Bheela’s Blog -094
03 September 2022
Episode 93 Recap
Ryuzo is conned by a fraudster, and he suffers enormous losses. Oshin tries her best to show him a brighter side amid the gloom.
Ms. Taka hints that Oshin should pay more attention to her household, but Oshin insists on working late at the salon. One day, Ryuzo returns home drunk. A Geisha girl drops him and demands a vast amount of money.
Genzi is upset, but Oshin forgives Ryuzo as she understands his frustration.
Please click the link to read the full Episode:
Episode 94
It is the cherry blossom season of 1922; the severe cold has gone, and the trees are packed with the season’s colorful flowers. Ms. Taka’s business is growing busier daily, and they hire help to manage the extra workload. But Tanokura Company is on the verge of closure. Ryuzo loses his will to work. Oshin now supports the Tanokura family.
At the end of the work day, Ms. Taka sits in her room smoking her cigarette. She is worried for Oshin.
‘You have to pay off your husband’s bills again? You shouldn’t have to pay his drinking expenses, too,’ Ms. Taka says in no uncertain terms; she warns Oshin. Oshin sits in front of Taka and has asked for part of her wages in advance.
‘I am sorry,’ says Oshin, with a sad face.
‘If it is money you needed for yourself, I would gladly give you an advance. But this is like throwing money away! I should refuse your request. Oshin, it is not good to overly serve your husband. He is taking advantage of you!’ Ms. Taka warns Oshin again.
‘He is having a hard time. He has been cheated and betrayed by a client he trusted, so he lost his confidence in running the business. I can understand why he drinks,’ Oshin defends Ryuzo’s irresponsible behavior for her love towards him.
‘But he is not even putting any effort!’ Ms. Taka disagrees with Oshin’s views. She continues, ‘money doesn’t grow on trees. You work hard to earn this!’
‘I don’t mind; I just want to help him. I am sure he will come around someday.’ Oshin smiles as she says; she is eternally hopeful.
‘I hate to say this, but he has been spoilt. He cannot just go around giving up on things so easily. It doesn’t bode well for the future. You might consider divorcing him,’ Ms. Taka’s words are harsh, and they hit Oshin badly. Ms. Taka speaks from her long experience. She continues, although she knows that Oshin is stunned to hear her words, ‘You are still young. You can start over again.’
Hearing this, Oshin lowers her head. She starts thinking hard.
‘I know it sounds harsh, but I have been through it,’ after a pause, Ms. Taka says, with a deep sigh, ‘that is why I am telling you! It is your money, so spend it as you like.’ She takes out cash and places it in front of Oshin. She says, ‘is this enough?’
Oshin takes the money and touches her forehead, bowing to Ms. Taka. She is speechless! She folds the cash, keeps it between her palms, and looks at Ms. Taka with gratitude.
‘Oshin, I hear you are sewing at night again. Take care of yourself. Our good health is our only asset,’ says Ms. Taka. She is genuinely concerned for Oshin. (Yet again, she has given her a piece of essential business advice, calling ‘good health’ the only asset!)
Oshin smiles and doesn’t know what to say.
Ryuzo is heavily drunk. He walks flanked by two Geisha women, singing a song merrily. He enters Café Athena after a long time; it used to be his favorite café. Ryuzo waves at everyone.
‘Look who is here!’ One of the servers recognizes him and welcomes Ryuzo to a table. Ryuzo is surrounded by new and old waitresses.
‘It is this girl’s birthday today,’ says Ryuzo, and he sits on one of the chairs in the center of the café hall. He says, ‘Let us all celebrate!’ He looks at the girl and tells her, ‘We are all friends here! Drink all the champagne and brandy you want!’ he announces to the crowd, waving to the bartenders, ‘you can all join us!’
Someko appears in front of Ryuzo. She looks at Ryuzo like a teacher looking at an erring student.
‘Someko! It has been a long time!’ Ryuzo is happy to see Someko and says in a slurry voice, ‘Let us drink all night!’
