Bheela’s Blog -089
30 July 2022
Episode 88 Recap
Oshin decides to bring back all the fabric from the retailer’s warehouse. Ryuzo disapproves of this and slaps Oshin. Oshin chooses to return the material to the shop to let Ryuzo have his say and thus save her marriage.
Another whole-seller tells Ryuzo that bringing the merchandise back before other creditors was wise. Ryuzo understands that Oshin was right, this hurts him, and he feels miserable. It is a substantial financial blow to Tanokura company.
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Episode 89
It is early in the morning, and Oshin cleans the floor using a brush and a rag to make it spotless. A man comes from the rear entrance of the house.
‘Hello, I am the rice man!’ says the man.
Oshin is startled at first but later recognizes him and says, ‘Thanks, but we don’t need any rice today. Can you make us mochi?’
‘Of course, but I am here to collect the dues today,’ says the rice supplier.
‘Then please go talk to Genzi; he is at the front office,’ says Oshin; she is somewhat puzzled why the man came to her asking for payment.
‘Genzi told me that I would have to wait. That is why I am here asking you. The people in the front office don’t seem to understand our situation,’ the rice supplier is desperate.
‘I am not saying that we won’t pay. I am just asking you to wait until next year.’ Genzi says to a creditor who came to Tanokura company asking for payment. It is December time, the end of the year! Tanokura company doesn’t seem to have enough cash to pay the creditors.
Genzi reaches out to the man, pats his shoulder in a friendly way, and says, ‘we have been doing business for a long time! We will pay first thing next year!’
‘You can’t pay me such a small amount?’ the creditor is surprised. His tone now turns to be rude; he says, ‘don’t give me a hard time, Genzi!’
‘Don’t worry, we will pay you for sure,’ says Genzi.
At this moment, Oshin enters the front office, and she stops to listen to the conversation.
‘I hope you will keep your word,’ says the man.
‘Trust man,’ pat comes a response from Genzi, and he is sad to be in such a situation; his voice is choked.
‘I sure hate to see a man cry; I give up,’ the man gets up and goes out.
Genzi quickly closes the main door and sighs. Oshin watches it all.
‘Genzi,’ she calls out softly and comes close to Genzi.
‘I should give you money for household expenses,’ Genzi quickly recovers and pretends that nothing is wrong.
‘No, don’t worry,’ says Oshin. She looks at Genzi and understands that he is making a fake smile. She says, ‘I have already paid the rice man.’
‘He came to you? I told him I would pay him later! I will never buy from him again!’ Genzi is alarmed. He turns his back to Oshin to hide his worried expression.
Oshin remains calm; she says softly to Genzi, ‘it is the economy; people are all hurt. But I had no idea we were in such bad shape. My husband hasn’t told me anything.’
It is now Genzi’s turn to soothe Oshin. He says, ‘don’t worry, he is out collecting his dues from retailers now.’ Oshin and Genzi are supporting systems for one another.
Oshin takes out an envelope. It has the money Ryuzo’s father gave them as a wedding present.
‘Please use this money for emergencies until the money comes in. Ryuzo’s father gave us this to celebrate our wedding. We have already had a party, so use it,’ Oshin is enthusiastic as she speaks. She holds the envelope in front of Genzi.
‘I couldn’t possibly take it; please keep it for when you need it,’ says Genzi; though he hesitates to take the money, he is relieved as this is when he needs it most.
‘This is when we all need it! I don’t want you to suffer alone,’ Oshin catches hold of Genzi’s palm and shoves the envelope into his hands. Genzi protests, but Oshin continues, ‘don’t worry, I am still doing hair for people. I can take care of the household expenses. Let us all help and support each other.’ As Genzi starts sobbing with emotion, Oshin gives him an affectionate hug. He is startled but finds happiness in the gesture shown by Oshin.
Oshin releases him and laughs to make the situation light.
‘Then, in such case, I am borrowing this money, and I will pay you back.’ Genzi touches the envelope to his forehead and hesitates.
‘We won’t tell Ryuzo about it at all!’ Both of them have a hearty laugh sharing this secret like school kids.
A man enters the house just at that moment.
‘Welcome! But our owner is away just now.’ Genzi welcomes the man. Oshin bows to him, too.
