Bheela’s Blog -081
04 June 2022
Episode 80 Recap
Oshin starts her married life at the Tanokura House. Genzi is upset as he feels that Oshin is taking over the kitchen and household. Ryuzo supports Oshin in her hairdressing work.
Genzi is surprised to find that Oshin could write so well, and she is duty-bound.
After Oshin returns from work, Genzi wants to talk to her. Oshin is nervous.
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Episode 81
Genzi told Oshin that he wanted to talk to her. Oshin is a bit scared. She keeps her tools inside and comes to the living room to face Genzi. She stands in front of him and bows.
‘I hear that you can use the abacus?’ Genzi asks.
‘Yes, a little,’ replies Oshin.
‘Sit down and show me,’ says Genzi.
Oshin is somewhat relieved. She thanks him, sitting comfortably across the work desk, and opens the abacus box, pushing all the balls to one side.
‘Starting with 115-yen, 68-yen 50 cents, 203-yen, 51-yen 40 cents, and 75-yen 30 cents,’ Genzi gives Oshin these numbers reading from the accounting book. He asks her to add these. As Genzi reads, Oshin begins feeding the numbers using abacus balls swiftly and comes up with an instant answer.
‘That is 513-yen 20 cents,’ says Oshin confidently. Although she didn’t use the abacus since she left Sakata, the flow comes easily to her once she begins!
‘Now for the subtraction and addition, starting with, 246-yen plus 137-yen 40 cents minus 251-yen 30 cents, plus 98-yen 50 cents minus 119-yen 20 cents,’ Genzi reads faster, not giving Oshin enough time. But Oshin is quicker than he thinks!
‘That is 111-yen 40 cents!’ pat comes a reply from Oshin.
Genzi nods; he is impressed but doesn’t show it.
‘You can also keep books?’ he asks her.
‘I can make notations in the books,’ replies Oshin, remaining humble.
‘I know you are busy, but could you keep our account books?’ Genzi wants to test her more; he continues, ‘I will give you the previous day’s totals in the morning. Please enter them in the books.’
‘Yes,’ says Oshin; she is somewhat puzzled, but she is enthusiastic about helping Ryuzo in his business.
‘You may go to sleep now; I will wait up for our Master,’ Genzi yawns and talks to Oshin in a manner, as if she is another worker.
Oshin ignores the rudeness; she bows to him and proceeds to the kitchen. She begins her stitching work.
‘Welcome home!’ says Genzi to Ryuzo as he enters. Oshin hears his voice and starts to get up but thinking about Genzi, she continues her stitching work.
‘Welcome home!’ Oshin says as Ryuzo comes to the kitchen area. ‘
‘Working again?’ Ryuzo greets Oshin lovingly and sits across the table.
‘You are still up?’ Genzi is surprised to see Oshin awake. He says, ‘I was going to make him tea.’
‘I will make it,’ says Oshin.
‘Maybe he needs some snacks,’ Genzi demonstrates that he knows Ryuzo’s needs better.
‘I have tea and rice ready right here!’ says Oshin removing the cloth cover.
‘Genzi, I told you, Oshin will take care of me,’ reminds Ryuzo.
‘Please join us for tea,’ Oshin requests Genzi. He is upset by Ryuzo’s remark.
‘I am going to bed,’ says Genzi, getting up.
‘Thank you for staying up so late,’ says Oshin.
Genzi leaves, closing the partition door behind him. Oshin brings tea for Ryuzo and tells him, ‘You shouldn’t say such things to him. I feel sorry for him; he loves you very much.’
‘I know that,’ says Ryuzo.
‘So, stop telling him he doesn’t have to help,’ Oshin feels, and she wants Ryuzo to take it easy.
‘I wanted Genzi to be able to understand you. But I guess it is the other way around now.’
‘We will work on it, a little bit, one at a time.’ Oshin says with a smile as she hands over the teacup to Ryuzo.
‘Have you bathed? The public bath is nearby. Why didn’t Genzi tell you?’ says Ryuzo; he does his best to make Oshin comfortable in the new environment. Most apartment houses do not have their own private bath; instead, they use the nearby public baths.
‘Genzi, we are going to the bath!’ Ryuzo calls out to Genzi; he comes out wearing a Kimono. He takes Oshin with him to the public bath.
‘Please watch the house; we will be back soon,’ says Oshin.
Genzi opens the door slightly and peeps to look at the new couple. He is happy for his Master but anxious for his own position in the household!
