Bheela’s Blog -082
11 June 2022
Episode 81 Recap
Genzi decides to take Oshin’s tests on various subjects, starting with Mathematics! Then he gives her the task of bookkeeping of the Tanokura company. As she goes through the books, she realizes the falling condition of the business and shares it with Ryuzo. She also performs a tea ceremony in front of foreign business guests. Genzi is impressed, but he doesn’t express it.
A visitor arrives at the Tanokura House. He is Ryuzo’s father!
Please click the link to read the full Episode:
Episode 82
‘Hello, it is me, Oshin! I can’t do your hair today. I have an extraordinary guest! I am sorry. Please tell the others, too.’ Oshin makes a phone call to Someko.
(It is the first time we saw Oshin making a call herself! By this time, telephones are becoming a popular mode of communication in Japan. Most affluent households and businesses have telephones. The unit has a bell-shaped speaker fixed to a box and a wire connected to the earpiece where one can listen to the other party. The dial is attached to the box too)
Oshin runs to the kitchen after making the call. Ryuzo’s father, Daigoro, arrived suddenly. He has come all the way from Saga. Oshin knows that the time has come. She is ready to be asked to leave. She prepares herself by doing a short exercise. She enters the dining area where Ryuzo, his father, and Genzi are seated.
She brings a tray with tea, offers it to senior Mr. Tanokura, and formally greets him by bowing.
‘This is Oshin; we got married a month ago,’ says Ryuzo introducing Oshin to his father. Ryuzo is tense.
‘I am very pleased to meet you,’ says Oshin with a smile, although she is scared to bones from inside!
‘We have been meaning to tell you about it,’ Ryuzo starts to apologize, but Genzi interrupts him.
‘I reported it for you,’ says Genzi. He is now pleased to have done his duty.
‘Kiyo insisted on coming to Tokyo, but I came instead this time. Oshin! I hear that you are the daughter of a sharecropper,’ says the father with a grim face.
Oshin nods and says, ‘yes.’
‘What difference does that make?’ Ryuzo flares up; he is ready to face any consequence but would not allow any insults toward Oshin.
‘You stay out of this! I am talking to Oshin.’ Dad interrupts.
‘There is no use trying to change my mind!’ Ryuzo doesn’t stop. He says, ‘I married her knowing I would be disowned and have my business taken away. We will be gone tomorrow if that is what it takes.’ Ryuzo is excited and wants to make his stand clear to his father.
‘Wait, stop!’ says Genzi.
‘You are no longer involved, Genzi! I had wanted you to see what kind of person Oshin is, so you would understand that I wouldn’t be ashamed to have her as my wife. That is why I brought her here. But you failed to understand!’ Ryuzo takes a deep breath after speaking his mind. He assumes that Genzi informed his father to come and break his marriage.
‘Ryuzo!’ says the father, ‘How can you speak to Genzi like that! You are the one who fails to understand!’
‘He never liked Oshin!’ complains Ryuzo.
‘Did Genzi show you the letter he wrote to me?’ asks Daigoro looking at Ryuzo.
‘Master!’ Genzi protests. Oshin is waiting for the inevitable and looks at the father.
‘Oshin!’ the father says calmly, ‘Genzi had nothing but praises for you. He wrote that you are a kind-hearted girl who suffered hardships since she was little and very thoughtful and considerate. You are a good cook and know how to read and write. Not only that, you know just as much about running a business as Ryuzo does. He also informed me that you have good training in etiquette. I hear that you are good at the tea ceremony, too.’
As the father is speaking, Genzi feels embarrassed and pleased simultaneously. Oshin and Ryuzo look at Genzi with a pleasant surprise. Oshin chokes with happiness filled with gratitude.
Ryuzo’s father doesn’t stop there; he continues to speak about his long association with Genzi. He says, ‘Genzi and I studied tea preparation together years ago. Genzi was better at it than me! And he praised your abilities. He praised you so much that my wife thinks he has been put under the influence!’
‘That is not true!’ Genzi says; he again feels embarrassed by the praises showered by his Master. He says, ‘I only told you what I honestly felt.’
‘I know that! Genzi came to us at age 12. He and I grew up together. I know him best! I know he would never praise just anyone. He thinks you are the perfect wife for Ryuzo, so he asked me to approve of your marriage to my son. He said it didn’t matter that your father is a sharecropper.’ Daigoro shares every word that Genzi wrote to him.
Ryuzo looks at Genzi with affection in his eyes.
‘I only told the truth,’ Says Genzi; he now gets emotional.
‘I trust Genzi’s judgment. Even if my wife objects. I am here to do what is right for you!’
He turns to Genzi and declares, ‘Genzi, I will give approval of their marriage. I will let them continue this business, too.’
‘Father!’ exclaims Ryuzo with disbelief. Both he and Oshin are delighted to hear what the father announced.
‘Never mind what Kiyo says; I won’t let her object!’ father knows very well about Ms. Kiyo’s disapproval. Still, he wants to take a stand in favor of Ryuzo and Oshin. He continues, ‘Nobody can overrule me! That is what I came to tell you.’
‘Master, thank you!’ says Genzi; he is ecstatic. He bows to Daigoro, and Oshin bows too. Genzi starts sobbing and goes out of the room. Oshin gets up and follows him.
‘Let him be; he needs to be alone,’ says the father. He has a hearty laugh.
