Bheela’s Blog -092
20 August 2022
Episode 91 Recap
Oshin tries new methods, such as putting posters on the telephone poles, to increase the number of customers at Ms. Taka’s salon.
The situation at Tanokura company is worse. Ryuzo doesn’t find any new buyers. The stock gets piled up, too.
Oshin’s efforts bring good results. The number of customers increases. One day she gets eight customers, and she is delighted. In her happiness, she overlooks Ryuzo’s misery.
Please click the link to read the full Episode:
Episode 92
A month has passed since Oshin went back to work for Ms. Taka. Oshin helps create a new clientele at the salon, getting new customers by word-of-mouth.
As Oshin is attending to a client’s hair, Oritsu comes running to her.
‘It is time to visit the café. The girls are all waiting,’ Oritsu reminds Oshin.
‘Already!’ exclaims Oshin, ‘I still have two more customers here.’
‘I told them you are still busy, but they insist on waiting.’ Oritsu is agitated.
‘Please excuse me for a moment,’ Oshin asks the client and takes Oritsu to the kitchen area. She doesn’t prefer to discuss her own matters in front of a client.
‘Please call Someko and tell her I can’t come today and apologize to them,’ Oshin folds her hands and asks Oritsu to do the needful.
She cares about the café friends, but the situation at Ms. Taka’s salon has changed. Moreover, Ms. Taka is out shopping for more supplies. Oshin tells Oritsu, ‘I may not be able to do their hair anymore. I would be grateful if they would come here.’
‘Shall I tell them that?’ asks Oritsu.
‘It can’t be helped,’ says Oshin and returns to the customer.
‘I am sorry to let you wait,’ Oshin apologizes to the woman.
‘I got a call from Ms. Taka’s salon. Oshin can’t make it today.’ Someko enters the dressing room and informs all the girls.
‘Is she that busy?’ asks Oyae.
‘She asked if we can come to her,’ Someko lights a cigarette as she speaks.
‘So, it has come to that; she has gotten so big!’ comments Oshigeko.
‘I guess she has to take over from her teacher; she can’t do as she pleases,’ clarifies Someko.
‘What is she going to do with all that money?’ Oyae says, wondering!
‘I think Tanokura Company is in trouble. They had to lay off their workers,’ Someko informs the girls; it appears that if a business doesn’t do well, the word spreads fast!
‘Is that so?’ the girls can’t believe it. Oshigeko thinks of her recent conversation with Oshin and says, ‘no wonder she has no time to do our hair. We would better just give up on her.’
‘Trouble never seems to end for that girl. I feel sorry for her,’ says Someko; she always has a soft corner for Oshin.
‘Too bad! She should have stayed single instead of marrying someone who can’t support her.’ Opines Oshigeko, ‘Maybe getting married isn’t all that great!’ she sighs!
‘Don’t mention any of this to Oshin,’ warns Someko, ‘she wants to keep her troubles a secret.’
All the girls start thinking with their palms on their cheeks.
The last customer has left the salon, and Oshin polishes the mirror.
‘I will do the rest, so you can go home,’ Oritsu offers help to Oshin. She, too, is busy tidying the place.
‘I can’t let you do all this work,’ says Oshin.
‘It is fine,’ protests Oritsu.
‘Thanks for the help!’ Ms. Taka enters the salon carrying the material in her hands. She cheerfully thanks Oshin.
‘Welcome back!’ Oshin and Oritsu greet her together.
‘I guess you were busy here all day today. I bought some food for you to take home. It is in the kitchen,’ says Ms. Taka; she remembers to take extra care of her employees.
‘Thank you,’ says Oshin, returning to polish the mirror.
‘Maybe I should be helping you,’ Ms. Taka starts a conversation. Oshin stops and turns her head towards Ms. Taka with curiosity. Ms. Taka continues, ‘I can’t do it well, but I can do Western styles, too. I hate to see you having to do all the work.’
‘Do you mean it?’ Oshin is excited and surprised. She leaves her work and comes close to Ms. Taka.
‘I owe it to you for bringing in so many customers. I am hoping we can win back our past glory. To think that I had wanted to quit,’ says Ms. Taka, folding the cloth bag. She smiles with satisfaction as she speaks.
‘I am glad that you have changed your mind,’ says Oshin; she is happy, too.
‘I don’t know if the customers like my work, but I can at least give it a try.’
Ms. Taka just made a big decision to try the new skill of western style hairdo. She is a true businesswoman ready to adapt to market demands. If she has to change her thinking, she is prepared to try.