‘I have already spoken to him. I am returning the fabrics you brought to us. We have lost many customers lately, and nobody wants new suits. That is why I didn’t want those in the first place. Mr. Tanokura said I could pay whenever I got the money. But he keeps coming to try and collect money from me!’ The man is upset. He raises his voice and asks the workers to bring the fabric in.
‘We need another war to improve the economy,’ says the man as the Tanokura office area gets piled with unsold fabric. Oshin and Genzi watch with despair.
(Post World War I, the Japanese economy boomed, but the next decade started seeing its decline. The ordinary people felt that war brings prosperity. Many people agree with this theory, even today)
‘Another world war would help our economy. But it is not right to wish for war! I don’t mind being poor, but no more wars! I am not afraid of poverty; we can start over again. I have been through it many times, so I am not afraid of living in poverty.’ Oshin chats with Ryuzo to make things normal. Ryuzo feels better as he sips the tea served by Oshin. He looks at Oshin with admiration in his eyes.
Oshin also remembers her dead brother Shunsaku’s words, who taught her to oppose the war.
Genzi sits in the living room with a grim face. Oshin approaches him and tries to cheer him up.
‘Please close up now; go keep my husband company,’ says Oshin. She notices that both Ryuzo and Genzi are worried about the business, which also makes her sad. She puts a hand of assurance on Genzi’s shoulder and asks, ‘what is wrong with both of you? I guess he wasn’t able to collect much money today. But there is no use worrying. I had no idea you two were so small-minded!’ says Oshin, sitting on the floor next to Genzi’s feet.
‘A woman can never understand a man! Men have responsibilities. I can persevere, but I feel bad for my young Master!’ Genzi says, getting up and walking away. Oshin gets up, too. Genzi, as usual, starts sobbing. After a pause, he says, ‘he had to lay off all our workers. He can’t afford to keep them in this economy. Business used to be so good!’ Genzi wipes his tears with his sleeves. He calms down and starts talking again, ‘but we have to keep this business going.’
‘Excuse me!’ says someone at the door. Oshin turns to look and is pleasantly surprised to see Oritsu, the student of Ms. Taka, standing there.
‘Oritsu!’ exclaims Oshin, ‘what is the matter? Did something happen to Ms. Taka?’ asks Oshin, looking at the distressed Oritsu.
‘I need your help; Ms. Taka is in terrible condition,’ Oritsu says.
‘Is she ill?’
‘No, she is getting more business than she can handle because it is the end of the year. She didn’t want to turn the customers away. She needs help! Oshin, please help her before she collapses. I know you have duties here at home, and she would never ask you for help herself. That is why I am here. We don’t have any other options; we need your help!’ pleads Oritsu.
(From the beginning, we have seen Oritsu as a good soul. How she helped Oshin when all the other girls resented her. She is the last student left with Ms. Taka. Even now, she decided to seek help from Oshin to help her teacher. These gestures differentiate people! We have all seen such men and women in our own lives)
She continues, holding Oshin’s hands, ‘we haven’t had a business like this in ages. But she is wearing herself out!’
‘I will talk to my husband, and I will come to help you,’ says Oshin confidently to Oritsu. This brings a huge sigh of relief and a smile to Oritsu’s young face!
Oshin isn’t sure of Ryuzo’s response, although she assures Oritsu.
(The beauty business grows exponentially by the end of the year. When the economy is terrible, the rich become richer! They spend on lavish habits, such as doing the hairstyle in traditional ways to celebrate the new year! Oshin recalls how they would remain so busy at the year-end, having no time to enjoy themselves as students at Ms. Taka’s salon)
‘I know I enjoy doing hair, but I want to help my old teacher. I owe it to her,’ Oshin asks Ryuzo. Genzi watches her with a smile, with the prospect of additional income!
‘Sure, go help her if that is what you want!’ Ryuzo is different; he says this to give Oshin some happiness in times of gloom. He smiles as he speaks.
‘Thank you!’ chirps Oshin with happiness. She says, ‘but I will probably have to work late. I will have to work all night on New Year’s Eve.’
‘It was just Genzi and me before you came. Besides, with business so bad, New Year isn’t worth celebrating. We won’t have any guests,’ says Ryuzo.
‘Don’t worry, I can handle everything here,’ chips in Genzi.
