Bheela’s Blog -090

Bheela Wadehra
10 min readAug 7, 2022


07 July 2022

Episode 89 Recap

Creditors start lining up at Tanokura company to collect their dues. Another buyer returns the fabric, and the stored gets piled with unsold merchandise.

At the end of the year, Ms. Taka has many customers. Oritsu asks Oshin to help Ms. Taka, and Oshin decides to help. On New Year’s Eve, Oshin works the whole night, and on the morning of the New Year, Taka pays her 50 yens.

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Episode 90

It is the morning of the first day of the New Year. The streets are decorated with auspicious leaves, bushes, and fruits on the doors of all the houses. There is music in the air. Oshin returns home after the whole night’s work at Ms. Taka’s salon. She is tired, but her mind is fresh and happy. She looks around before entering the house, does a small dance, and laughs!

‘Welcome home!’ says Genzi; he is cheerful too.

‘I am so late; it is morning!’ Oshin apologizes, and she bursts out laughing together with Genzi. She realizes that there is no point in feeling sorry.

‘Your husband is still sleeping, and I am making ozoni soup.’ Says Genzi.


(Ozoni is a special miso-based soup enjoyed in the morning on New Year’s Day in Japan. The soup usually includes mochi (rice cake), and the preparation varies by region and household. Source:

‘I was going to get him up when it is done,’ says Genzi.

‘Thank you for doing all the work for me!’ Oshin chirps.

‘I have been single for a long time and am used to it. Come on in; you must be worn out!’ Genzi says; he is concerned for Oshin and ensures her well-being to the best of his ability.

Both of them get inside the house. Ryuzo has woken up and lights a cigarette.

‘You are up already?’ asks Genzi.

‘I am home!’ Oshin all smiles and she looks at Ryuzo. She says, ‘I am sorry to have stayed out all night.’

Ryuzo smiles, looking at Oshin. He feels good when he sees Oshin in a happy mood.

‘Happy new year!’ Oshin greets both Ryuzo and Genzi by bowing to them. Genzi feels awkward.

‘Let us save the formal greetings until later. I am just glad we are all here together to celebrate! I will get the soup!’ Genzi says and gets up.

‘Let me do it!’ says Oshin.

‘No, you just rest,’ Genzi doesn’t allow Oshin to serve him.

‘I have caused a lot of trouble to you both. But Taka was so happy that I came to help. She sends her wishes to you.’ Oshin starts a conversation noticing that Ryuzo is quiet. Ryuzo lights up another cigarette after smoking the first one.

‘Good! I am sure you feel good about it, too,’ Ryuzo speaks up.

‘Yes, I do! And I even got paid. I refused, but she insisted I take it. There are 50 yen in there.’ Oshin happily shares all about her earnings after this gap.

‘That much?’ Genzi comments

(50 yen in the 1920s was equivalent to $600 in terms of today’s value. One could buy 100 kgs of rice with 50 yens!)

‘It is for the work I did.’ Oshin replies.

‘That can’t be!’ Ryuzo is alarmed!

‘Ms. Taka said it is the share of the customers I worked on. Well, it does cost a lot to do traditional hair. And her customers are pretty wealthy, too. It includes tips,’ Oshin explains the economics behind her earnings.


‘That is big money!’ exclaims Genzi.

‘She has taken her share of the money,’ says Oshin.

‘I thought you went there just to help her,’ objects Ryuzo; he isn’t happy about Oshin taking money against doing a job.

‘I told her that, but she is very stubborn,’ Oshin laughs as she speaks; she doesn’t want Ryuzo to take things too seriously. She continues, ‘It is all right; she feels I saved her reputation. With this money, we can pay off some bills,’ she says, looking at Genzi.

‘But this is your money; use it for yourself,’ Genzi protests.

‘I don’t want anything. I want to help out our business,’ replies Oshin promptly. Ryuzo isn’t pleased and feels inadequate in the present situation. He is tense and starts getting angry.