‘What is that for?’ Ryuzo questions Genzi; he is upset about Genzi loading Oshin with bookkeeping work.
‘I am having Oshin keep the books,’ Genzi replies as Oshin looks on.
‘A woman couldn’t possibly do it!’ says Ryuzo, his temper rising.
‘Then she is not fit to be a merchant’s wife.’ Genzi replies; it appears that he has some plans.
‘I do not want Oshin to do it. We will be removed from this business soon anyway!’ Ryuzo remembers his mother’s disapproval of Oshin.
‘I agreed to do it,’ says Oshin; she tries to defend Genzi.
‘Are you going against me? Genzi is just trying to find faults with you! He wants to disqualify you as my wife. Don’t fall for his trap!’ Ryuzo tries to warn Oshin.
‘He wouldn’t do such a thing,’ says Oshin.
‘Genzi hates you, you know that!’ Ryuzo warns Oshin again.
As Oshin tries to protest, Ryuzo gets further upset, and he tells her, ‘If you refuse to listen to me, then do as you please!’ Ryuzo leaves the room, thumping the desk with his fist.
Oshin tries to pacify Genzi and says, ‘He is upset, don’t be angry with him.’
‘These are yesterday’s transactions; put them in order,’ says Genzi to Oshin, handing her over the stack of bills. He is testing Oshin in various ways. Oshin tries her best to balance the situation.
Oshin sits in the dining area with all the books. She studies them carefully.
‘Are you still at it? Forget about the books,’ Ryuzo enters and sits close to Oshin. He says, ‘do not bother about Genzi; I still love you! There is no need to torture yourself.’ Oshin is engrossed in the books. She doesn’t seem to listen to Ryuzo. Ryuzo pulls her close to him by putting his arms around Oshin’s shoulders, lovingly startling her.
‘You have been letting Genzi take care of all the business matters?’ Oshin asks Ryuzo; she seems concerned by looking at the accounting books.
‘He does all the accounting; I simply sell the goods. What is the matter?’ says Ryuzo looking at Oshin’s worried expressions.
Oshin releases herself from Ryuzo’s grip and goes to Genzi with the books.
‘I know it is not my place to say this, but your books are not in order. The business does sell a lot of fabric. And your earnings are big because you mark up by 20 percent. But your accounts receivable is barely half collected. That is no way to do business. I noted some accounts outstanding for over a year! Think of the interest income you are losing! The business only looks good on paper. Actually, you are just ruining your own business.’ Oshin says all of these in one go to Genzi. With her training by Ms. Kuni at Sakata, Oshin has developed a great business sense. She understands that lack of outstanding collection is significantly impacting their business.
Genzi listens to her carefully but maintains a stern face.
‘I understand that!’ says Genzi.
‘You know about it?’ Oshin is alarmed, and she exclaims with concern.
‘Your husband has his own idea,’ says Genzi; he avoids looking at Oshin directly.
‘Yes, but,’ Oshin protests.
‘Even if you are his wife, a woman shouldn’t speak up about business. All I asked was that you balance the books. I never asked you for your opinion!’ says Genzi.
(Genzi belongs to the school of thought of men who believe a women’s place is in the kitchen. Business senses or opinions are something a woman shouldn’t have! This was the 1920s, but sadly, we still have a section of the menfolk who holds this idea, especially in the rural areas!!)
Oshin lowers her face and starts thinking. She is trained so well by Ms. Kuni in all aspects of a business. She brings her focus back to winning Genzi’s approval. She bows to him and leaves. She can see from the books that the Tanokura company is in trouble. Ryuzo is too easy-going at this trade. He can go bankrupt unless he collects the outstanding receipts. Oshin also thinks it is silly to get excited over it when they will be thrown out of the business soon. She continues doing the household chores with dedication. She decides not to bother about the company at this time and starts enjoying her domestic life. She feels better! She also maintains her resolve to continue doing her hairdressing job.
Oshin returns home after completing her house calls for the day. She is happy, and does a little dance as she enters. As soon as she opens the door, Genzi springs up from his desk.
‘Welcome home!’ Genzi greets her and comes close to her with anxiety. He asks, ‘Oshin, can you do a tea ceremony? You know otemae?
(Otemae in Japanese means formal tea ceremony)
‘A little!’ says Oshin; she is taken aback.
‘Master is out entertaining some English people. They want to see the Japanese tea ceremony! So, he wants you to reach there right away,’ Genzi is in a hurry and says all of these to Oshin to alert her.
‘He wants me there?’ Oshin is in shock.