‘You got a minute?’ Ms. Taka asks Oshin to come inside.
When Oshin and Ms. Taka get seated in her room, she takes out an envelope and places it in front of Oshin.
‘This is your share for this month,’ says Ms. Taka, pushing the packet towards Oshin.
‘Thank you,’ says Oshin, bowing with respect.
‘I will take just 20 percent for the space in the salon,’ says Ms. Taka; she decides to increase Oshin’s share.
‘I can’t take that much! I am getting to use your salon! I would like you to keep at least half of the earnings,’ Oshin is alarmed, and she protests.
‘Never mind. You helped me to get back on my feet and got me thinking about Western style, too. I appreciate it a lot. Your livelihood depends on it now. That is why I decided to keep my shop open, too. I am no longer your teacher. Let us work together as equals now. We already have a girl who wants to train here. I am sure we will get more. I will do my best, so please, you too do the same.’ Ms. Taka took another decision today; she made Oshin a partner in her business.
(These business lessons are taught in modern B-schools. At a point, several employees turn into partners or stakeholders in the organization. Ms. Taka was way ahead of her time!)
‘I shouldn’t keep you waiting. You better go home and don’t forget to take that food,’ Ms. Taka changes the topic.
‘Thank you,’ says Oshin; she is speechless by these turns of events. She touches the envelope to her forehead and walks offs, smiling.
‘I got paid today. It is not much,’ says Oshin. After reaching home, she gives the envelope to Genzi with the total cash intact.
‘Thank you so much,’ Genzi is delighted. He shakes with emotion and says, ‘We had a big transaction today, but we don’t know when the payment will come in. This will help us so much!’ Genzi, too, touches the packet to his forehead in gratitude. He adds, ‘I will definitely repay you.’
‘There is no need to repay me. The money is for all of us!’ Oshin responds. She comes close to Genzi and holds his shaking hands.
‘Don’t tell my husband.’ Says Oshin and makes a secret pact with Genzi, just like kids do in school. Genzi and Oshin have a hearty laugh together.
Ryuzo is back from work. He sits on a chair, and Oshin gives him a shoulder massage, standing behind him. He is in a happy mood.
‘We are starting to get more customers,’ Oshin starts a conversation.
‘I won’t interfere if you like doing your job, but don’t work too hard. Don’t worry about the business. I made a big sale today,’ informs Ryuzo happily, ‘I will make more money than you make all year!’ he jokes with Oshin.
‘That is great,’ Oshin is happy too; she pounds with her fists on Ryuzo’s shoulders. She says, ‘it is all because you work so hard.’
‘Things will get better. I have you to take care of,’ says Ryuzo; this one big sale has uplifted his spirits to many folds. The gloom seems to be diminishing.
Oshin is delighted; she wraps her arms around Ryuzo’s shoulder and hugs him from behind, resting her face on his shoulder. Ryuzo is happy, too, after a long time.
‘You will never want for things as long as I live. Just follow my lead on all matters.’ In his happiness, Ryuzo says these words to satisfy his ego!
Ms. Taka starts practicing Western Style hairdo, trying her hand on Oritsu.
‘I am hiding the tips of your hair, see! Isn’t that good?’ says Ms. Taka after finishing her job.
‘Hey, it is good,’ Oritsu says in an animated voice imitating a rich client!
‘I can do other styles, too,’ says Ms. Taka, suppressing her laughter.
‘I never thought you could do this,’ Oritsu, on a serious note, is surprised to find Ms. Taka’s hidden skills.
‘It is pretty easy! I used to look down on these new styles. That is why I didn’t do it. But Oshin has given me new respect for Western-style hair. There are so many new styles; it is like performing magic. I can’t let her beat me out!’ Ms. Taka wants to practice more; she has found a new zeal to revive her business inspired by Oshin. She asks, ‘What style shall I do now?’
Oritsu yawns; she is tired and cannot match the enthusiasm of Ms. Taka!
It is a busy day at Tanokura company. A cart arrives at the doorstep to take the fabric to the client’s warehouse. Genzi takes count of the material. Ryuzo picks up the heavy reams of fabric himself and places them on the cart, one by one. He wipes his brows with his sleeves.
‘I will be leaving now,’ Oshin comes out with tools in her hands, ready to leave for Ms. Taka’s salon.
‘Oshin, let us go out for dinner tonight,’ Ryuzo comes close to Oshin and asks in his happy old-style charm.
