Bheela’s Blog -093
27 August 2022
Episode 92 Recap
Ms. Taka decides to start doing Western-style hair; this is a big decision in her life. She also makes Oshin a partner in the business. Ryuzo finally makes a big sale. He is happy after a long spell of gloom.
Then one day, as Oshin returns from work, she finds Ryuzo in a foul mood. Genzi also sobs; Oshin fears the worst.
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Episode 93
‘Is he angry with me?’ Oshin is worried, and she asks Genzi. Both of them leave Ryuzo alone in the bedroom and come out.
‘No,’ says Genzi; he has been forbidden to share anything with Oshin.
‘Then why won’t he eat?’
‘I shouldn’t tell you. I was told not to mention it to you,’ Genzi wants to tell Oshin all, but he is bound by his Master’s orders!
‘I would worry more if I am not told,’ says Oshin with a sad face.
‘Of course! He shouldn’t be keeping things from you. But I guess it hit him pretty hard,’ slowly Genzi starts revealing. He can’t keep secrets from Oshin. He spills out all, ‘Master was so happy about that new contract. But he was tricked. The man disappeared! He took the goods and ran off.’
‘But I thought, Ryuzo checked him out!’ Oshin is stunned.
‘The man had a nice warehouse. He passed someone else’s goods off as his and got us to deliver our fabric. He meant to do fraud with us from the beginning. He is a real con man!’ Genzi says with regret.
‘That is terrible,’ Oshin is worried now after knowing the reason for Ryuzo’s condition.
‘Your husband was desperate to make a deal. He made a bad decision. More than losing the money, he feels humiliated,’ Genzi knows his Master well.
‘Did he tell the police?’ Oshin is practical; she enquires.
‘He is too embarrassed to report it. This is a good opportunity for you to try to convince him to go back to Saga,’ Genzi once again repeats his wish to return to Saga; he found a good chance.
Oshin thinks, takes a deep breath, and rushes to the bedroom, leaving Genzi surprised by her reaction. Oshin sits next to the mattress where Ryuzo is still lying down.
‘Dinner is ready, sweetheart! I haven’t eaten yet. Let us all eat together. Being hungry can make one feel worse. Sulking won’t bring back the fabric you lost to the fraudster. Let us just forget all about it.’ Oshin starts talking to Ryuzo but as soon as she mentions the swindler, Ryuzo pushes his quilt and jumps up. He realizes that Genzi has spilled the beans.
‘Genzi!’ shouts Ryuzo, ‘You told her?’ He looks at Genzi, full of anger. By this time, Genzi has followed Oshin and sits next to her. He turns his face away from Ryuzo out of fear. ‘I told you not to tell her!’ Ryuzo repeats, raising his voice.
‘I am relieved to have heard about it. You got me thinking if it was life or death! What is a little loss?’ Oshin tries to soothe the situation.
‘What do you know! That was big money! I had to pay a lot of money for that fabric!’ says Ryuzo; he is irritated; how can Oshin remain calm?
‘Good, at least it was already paid for. Otherwise, we would all have to run away! We are lucky to have gotten off easily. It is better to be conned than to be the one doing the fraud! I feel sorry for a man who has to cheat people. At least we don’t have to stoop so low! Think of it this way, if you had gotten sick and had to go to the hospital, that would cost money! We are all healthy; you can’t buy that with money, can you?’ says Oshin; she makes Ryuzo and Genzi look at things differently.
‘She is right; I never thought of it like that!’ Genzi says, relieved.
Ryuzo also starts thinking. Everyone remains quiet for some time.
‘At a time like this,’ starts Oshin, after a pause, ‘it is best to just have some hot sake!’ says Oshin, bringing a smile to the faces of Ryuzo and Genzi. She goes inside to get the drinks for both of them.
‘Good morning!’ Oshin greets Ms. Taka and Oritsu as she enters the salon the following morning.
‘I am ready to start another day,’ says Oshin as she opens her cloth bag to take out the tools.
‘This is Osato, our new girl,’ Ms. Taka introduces a new trainee to Oshin. Ms. Taka is dressing the young girl, ready to start her training. She tells the girl, ‘This is Oshin; she will teach you.’
‘I will do my best,’ the girl chirps, bowing to Oshin.
‘Training is tough, but please persevere,’ Oshin tells the new girl with a kind and assuring voice.
‘Yes,’ says the girl enthusiastically. She is barely in her teens.
Ms. Taka looks at Oritsu and says, ‘show her what to do,’
‘Yes, come with me,’ Oritsu takes the girl inside.
‘She reminds me of my old self,’ Oshin looks at the girl lovingly and says to Ms. Taka.
‘You were sixteen when you first came here. That was seven years ago; times have changed,’ Ms. Taka recalls.
‘I never thought things would turn out like this!’ says Oshin.
‘The time is like this only,’ Ms. Taka has seen a lot of good and bad times.
‘I am grateful! If I hadn’t learned to do hair, I don’t know what I would have done to survive.’
‘That is true; Mr. Tanokura is facing a hard time.’
‘I feel good that I can help him as his wife. I don’t mind being busy; I am happiest now,’ Oshin likes challenges and faces them with a smile!
Those were the days that brought changes in Oshin’s life. She remembers the events distinctly and shares with Kei all the details. Kei and Oshin are still in Tokyo, staying in a fine hotel. They enjoy their evening drink, an expensive brand of wine.