‘They have all the tea things ready there,’ says Genzi.
‘I couldn’t do that,’ Oshin protests; she hasn’t practiced the tea making for a long time now, so she doesn’t feel confident.
‘These are important foreigners for our business! We can’t be put to shame,’ Genzi insists. He then tricks Oshin by saying, ‘maybe one of the geishas knows how to do it. I will just call for a geisha,’ Genzi reaches the telephone and pretends to make a call.
‘I will do it,’ Oshin rushes to him to stop making a call. She agrees, saying, ‘anything a geisha can do, I can do, too!’ she rises to the occasion!
‘Geishas get training in these ceremonies,’ says Genzi and still tries to make a phone call.
‘I was asked to come by my husband, so I will go!’ declares Oshin.
‘Don’t you go embarrassing young Master!’ warns Genzi. Oshin turns and runs. Genzi tries to stop her. When she is gone, Genzi mutters, ‘She sure is strong-willed.’
‘It is me, Oshin.’ Says Oshin. She arrives with Genzi at the restaurant and waits outside the door. She enters and bows to the guests.
A British couple is seated in a room. Ryuzo is there too. They welcome Oshin, and she bows in greeting.
‘This is my wife,’ Ryuzo introduces Oshin.
‘Your wife?’ asks the lady guest.
‘How do you do? I am Oshin,’ says Oshin, bowing politely.
‘John Fox! This is my wife, Catherine.’ Says the man introducing himself and his wife.
‘When I told them you could do the tea ceremony, they insisted that I sent for you,’ whispers Ryuzo to Oshin. Oshin bows to them and shifts towards her back to begin the ceremony.
‘You shouldn’t have brought it up!’ Genzi sits behind Ryuzo, close to the door, and he warns Ryuzo.
‘It just slipped out,’ says Ryuzo in a hushed tone.
‘Let me serve you tea,’ says Oshin; she begins the ceremony.
‘How wonderful!’ says Catherine looking at her husband; both are mesmerized to see Oshin performing the tea-making ceremony. Genzi looks at Oshin with wide eyes as Oshin carries out with the grace and precision of a ballet dancer!
Ms. Kuni had taught Oshin everything, even tea-ceremony! Oshin hadn’t performed it in years, but one never forgets such things. Oshin puts her mind to it. Ryuzo and Genzi are impressed, too.
‘You sure helped me out tonight!’ says Ryuzo, delighted; he and Oshin are taking tea at home in the dining area. Oshin serves him homemade tea with a smile! Ryuzo continues, ‘they were so happy. Mr. Fox wants us to market his wool. They are one of the top wool dealers in England. Foreigners take good care of their wives. People trust a man with a fine wife. You made me look excellent.’ Ryuzo shares his feelings with Oshin openly. He is a carefree person, but he is a visionary, too, ahead of his time. He has progressive thoughts.
‘You are funny! We are going to be thrown out soon,’ Oshin reminds him.
‘I keep forgetting,’ laughs Ryuzo as he says, ‘I hope I get his contract before we have to leave this place.’
‘Even if the business goes to someone else?’ says Oshin.
‘I am just doing it for myself,’ says Ryuzo proudly.
‘Why is Genzi in a bad mood?’ asks Oshin to change the topic. She understands that Ryuzo is attached to the business, and it will be painful for him to give this away. Oshin continues, ‘Genzi didn’t say a word all night.’
‘Too bad that he never got to see the good in you,’ Ryuzo puts his head down. He earnestly wants Genzi to appreciate Oshin and get along with her.
Ryuzo offers a piece of sweet to Oshin! She shares a bite happily. She laughs with Ryuzo. These are some of her precious moments.
Oshin also feels that it is time that they leave this place. She doesn’t want to keep their marriage a secret from Ryuzo’s parents. It is a burden on her. Meanwhile, Genzi is writing a letter very seriously.
Then one day, a man comes to the Tanokura factory. He is elderly with a pleasant face, wearing fine clothes and a hat. He dumps his bag on the table, making a sound.
Genzi looks at him with a mischievous smile. Ryuzo is shocked to see him! Oshin is totally confused as she is ready to leave for her house calls.
‘Father!’ exclaims Ryuzo; he is stunned to see his dad.
His dad gives a huge smile under his thick moustache and nods! He is Mr. Daigoro Tanokura, Ryuzo’s father. He just arrived from Saga to Tokyo.
Oshin’s face turns white with fear.
What will happen now? Why has the father come to Tokyo?
We will know more in the next episode, number 82, soon!