‘It is not your business! I don’t need help from a woman!’ Ryuzo shouts. Years of brain conditioning, which makes him believe in male supremacy, cannot accept Oshin is coming forward and helping.

Genzi and Oshin are both taken aback by his outburst. Oshin tries calming Ryuzo, saying, ‘I am a Tanokura now, and I want to help.’

‘I told you it is unnecessary! Business and money should be a man’s concern!’ Ryuzo isn’t convinced; he continues to raise his voice.

‘Maybe so, but Genzi has a hard time,’ says Oshin.

‘I can manage,’ Genzi takes his Master’s side and replies. This upsets Oshin; she too raises her voice and questions, ‘What is wrong with trying to help out? Isn’t that what marriage all about? You are working so hard, but the economy is bad. The situation is like this only until things get better. Then I can start enjoying luxuries again,’ she clarifies and immediately realizes that the atmosphere is tense. She changes the topic and says, ‘Let us all celebrate New Year. We don’t have much, but we are all here together. We should be happy.’ After saying this, she rushes to the kitchen to get the dishes.


It is the first morning of 1922, and Oshin turns 22 herself. Oshin’s marriage isn’t easy, but she is happy being Ryuzo’s wife and living in Tokyo with Genzi always there to help her. She forgets about her tiredness of working all night and gets busy in the kitchen. Genzi helps her with setting the table.


Ryuzo is ready to start a new day and about to leave home. He plans to find new clients so the stocked fabric can be sold. Oshin hands him his briefcase and wishes him a good day. Ryuzo walks off without looking at Oshin or Genzi, who join to see him off. Oshin cheerfully waves at him.


‘We haven’t sold much at all this season,’ Oshin asks Genzi after Ryuzo leaves and then realizes that Genzi is looking at the floor instead of replying. She says, ‘don’t get upset about my asking this. He goes out to sell every day, but none of the merchandise is moving.’

‘Competition is very stiff. It is hard to get new clients, and one of our big clients has gone bankrupt. Young Master is doing his best. I have been meaning to tell him to close this business and return to Saga. Now is not the time to be doing business in Tokyo. His family has all in Saga. They are landowners; they have many farms. Things will be easier there.’ Genzi realizes the business condition and feels defeated. He thinks of such extreme alternatives. As he speaks, Oshin gets anxious.

‘He cannot go back to Saga now,’ she shares her fears with Genzi.

‘He has said so himself. He doesn’t want to have to suffer in Tokyo any longer. Pride alone isn’t enough to sustain life. Please talk to him about it,’ Genzi is a practical man, and he thinks of some solutions to bail his Master out of his miseries. He continues, looking at the distance, ‘Saga is a nice place, with mountains and the sea. You will like it there, too!’ Genzi starts dreaming of Saga, his hometown! But Oshin is thinking hard; she needs a solution!


‘Oshin! Thank you for all your help!’ Oritsu is happy to see Oshin but puzzled, too, as the salon is closed.

‘Is Ms. Taka home?’ Oshin asks, anxiety written all over her face.

‘Yes, she is here.’

Oshin enters Ms. Taka’s room and sits in front of her. Ms. Taka is preparing a wig of false hair.

‘I have come to ask you a favor. Could I get a job here?’ Oshin comes straight to the point.

Ms. Taka is taken aback. She drops her work and looks at Oshin, puzzled.

‘I know you said you weren’t interested in doing western-style hair. But I could do it for you here at your salon. I want to do it, please!’ Oshin pleads.

‘Oshin! You are a married woman. If you work here, you wouldn’t have time for your home or husband. This is not the kind of work one does part-time.’ Ms. Taka is now concerned and shares the practical difficulties Oshin would face.

‘I am serious. We need money badly. The business will go bankrupt if I don’t work,’ Oshin bows her head and shares the truth with Ms. Taka. She continues, ‘A lot has happened. I want to earn enough so that we can eat.’