Kei shakes his glass to mix the drink and says, ‘Grandma, you sure are great! I guess Meiji period women were all like that. You helped your husband without ever making him feel small about it. Women today would just get a divorce. No money, no love! The love of one’s life can disappear in a fortnight. Yet you were genuinely happy to be able to help. I wish I could meet a woman like you. If I do, I will marry her in a minute!’ Kei says philosophically. He sits cross-legged with his drink on the hotel room bed, while Oshin enjoys sitting on a sofa.
‘Oh, don’t be so sure! Men don’t want wives like that!’ says Oshin with her experience; she is cryptic about it.
‘Why? Men all dream of an obedient woman,’ Kei is puzzled.
‘I used to think that, too. I was happy being able to work and take care of Ryuzo and Genzi. I thought that was what love was all about. But I was mistaken. I didn’t really understand how a man felt!’ Oshin remains cryptic, looks at a distance, and returns to her past.
It is another busy day at the salon.
‘You are done!’ Oshin says, removing the apron from the shoulders of a client.
‘Thank you!’ says the customer.
Oshin starts cleaning as her customer leaves the salon to be ready for the next client. Ms. Taka comes close to Oshin and sits close to her.
‘I will finish up; you go home as it is already late,’ says Ms. Taka to Oshin.
‘I will go when I am done,’ Oshin replies.
‘It is time for you to go home and make dinner!’
‘Genzi can get it started for me.’
‘You have been working late every night! You should go home early once in a while,’ Ms. Taka whispers as another customer is still there.
‘I am here working for his sake. He can’t complain!’ Oshin jokes. She asks Oritsu to let the next customer in.
Ms. Taka gets up, she tries to make Oshin understand her duties at home. She realizes that Oshin is clearly not ready to listen. Ms. Taka looks worried about Oshin’s zeal to work hard at the salon ignoring her home.
‘Thank you for waiting; please come in. What style would you like?’ Oshin attends to the next customer as Ms. Taka looks on anxiously.
It is late again as Oshin rushes back home. As usual, Genzi is still waiting for her in the office area.
‘Sorry to be late. Did you both eat?’ asks Oshin.
‘I think he should be home soon,’ says Genzi
‘Is he still out?’ asks Oshin, and then she watches Genzi busy doing something with paper, scissors, etc., so she asks, ‘What are you doing?’
‘I want to keep busy,’ replies Genzi shyly.
‘You are making envelopes?’ Oshin is surprised to find Genzi making paper envelopes.
‘It is easy to work, and I have no other skills,’ says Genzi. He laughs to make it light.
‘Please don’t do this. You have enough to do here!’ Oshin gets worried.
‘You are working so hard; I just wanted to help out,’ Genzi starts sobbing as he says.
‘Oh, come on, I get to do what I enjoy! It is no hardship! Please rely on me for everything. He, too, doesn’t have to be out so late selling.’
Genzi removes his specs and looks at Oshin with gratefulness. Oshin makes beds for Ryuzo and herself. The clock strikes 12.
Oshin comes out to the main hall and tells Genzi, ‘Please go to bed; I will wait up for him,’
‘You should rest; you must be so tired!’
‘Maybe something has happened to him; it is already midnight! Or maybe he is entertaining a client,’ says Oshin and looks at the clock.
There is a knock at the door. Oshin rushes, and Genzi follows her.
Ryuzo sits next to the main door, and a Geisha girl is beside him.
‘He is alright; he is just drunk,’ says the Geisha. Looking at Oshin, she asks, ‘are you his wife? Pay me what he owes.’ She takes out a bill and hands it to Oshin.
‘He forgot his wallet,’ says the girl.
‘We will pay tomorrow,’ says Genzi.
‘No, I don’t want to have to come again!’ retorts the girl.
‘Please pay her,’ says Oshin; her attention is towards getting Ryuzo inside safe. Oshin turns to the Geisha girl and says, ‘I am so sorry!’
Genzi helps Oshin lift Ryuzo by his shoulders, and they somehow make him sit on the chair next to the front door. ‘What a disgrace,’ comments Genzi.
The Geisha looks around to gaze at the wealth of Ryuzo. Oshin loosens his tie and tries to make him sit. Suddenly, Genzi shouts for Oshin. She is startled and goes inside. Genzi shows her the bill with a large amount of sum.
‘We can’t pay such a big bill!’ Genzi panics and shows the bill to Oshin.
‘We don’t have the cash?’ asks Oshin.
‘If we give her this much, we can’t buy food tomorrow!’ Genzi starts shaking as he looks at the bill.
‘We have to pay to save our face. My husband is too drunk to know what he owes. We will figure something out later. Let us get him to bed.’
Oshin keeps Ryuzo’s head straight on the pillow. She starts unbuttoning his shirt.
‘What is he thinking? He wasted all the money you earned,’ Genzi starts crying as usual.
‘Genzi, I feel so bad for you,’ says Oshin. She wipes Ryuzo’s face with a damp towel and removes his shoes. She continues, ‘He is having a hard time. I am sure he just wanted some fun. Please don’t lecture him. He knows he is doing wrong. He needs his freedom. If it makes him feel better, let him do it. I will find a way to pay for his bills at the café. I am sure the business will turn around soon. It will be just until then!’
Oshin is too forgiving as she loves Ryuzo deeply. Ryuzo falls asleep, and Oshin looks at him lovingly. She understands his frustration. That is why she can forgive him. But things are soon to turn worse.
We will know more in the coming episode, number 94, soon!