‘Please wait until you get paid first,’ Genzi warns him.
‘You don’t trust our customer to pay?’ Ryuzo asks, somewhat apprehensive.
‘I didn’t say that! Without collecting, we have no money at all,’ Genzi emphasizes.
‘Yes, I know; I will wait,’ Ryuzo understands the situation. He continues to lift the material for shipment.
Oshin feels for Ryuzo; she knows that Ryuzo loves to take Oshin out for dinner; he has done this several times before.
‘You don’t have to tell him that,’ Oshin places a hand on Genzi’s shoulder and tells him.
‘He needs to learn; I have to tell him!’ this time, Genzi doesn’t want to take any chances. After a long gap, a good sale has materialized; he wants the money to be received before it is spent on luxuries. He continues, ‘My young Master hasn’t suffered enough hardship!’
Oshin reaches the salon to find Ms. Taka getting ready to start her work early. Oshin tells her, ‘Please rest until the customers get here.’
‘I am starting from the beginning again,’ says Ms. Taka; her excitement is visible in her sparkling eyes.
‘She practiced all night!’ informs Oritsu.
‘I felt a little uneasy! I hope you won’t quit on me again! You mentioned that your husband has a new account,’ says Ms. Taka, looking at Oshin with hope.
‘I wish things will get better for us,’ says Oshin; she too gets ready for the customers to arrive.
‘Don’t skip out on us now; you can’t quit,’ Ms. Taka insists.
‘Don’t worry, I will keep working,’ assures Oshin.
‘I sure hope so,’ Ms. Taka is worried, ‘you are like a key to our success! I couldn’t possibly do it all alone.’
Oshin starts laughing, and Ms. Taka joins her.
Customers start coming in. Oritsu receives them asking, ‘Japanese Style or Western Style?’
‘We both want Western-style,’ says one of the two women who have just arrived to get their hairstyling done. Oritsu asks them to wait and goes inside to check with Ms. Taka.
‘Send them both in,’ says Ms. Taka; she is ready to start western-style, receiving her first customer.
‘What style do you want? You will it leave it to me to decide?’ Asks Ms. Taka professionally!
Soon the salon is full of customers. Oshin comes to the kitchen to take a break and eat her meals.
‘She is pretty good,’ says Oritsu, sitting next to Oshin.
‘She has years of experience! She could get better than us,’ says Oshin.
‘I am glad! I had thought of quitting, too,’ says Oritsu, filling her mouth. Both of them eat fast to finish the food, but Ms. Taka calls, informing them that more customers are coming.
More and more people are coming since Taka started doing Western-style hair. Taka wins her old customers back again. The salon is busier than ever, and Oshin enjoys her busy schedule.
Then one day…
It is still cold. Oshin wraps a shawl around her and runs to reach home after her work at the salon.
‘I am home!’ she announces as she enters but does not find Genzi, who typically welcomes her. She goes inside the house, checks the rooms, and finds Genzi in the dining area, sitting in the dark with his head down.
‘What is the matter?’ she asks him.
‘I am sorry, I didn’t hear you come in,’ says Genzi; he seems to be in deep thought and is startled to see Oshin.
Oshin smiles and switches on the light. She asks, ‘where is my husband? Is he not home yet? I will start dinner.’ Oshin hurriedly enters the bedroom to keep her tools. She finds Ryuzo sleeping there, covered in a quilt from head to toe. Oshin is alarmed.
‘Sweetheart! Are you ill?’ she asks, bends down, and touches Ryuzo’s forehead. When Ryuzo doesn’t respond, she shouts for Genzi. Genzi follows and sits next to her without answering.
‘What is wrong with him? Did you call a doctor? Is he feverish?’ Oshin gets worried and tries again to wake Ryuzo by softly shaking him.
‘Just leave me alone!’ shouts Ryuzo; he pushes Oshin’s hand by taking out his arm from the quilt.
‘Genzi?’ Oshin looks at Genzi enquiringly. Genzi doesn’t reply and starts sobbing.
‘Did something happen?’ Oshin asks Genzi again.
Ryuzo gets ups removing his quilt. He shouts, looking at Genzi, ‘tell her nothing; I just don’t feel well. Leave me alone, I said!’ he turns around, lies down, and covers himself again.
Oshin doesn’t know what is going on. She fears for the worst and looks again at Genzi. He shuts his eyes tightly as he sobs.
What has happened? Has the big sale gone wrong?
We will find more in the next episode, number 93, soon!