with Mr. Nakamoto, the senior pattern maker. He spreads the fabric on the floor, folding it from the center, and places the paper designs on the material.
‘Place the pattern on the fabric, here, like this. Put the next one.’ Mr. Nakamoto teaches Oshin. Oshin places the pattern in reverse, and he shows the correct placement.
‘I am so stupid!’ says Oshin as she places another one wrongly.
‘You are learning fast!’ says the tailor master.
Genzi is excited too. He looks at the partially stitched dresses.
‘Can I do this by hand?’ He shows Umeko a part of the stitch on the dress and asks.
‘You can use the machine, but it is better by hand,’ she replies.
The other girl, Itoko, joins them and says, ‘People will appreciate it even more if done by hand! You better ask the lady!’
‘No, I can do this! I will get it done in no time. I am a bachelor, so I know how to sew,’ says Genzi. He puts on his specs, takes a needle, and inserts thread into it. The two girls look at him with awe.
‘Just watch me,’ says Genzi as he starts sewing with expert hands.
Ryuzo prepares a flyer using a paintbrush as Oshin enters after cleaning the kitchen.
‘Genzi won’t stop working; he will get sick,’ Oshin tells Ryuzo.
‘Let him do as he pleases. He wants to help. He wants to feel involved in our new business,’ says Ryuzo. He knows Genzi well.
‘I am glad to have him help, but he must be tired,’ says Oshin.
‘People will appreciate hand-sewn pieces,’ says Ryuzo, and he gets up to show Oshin the poster he just completed.
‘How is this?’ asks Ryuzo showing the paper.
Oshin clears her throat and reads aloud,
‘Grand opening!
A shop for Children’s Clothes! Functional and cheap!
And Washable!
Perfect for school or casual wear.
We also do alterations.
‘Washable is nice; you can’t wash Kimono at home,’ says Oshin appreciatively.
‘We will pass those out as newspaper inserts!’
‘That will cost too much!’
‘These are cheaper than real printed ads.’
‘You met him at the café?’ Oshin asks sheepishly. She can make out that Ryuzo is making efforts for this new business.
‘See, I wasn’t drinking for nothing! Advertising is an important business! It is worth the money,’ says Ryuzo seriously.
Oshin starts laughing.
‘What is so funny?’ asks Ryuzo.
‘You used to be so against this business!’ Oshin says, continuing to laugh.
Ryuzo laughs; he scratches his head and says, ‘I can’t give up on you now. We will do all we can to see how it goes. So, you won’t have any regrets,’ says Ryuzo and comes close to Oshin.
He says, ‘But if we fail, I want you to give up! So don’t grumble!’ Ryuzo touches Oshin’s forehead lovingly, bringing joy to Oshin’s face.
Oshin arrives at Ms. Taka’s salon. A lady customer walks out of the salon. Oshin looks around and feels comfortable in familiar surroundings, although the summer afternoon brings sweat to her forehead.
‘Sorry to keep you waiting,’ Ms. Taka rushes in and sits next to Oshin.
‘It has been so long,’ says Oshin and greets Ms. Taka, bowing.
‘The baby seems to be doing fine,’ Ms. Taka observes Oshin and comments joyfully.
‘Sometimes I forget that I am pregnant!’ says Oshin.
‘I have heard about your business, but I have been too busy.’ Ms. Taka is happy to see Oshin, as always.
‘I am glad that you are doing so well here.’
‘How are you two getting along?’
‘We are a real husband and wife now.’ Oshin replies shyly.
‘I am so glad for you!’ Ms. Taka is delighted.
‘We sell children’s clothes now, and I would like your help in getting the word out,’ says Oshin, and she takes out a stack of flyers from a cloth bag.
‘Sure, no problem,’ says Ms. Taka, taking the stack of papers from Oshin. She looks at the flyers and says, ‘It must have been a hard decision. When will things get easier for you?’ Ms. Taka can sense the hard work Oshin has to do to achieve anything throughout her life.
‘This is what I want to do,’
‘You think it will work?’
‘I don’t know yet, but I am glad to get to do something together with my husband. I want that for our baby, too.’
‘If I had been in your situation, I would already be divorced.’
‘Ryuzo has just begun to understand things. And I don’t mind if I fail. Just the fact that we are working together gives me joy. That is what I wanted to tell you. You have helped me so much.’ says Oshin; she shares it all with Ms. Taka.
Ms. Taka smiles and nods her head sideways. After a pause, she says, ‘your marriage hasn’t been the easiest. But when a couple faces problems together, it strengthens a marriage. Oshin, you will be all right.’ Ms. Taka encourages Oshin.
The Tanokura house is decorated with flowers and banners. They arrange a grand opening of the Children’s clothes outlet on 01 September, 1922.
Genzi is busy overseeing the decoration. Ryuzo and Oshin place the dresses on display.
‘Please hang that over there,’ says Oshin as Ryuzo shows her a dress.
‘Ossheeennn!’ Oshin is startled to hear a big shout at the main door.
The old friends, the café girls, arrive to attend the grand opening!
‘Congratulations!’ Says Someko, ‘Ms. Taka told us about your new store!’ She is excited.
‘We are so glad for you!’ says Oshigeko.
‘We will be your sales clerks for the day. Imagine, two of the most beautiful sales clerks!’ announces Someko, looking at Ryuzo.
They all start laughing; Oshin looks at Ryuzo with joy and love!
The store is finally open. Oshin remembers the day distinctly. She is curious to know if anything would sell or not. But she is glad that she and Ryuzo are working together; that is all she needs to be happy.
How will the sale be on day one?
We will know more in the coming Episode, number 103, soon.