‘I am sorry,’ Oshin hesitates to give trouble to the old man. She turns to Genzi and bows, saying, ‘thank you very much!’
Genzi laughs with awkwardness.
Oshin puts on winter garments and a shawl around her neck. She enters Ms. Taka’s Salon through the kitchen door with her tools. She keeps the woolens aside and inserts wood in the furnace, a familiar chore she did for many years. This brings a smile to her face.
She takes out a white apron, folds her kimono sleeves, puts on the apron, and is ready to start. Ms. Taka is doing a customer’s hair, clearly too tired already but pulling along somehow.
‘Oshin!’ cries out Oritsu with joy! Ms. Taka turns to look at Oshin.
‘I thought you would be busy, so I have come to help,’ says Oshin, hiding her conversation with Oritsu.
Ms. Taka greets her with relief and gratitude.
Oshin hands over a bowl of warm water to Oritsu and rushes to the front area.
‘Thank you for waiting,’ says Oshin cheerfully to the ladies waiting for their turn. She starts her work day again at the salon. Ms. Taka looks at Oshin and feels happy.
Ryuzo and Genzi take a sake drink together. Ryuzo thinks profoundly and sighs.
‘If I knew this would happen, I should have never got married,’ Ryuzo contemplates. Genzi tries to stop him from thinking negatively. Still, Ryuzo continues, ‘If I was alone, I could live with being bankrupt, but I could never do that to Oshin.’
‘Your wife is not a weak person. She is ready to face up to any hardship with you!’ Genzi consoles him and fills his cup, saying, ‘we haven’t gone under yet. Sure, our merchandise is not selling now, but better times are ahead!’ Genzi is hopeful.
‘I hope we can hold on until then,’ Ryuzo has doubts.
‘Don’t think like that. Just concentrate on selling what we have on hand. Then we will wait for the economy to pick up. We can think of new ways of doing business.’ Genzi shares some pearls of wisdom with Ryuzo.
It is late and cold wind with flakes of snow is blowing. Oshin returns home, wrapping her face with the woolen shawl.
‘Welcome home,’ Genzi slides open the door for Oshin. He rubs his hand to warm up.
‘You waited up for me?’ Oshin smiles, seeing Genzi. She bows in gratitude.
‘Come on in, and get warmed up! Young Master is already asleep,’ says Genzi, ushering Oshin inside the house.
Oshin quietly enters the bedroom and gets into the quilt next to Ryuzo, who is fast asleep. She falls asleep, too, in no time. Ryuzo wakes up and pulls Oshin’s hand holding it tight. He looks at sleeping Oshin with love and pain.
Ms. Taka’s salon is full of customers. Oshin, Oritsu, and Ms. Taka are working non-stop to cater to customers lined up for the New Year celebrations. They work almost through the night on the eve of the New Year.
Oritsu sees off the last customer when it is almost the morning of the New Year. The houses on the lane are decorated with flowers and banners. Oritsu looks at men and women going about on the street in a celebration mood in their fine clothing. She yawns, blinks her eyes, and goes inside.
Oshin serves tea to Ms. Taka. ‘You must be tired,’ she says and hands the cup to Ms. Taka.
‘Thanks to you, I was able to pull through! Thank you so much!’ says Ms. Taka. She nods with gratitude and happiness.
‘I enjoyed working!’ Oshin laughs out and stretches; her muscles are tired too.
‘You will never get rich like that!’ jokes Ms. Taka. Both of them have a hearty laugh.
‘This is your pay; it includes tips,’ continues Ms. Taka as she takes out an envelope from the desk drawer and places it in front of Oshin.
‘I didn’t come to get paid,’ protests Oshin, ‘I just wanted to pay back your kindness.’
‘You are a hairdresser. You should get paid! I know you don’t need it, but take it anyway.’ Says Ms. Taka; she has no idea about the Tanokura business going down. She also teaches a lesson on the way. Professional services must be rewarded and compensated for!
In the end, Oshin takes the money. It isn’t much, but she needs it now. On New Year’s Day, she walks home happy, having served her teacher and also got the pay!
She was paid 50 yens, and this money was to change Oshin’s life. She has a broad smile on her face, and she is full of hope. She looks at the sky and feels happy.
What will happen now? We will know more in the next episode, number 90, soon!