Bheela’s Blog -073
09 April 2022
Episode 72 Recap
Japan’s economy started going down in the 1920s, but Ryuzo’s Tanokura fabric store is still doing good. His mother arrives from Saga to fix his marriage with a girl of her choice. Oshin comes to do Hairstyle for Ryuzo’s mom, and she praises Oshin’s work. Ryuzo tells his mother that he wants to marry Oshin; this upsets the mother.
Oshin is unaware of the situation. She has Kota in her mind!
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Episode 73
Oshin is out on a house call. It is all part of her daily routine. She visits the café and starts doing the hair of one of Someko’s friends.
‘With all the letters I sent out, I hardly got any of my customers back. Maybe just enough to cover half the money for having the letters written,’ says Someko; she is worried.
‘The economy really is bad, isn’t it?’ says young Oyae. All of them eat snacks as Oshin works on their friend’s hair.
‘Ryuzo hasn’t come by; maybe his business is bad, too,’ says Oshigeko.
‘You sent a letter to Ryuzo, too?’ asks Someko.
‘You, too?’ cries Oyae.
‘I had Oshin write me a letter to Ryuzo, too,’ admits Oshigeko. All of them start laughing.
‘Why didn’t you tell us, Oshin?’ asks Someko.
‘I am sorry,’ says Oshin.
‘It is not for you to tell us; we all asked you to keep it a secret,’ says Oshigeko.
‘Ryuzo must have been very surprised,’ says Someko, laughing aloud. They all enjoy the comedy of errors!!
‘I am embarrassed,’ says Oyae.
‘Nobody really loves him, and he knows that!’ says Oshigeko.
‘Maybe he is marrying someone from Saga,’ says the wise Oyae!
‘His mother is here from the country,’ says Oshin.
‘You seem to know a lot!’ comments the friend, the one getting her hair done.
‘I was called to do her hair today,’ Oshin replies.
‘No wonder he hasn’t come by,’ says Someko.
‘What is his mother like?’ Oyae is curious.
‘Like the wife of any landowner, she seems very difficult,’ says Oshin.
‘Let us give up on Ryuzo!’ Oshigeko says and laughs; she gets curious too and asks Oshin, ‘I bet the mother tipped you a lot!’
‘No, she just gave me what I asked,’ says Oshin.
‘She sounds tight and miser!’ says Oshigeko.
‘That is how one gets rich,’ Someko gives the comments based on her experience.
(Somehow, I agree with Someko; I have come across many stingy rich haggling with small vendors or do not pay up service providers on time.)
‘Ryuzo is always free with his money!’ says Oyae; they admire Ryuzo’s generosity and friendliness.
‘He is the third son; he is probably spoilt! You know he is kind of absentminded.’ Oshigeko praises him, too; Ryuzo is their favorite topic of discussion.
‘That is what I like about him,’ Someko comments.
‘Forget him; he is getting married!’ the friend warns them.
‘I know!’ Someko snubs.
Oshin doesn’t care about Ryuzo. She has no idea that the Tanokuras were just then talking about her. Oshin listens to the girls gossiping, and she enjoys her work.
‘What is wrong with her? You were praising her for being so good!’ Ryuzo questions his mother as Genzi looks on. The three of them are seriously discussing the matter.
‘She is good as a hairdresser. But to be your bride is another story,’ says his mom.
‘If she is a good person, that is all that matters,’ Ryuzo puts forward his argument.
‘Can’t you see? We need a bride suitable for the Tanokura house!’ mom says and laughs sarcastically.
‘Who cares about that? We are just Saga farmers!’ says Ryuzo; he is against the false pride some people carry about themselves.
‘How dare you talk like that! We were one of the very few who were allowed to have family names!’ mother’s ego is hurt, and she shouts at Ryuzo.
‘The Meiji period is over; it is the ninth year of Taisho, the era of democracy!’ Ryuzo tries to reason out. He says, ‘I am the third son and independent. I don’t want to be tied down to the family name!’
‘You are still a Tanokura; I won’t let you do as you please. You got her to come here so I could see her! How disgusting!’ mom seems to be an authoritarian and stuck in her ego.
‘I didn’t choose her on impulse. I know that she is the only one who can help me throughout my life. I have known many women here in Tokyo and have fallen in love. But Oshin is the first girl I want to marry. She got me thinking about marriage!’ Ryuzo is genuine in his ways as he tries to convince his mom.
The mother remains sarcastic; she looks at Genzi and says, ‘It is gone to his head! It is no use talking to him. She has got him wrapped around her finger.’ She fumes with rage; looking at Ryuzo, she says, ‘cool off your head!’ she gets up and goes to the other room. Genzi tries to stop her without any success.
‘Your mother is right! A Tanokura cannot marry a hairdresser. I will never approve!’ Genzi tells Ryuzo, full of emotion, and then he too leaves the room and goes after Ryuzo’s mom.
Ryuzo is still puzzled; he can’t figure out how to convince his mom.
Ms. Kiyo, Ryuzo’s mom, starts folding clothes in the other room. Genzi comes rushing, sits in front of him, and says, ‘I am so sorry! I should have watched him.’ He bows in apology. He is loyal to Ms. Kiyo, who employed him.
‘That is right; why do you think I sent you here? I had asked you to keep your eye on him! You have spoilt him too much. I knew nothing good could have come of him coming out to Tokyo, and that is why I sent you here with him,’ in her anger, she blames poor Genzi for no fault of his. Ryuzo left his village at Saga and came to Tokyo despite opposition from his parents.
‘I have failed,’ says Genzi; he remains apologetic and continues, ‘She has visited here a couple of times. But I had no idea that young Master was interested in her.’