Ms. Taka understands the situation; she starts thinking hard and says, ‘I had no idea things were so bad.’

‘It is not my husband’s fault. It is the economy,’ says Oshin.

‘I was happy that you married a rich man. But I guess, troubles are not over for you,’ Ms. Taka then smiles; she seems to have found a solution. She says, ‘if you want to work here, I will be happy. I know traditional hair alone can’t last forever. And I had been thinking of closing this place down, but I still regret doing so. I have been working here for 20 years. This New Year’s season, we received so many customers. It brought back memories of the good old days. I was wavering again,’ as she speaks, she has made up her mind. She realizes the benefit of collaboration with Oshin, a business that can revive with diversified services.

‘If you can work here, things will go great!’ says Ms. Taka, ‘we will do Western-style hair, too, and bring this salon up-to-date!’


‘Then, I can work here?’ asks Oshin, bowing forward, remaining grateful to her teacher.

‘Of course!’

Oshin is delighted, she touches her head to the ground, and both women laugh in solidarity.


Ryuzo is lying on his stomach, and Oshin starts massaging his legs.

‘Ah, that feels great! You sure are so good! You are even better than a professional!’ says Ryuzo; he always appreciates Oshin’s qualities and skills.

‘I used to massage the senior madam at Kaga-ya almost every night,’ says Oshin. Then she examines Ryuzo’s calf muscles by pressing her fingers. She says, ‘You sure are tight at these spots! You must have walked a lot these days!’


‘I tried to find customers for the fabric you returned for us. You cannot make sales over the telephone anymore. One has to go out and call on customers.’

‘Don’t get desperate.’

‘If I were alone, I wouldn’t mind starving, but I have to think of you. And I am happy to work harder for you. I don’t mind hardships,’ says Ryuzo. In spirit, he is willing to face difficulties, but he has never experienced poverty or hardship ever in his life.

Oshin comes closer to him and says, ‘I am willing to work to help you, too. I have decided to continue helping Ms. Taka at her salon. That will give me a better income than doing house calls alone. And she thinks that is a good idea, too.’

‘You are going to work?’ Ryuzo is alarmed. Women in his family have never earned a living, so he gets shocked whenever Oshin talks of working.

‘I enjoy doing hair. And you already told me that I could continue working.’

‘But not for money!’ Ryuzo’s temper rises, and so does his voice.

‘It is not only the money. I like the work!’ Oshin remains calm and replies.

‘I am against it!’ declares Ryuzo.


‘What will happen to the business if I don’t work? Genzi told me today. He wants you to close down the business and return home to Saga. I don’t want you to do that! We promised we would live and die here in Tokyo!’ Oshin inches close to Ryuzo; she wants Ryuzo to see her point of view. She continues, ‘We will just try harder. That is why I want to do what I can to help. It is not just for the money! It is for our marriage, too. I am afraid of having to go with you to Saga. Your mother was so against us getting married!’ Oshin lowers her head as she speaks. She says, ‘we can’t just be there now!’

Ryuzo looks at her, puzzled. He is amazed to find an exceptionally spirited woman in Oshin. Before he says anything, Oshin has twinkles in her eyes, and she says, ‘I am so happy being your wife. I don’t want anybody to come between us.’

Oshin then throws her face into Ryuzo’s chest and starts sobbing. Ryuzo realizes and holds her tight.



Oshin remains honest. She wants to avoid returning to Saga at any cost and work to save their marriage. Oshin has no idea that this would cause a rift in their marriage.

It is a cold night in January. It starts snowing that night.

We don’t know yet what is stored in Oshin’s life! Will she be able to avoid going to Saga?

We will find more in the next episode, number 91, soon!



Bheela Wadehra
Bheela Wadehra

Written by Bheela Wadehra

Originally from JBP-MP, daughter of Ajit & Basanti, sister of Chanda, Neela & Archanaa, wife of Sudhir, Mom of Tanvi & Poorvi. Works as an Engr at GGN-HR

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