‘Mr. Tanokura! How can you fool around with these women? What birthday!’ Someko says sternly to Ryuzo, addressing him formally.
‘Don’t be jealous!’ says Ryuzo, trying his old charm, ‘she is like a sister to me!’ he puts his arm around the geisha girl.
‘This is no time for you to be out with women. I know you want to show off, but you better have the money to pay for it,’ Someko comes straight to the point. She orders the bartender, ‘No drinks for him; he is just leaving.’ Ryuzo is stunned by Someko’s rebuke. He tries to stop her, but she won’t! ‘Go somewhere else to drink! I can’t let you do this in front of me.’
‘You have no business telling me what to do. It is not like you are paying for it,’ Ryuzo remains defiant. He pulls the geisha close to himself.
‘Ah! I wouldn’t say anything if your business was going well, but who earns your money? Oshin is slogging to get you money. I can’t let you do this to her! Just go home!’ Someko doesn’t mince words; she shouts and looks directly into Ryuzo’s eyes. Ryuzo’s temper rises. Someko’s words hit him hard. He comes close to Someko, almost intending to slap her.
‘Go on, hit me if you like!’ Someko is fearless; she confronts Ryuzo. ‘Your wife is paying all your bills! She loves you, so she doesn’t complain. But you can’t take advantage of her. You are no man!’ Someko is so upset that she utters words that she usually would have never said to Ryuzo.
‘Stop it, Someko,’ Oyae comes forwards and tries to take Someko inside.
‘I don’t hate him. I just feel so sorry for Oshin and the marriage they had. Ryuzo, I want you to think about it a little.’ Says Someko. She is overwhelmed with emotions.
Ryuzo’s nostrils flare up with anger. He pushes the table and walks out of the café. The girls go after him.
Someko is so tired that she collapses on a chair.
‘You went too far in telling him that,’ says Oshigeko.
‘I just want him to realize, that is all,’ Someko is upset; she didn’t want to be rude to Ryuzo, but all the same, she cares about Oshin too much.
Oshin has taken up sewing Kimonos at night to add to the family income. Ryuzo’s luxuries are a significant burden on their monthly expense, but Oshin doesn’t complain. Tonight, also, as Ryuzo is out, she stitches a Kimono.
‘Welcome home!’ Oshin hears Genzi greeting Ryuzo as he enters. Oshin wraps up the cloth material and looks at Ryuzo.
‘Welcome home!’ says Oshin, ‘would you like to go to a public bath? Or shall I make you something to eat?’ asks Oshin, smiling. She understands that Ryuzo is in a bad mood.
Ryuzo sits across the table and fumes. He is still in a drunken state. He says, ‘Doing tailoring again? Just because I am not bringing in any money?’ His voice is rising, ‘You don’t have to throw it in my face. If you don’t like what I am doing, just tell me! You don’t have to pay for my drinking. I don’t need your acting so superior to me.’
Genzi comes forward and sits next to Oshin and Ryuzo. ‘Don’t talk that way to your wife,’ says Genzi to Ryuzo; he gets upset by his Master’s behavior.
‘I would rather you did nothing for me than keep flaunting my faults at my face! You make me sick!’ Ryuzo takes out his anger on Genzi.
‘How dare you!’ Genzi retorts back, ‘if she didn’t work, we would be bankrupt. At least we don’t have to close down. You owe it to your wife.’
‘Never mind that,’ Oshin tries to calm them down.
‘Don’t you understand how she feels? She works hard, which is why we can live here in Tokyo!’ says Genzi, pleading to Ryuzo.
‘I never asked Oshin to support me!’ Ryuzo bangs his fist on the table in rage. He looks at Oshin and continues, ‘I have heard enough about how much hardship you are suffering. I am tired of having my wife support me. I have lost face as a man!’
‘How dare you say that,’ Genzi shouts too.