Mom now gets even more suspicious; she fears the worst. She sits next to Genzi and says, ‘Maybe things have gone farther than we realize.’
‘No, he would never do anything immoral!’ Genzi defends.
‘He is a man; it Is possible. Ryuzo is very sincere; I am sure she put the idea in his head!’ frustrated, she now blames Oshin!
(This is common; a girl who is not the mother’s choice must be the bad one to influence her “innocent” boy!!)
‘Yes, I understand! I fell for the wrong girl as a young man. That is why I have never taken a wife. I never want that to happen to our young Master.’ Genzi remains sad and remembers his own case!
‘We must do something about it immediately!’ says Ms. Kiyo.
‘It is all my fault, so I will take care of it.’
‘We must make the marriage meeting happen. I will stay here till I can change Ryuzo’s mind. I can’t go back home like this!’ she wants to take some urgent steps.
Genzi is confused, but he thinks about a plan.
The following morning, Oshin washes clothes at a common washing area where she meets up with neighbor ladies.
‘You are up early, Oshin, don’t you ever sleep?’ comments one of the elderly women; she says, ‘you were up late again last night.’
‘I had to sew a kimono,’ says Oshin.
‘I hear you do good work as a hairdresser, too. What will you do with all your money? Are you supporting a man or something? You are so pretty; I am sure the men don’t leave you alone!’ the woman makes silly comments, and other women also laugh at her joke. Oshin smiles too.
Suddenly, Oshin looks up, and she spots Genzi standing there. She is startled; leaving her clothes for washing in the tub, she gets up.
‘You are from the Tanokura Store! Thank you for your help. Does the lady want me to come back for hair?’ Oshin is quite surprised to see Genzi at her door; she greets him and asks all of these in one go!
‘I came to talk to you,’ says Genzi slowly. He is tentative.
Oshin ushers Genzi respectfully to her room and brings a cup of tea for him.
‘I don’t have much to offer you,’ says Oshin.
‘Sorry to bother you so early in the morning. I wanted to catch you before you went out,’ says Genzi.
‘What can I do for you?’ Oshin is polite, as usual.
‘I will get right to the point,’ says Genzi. He takes an envelope from his dress pocket and places it on the table. He says, ‘I have 200 yen here,’ he bows down to Oshin and continues, ‘Please break off with our young Master. Forget all about him. If that is not enough, I will get you more money. Just don’t ever see him again!’
‘I don’t understand,’ Oshin is thoroughly confused.
‘I know you want to deny it. I don’t want to think you are toying with my young Master. If you love him, please leave him. I don’t know what you two have promised! Please forget everything that happened.’ Says Genzi forcefully.
‘I think you are mistaken. There is nothing between us.’ Oshin remains pleasant and smiles at Genzi.
‘You can’t fool me; he has told us! He wants you to be his bride,’ says Genzi.
‘Did he say this! There is nothing at all between us!’ Oshin laughs loudly and says, ‘Maybe you have come to the wrong Oshin?’
‘Young Master told us after you came to do his mother’s hair. There is no mistake!’
‘But I really don’t have anything to do with him. I have no reason to accept this money! Please take it and leave!’ Oshin pushes the envelope back towards Genzi.
‘You still won’t admit it? Didn’t he buy you that mirror stand? I remember seeing a bill for it!’ Genzi points to the mirror stand. Oshin gets upset; she had refused the mirror stand but ultimately took it with the insistence of Ryuzo. She now regrets it. She doesn’t like Genzi accusing her. Genzi continues, ‘I thought it was strange, so I checked into it; it was for Oshin Tanimura!’
‘No need to explain,’ says Oshin raising her voice; she is now angry with herself.
‘I should have scolded him for it then. It is my oversight! We already have a girl in mind for him. Please help me by breaking things off with him. I will get you more money!’ Genzi is persistent, and he bows to Oshin as he pleads. Oshin is in a very awkward situation now. But soon, she takes charge of herself.
‘That is enough! I have nothing at all to do with him. Why would I want him anyway? I would refuse him even if were to ask!’ she yells at Genzi. As Genzi tries to say something, she shouts, ‘Get out! I am sick of listening to you! Get out of here!’ Oshin stands up and shows Genzi the door.
Genzi is taken aback by her fierceness. He walks off in a hurry.
‘You idiot! What have you done!’ Ryuzo is furious. Genzi has already told his encounter with Oshin.
‘I knew you wouldn’t understand. That is why I went directly to Ms. Oshin.’ Genzi is happy with his achievement, not caring about Ryuzo.
‘She doesn’t know yet,’ Ryuzo is frustrated with Genzi’s action.
‘No wonder she seemed so confused,’ says Genzi, and he has a hearty laugh.
‘How could you do that? I was going to ask Oshin after I talked to Mother. Now you have ruined everything,’ Ryuzo says with sadness.
‘Maybe that is for the best. You two weren’t meant to be. Ms. Oshin is no good; she yelled at me!’ says Genzi.
‘I don’t blame her; it is your fault.’
‘Now it is all over. Please forget about Ms. Oshin.’ Genzi seems pleased to have done something to get appreciation from Ryuzo’s mom.
‘No, I won’t forget her,’ Ryuzo is firm.
Oshin was upset. She was angry since she had no feelings for Ryuzo whatsoever. She was further upset with old Genzi. She takes out her anger by cleaning the furniture forcefully and putting a cloth cover on the mirror stand.
What will happen now? Will Ryuzo be able to explain to Oshin? Will she change her mind? What about Ryuzo’s mom?
We will know more in the next episode, no 74, soon.