Genzi comes to the front office area and hides, sitting near a cupboard, his face towards the wall. Oshin finds him, and she stands close to him. Genzi cries like a child and wipes his tears using a handkerchief. He feels Oshin’s presence and turns. Oshin, with teary eyes, bows to him.
‘Young Mistress!’ Genzi now addresses Oshin, respecting her as a bride of his young Master!
‘I don’t know how to thank you,’ Oshin sobs as she conveys her gratitude to Genzi.
‘I am so glad the Master understands,’ says Genzi.
‘We owe it all to you!’
‘Please don’t! You probably thought of me as a mean old man.’
‘I don’t blame you, a strange woman suddenly barges in on you, but I never thought his father would approve. I am so happy!’ says Oshin, now smiling ear to ear.
‘It is all because of you. You even offered to seat me at the same table with Ryuzo. You said I was like his father. Your kindness touched my heart,’ says Genzi and starts crying again.
‘I still feel that way,’ says Oshin.
‘That time, you made dinner for us and left that note. You asked me to warm it up, making me feel needed. That warmed my heart up for you. I don’t have to worry about the young Master with you here. Please take good care of our young Master.’ Genzi observed each of Oshin’s actions. Oshin’s kindness changed him. He sobs.
Oshin bows again to him, thanking him profusely.
There is a sound of loud laughter at the Tanokura house. Daigoro, Ryuzo, and Genzi enjoy their drink while sitting at the same table. Oshin brings a tray with bowls of meals, and she places it in front of the father.
‘What is this?’ asks Daigoro looking at the dish Oshin just served.
‘We make this food for our festivals. I don’t know if you will like it or not,’ says Oshin.
‘It is quite good!’ he says, appreciating, ‘a wife needs to know how to cook. You don’t want lousy food three times a day.’ He has a hearty laugh at his own joke. Ryuzo and Genzi laugh animatedly under the influence of alcohol!
‘I feel so sorry for our Master. His wife is good at running the business but can’t cook well!’ Genzi now gets some courage to joke with the other two men. Oshin quietly picks up the dishes and returns to the kitchen.
‘I get fed the same food every day. She is terrible!’ says the father.
‘Father, you are crossing the line,’ warns Ryuzo with a smile.
‘I need to complain once in a while,’ as Daigoro speaks, Genzi and Ryuzo laugh out loud.
‘You have this cute young wife,’ says Daigoro, calling out, ‘Oshin, come and join us!’
‘I can’t drink,’ says Oshin shyly. She takes out bottles from the icebox and serves them.
‘One can only find such cute wives in Tokyo,’ the father comments and looks at Ryuzo. He says, ‘Ryuzo, I gave you the money to run this business because I wanted you to be independent. This is the best I can do for my third son. Don’t worry about us. Go on your own way. Build up this business and be happy in Tokyo. You and Oshin both can become Tokyo people. We should hold a ceremony in Saga, but since you will live in Tokyo, that is unnecessary. Just remember to be good to your friends in Tokyo. This is my present to you!’ he takes out an envelope from his dress pocket and hands it to Oshin. He says, ‘Treat your friends to a party!’
‘We couldn’t possibly accept,’ says Oshin, hesitating.
‘This is from my heart, Oshin!’ he insists and says, ‘you don’t have to thank Kiyo!’ he smiles with mischief.
‘Thank you very much,’ Oshin accepts with a smile and bows.
‘He keeps money secrets from his wife,’ comments Genzi, ‘you will get him in trouble if you tell his wife!’
‘You talk too much when you are drunk, Genzi!’ the father gives a mock rebuke to Genzi.
All the men laugh at this joke, and Oshin joins them with a smile on her face.
‘Good, now I can return to Saga knowing you are in good hands,’ says Daigoro.
Genzi gets up and sits formally. Looking at Oshin, he says, ‘I will be going home to Saga, too.’
Oshin protests, but Genzi continues, ‘My job here is over. I am getting too old. I would be in your way.’
‘You are drunk,’ says Oshin; she assumes a role of a mother!
‘I haven’t had much! I feel safe with you here. There is nothing left for me to do here,’ says Genzi; there is relief in his voice.
‘I will leave if you won’t stay,’ pleads Oshin, ‘I don’t want to be here without you! Genzi, if you don’t dislike me, then please stay. I beg of you!’
‘Genzi, please stay, for Oshin’s sake,’ Ryuzo speaks up.
Genzi starts sobbing again, out of the immense joy of his life!
‘Telegram,’ a postman is at the front door of the Tanokura house. ‘Telegram!!’ he calls out.
Oshin hands over the money packet to Ryuzo given to her by Daigoro. Ryuzo touches the envelope to his forehead.
(This gesture is so much similar to the one done in India. When we receive any gift in the form of cash, we touch it to the forehead with respect and gratitude; it always amazes me to observe the similarities in the cultures!!)
‘Is Oshin Tanimura here?’ the postman asks. (Oshin’s last name is Tanimura)
‘Yes, that’s me,’ replies Oshin.
‘Your landlord told me that you have moved here.’
‘I am sorry for the trouble,’ says Oshin as she signs the form for receiving the telegram. She thanks the postman and closes the door.
Her face turns ash reading the telegram.
Her father is near death in Yamagata. Oshin’s sense of joy suddenly disappears. She clutches the telegram in her fist, and her knees feel weak. She sits on the floor. Genzi comes out to see her.
What will happen now? Oshin may have to visit her home. She is worried as she hasn’t informed her parents of her marriage yet!
We will find more in the next episode, number 83, soon!