‘Yes, I am worthless,’ Ryuzo remains defiant. He then turns to Oshin and says something, the last thing Oshin ever wanted to hear. ‘If you don’t like it, then divorce me!’ says Ryuzo at the top of his voice!
‘Do as you like! I would rather starve than have you feed me! Then you can be free. You can be rid of this burden. You can make your own way. That would make me feel much better!’ Ryuzo pants as he speaks. He gets up and goes out of the room.
Oshin is stunned. Each word Ryuzo speaks gives her so much pain that she feels someone pushing a knife into her heart. Genzi looks at Oshin’s face, and he sits down next to her.
‘He is drunk; it is the liquor talking. He is accustomed to being on top. He is just feeling sorry for himself now. That is why he talks like that. He appreciates all that you have done for him. Please forgive him for what he said tonight,’ Genzi bows in front of Oshin to apologize for Ryuzo’s behavior and starts crying.
‘Maybe it is best if he went back to Saga. With me gone, he could go back home again. I will leave him,’ Oshin tells Genzi, which she never wanted to, but is forced to think this way. In a dazed state, she looks far. Genzi cannot believe what he just heard from Oshin. He sits there with tears in his eyes.
‘All that I have done for him was hurting him,’ Oshin talks to herself as she makes a vital life decision.
Oshin is ready to leave Ryuzo. She comes to the bedroom and watches Ryuzo lying flat on the floor with his formal suits on. The family cannot survive without her earnings, but Ryuzo is hurt by her actions. Leaving him is all that she can think of.
It is another morning at Ms. Taka’s salon. Oritsu guides the young trainee Osato on how to wash the used dishes.
‘Good morning!’ Oshin enters and greets the girls. Suddenly, Someko comes out of the main hall.
‘What are you doing here so early? asks Oshin, surprised to see her.
‘I was worried about something. Was Mr. Tanokura alright last night?’ Someko is still sad that she had to be rude to Ryuzo, so she comes to see Oshin. She continues, ‘Ryuzo brought some other café girls to our place. So, I said some harsh things to him.’
‘Oh, that is what happened!’ Oshin realizes the reason for Ryuzo’s outburst.
‘I was afraid that he would take it out on you. I just wanted him to understand what you are doing for him. But if he takes it out on you, then it is all over,’ says Someko. She helps Oshin put on her white apron to prepare for the day’s work. Someko tells Oshin, just like an elder sister would advise, ‘You should really be thinking things over.’
‘I am sorry he troubled you,’ says Oshin.
‘I was just now talking to Ms. Taka. A man shouldn’t expect his wife to support him, which is worse if he resents it. Life can be hell for a woman in a situation like that. It is time for you to think about your marriage again.’
Oshin suddenly feels sick; she puts the apron cloth over her mouth and runs to the backyard.
‘Oshin!’ Someko runs after her, too.
As Oshin passes through the kitchen, both girls get scared, looking at Oshin’s condition. Oshin sits next to a plant; she bends on her knees and throws up.
Oritsu runs inside, shouting for Ms. Taka.
Oshin somehow gets hold of herself, covering her mouth with the cloth; she says, ‘I am all right. I did not get much sleep last night,’ she cannot continue and vomits again.
‘Maybe you ate something stale,’ says Someko, rubbing Oshin’s back to comfort her, ‘you would better see a doctor.’
Ms. Taka comes out and looks closely at Oshin. Her experienced eyes understand the situation. She announces, ‘Oshin, you are with a child!’
‘Is she pregnant?’ Oritsu shouts with surprise.
‘She is going to have a baby,’ says Ms. Taka; instead of being happy, she is now worried.
Oshin turns and looks at Ms. Taka; she starts thinking.
Oshin can’t believe it. Just when she decides to leave Ryuzo, she finds she is pregnant with a child. She wants this to be a mistake. She prays hard that it turns out to be a mistake.
What will happen now? Should she still leave Ryuzo?
We will find out more soon in the coming episode, number 95!