Bheela’s Blog -072
02 April 2022
Episode 71 Recap
Oshin doesn’t want to get married; she wants to avoid the suffering her mother faced all her life.
She gets a letter from Kayo and can imagine her situation. Kayo isn’t happy in her marriage. Her husband goes around with geisha girls.
Oshin shares with Kei about the first Mayday celebration in Tokyo, and she remembers spotting Kota at Ueno Park.
Hitoshi meets Mr. Namiki and requests him not to sell his land to the big business group. Mr. Namiki refuses. Oshin tells Kei that Hitoshi must have met Kota, and she gets upset by this. Mr. Namiki is none other than Kota himself.
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Episode 72
Oshin and Kei roam around the streets of Tokyo; they are looking for the place where the Tanokura store was located.
‘Where was this fabric store?’ Kei looks around, puzzled as the place seems much different from what his grandma described.
‘Tokyo sure has changed,’ comments Oshin. She looks at the end of the street and finds some familiar places. She says, ‘I think it was over there by that building.’
Oshin looks for the location of the old Tanokura Store, and she remembers how she and Ryuzo got together. Their relationship was to change her life forever.
Oshin is on her regular visit to the café; she starts hairstyling of Someko. They chat about all the current events.
‘The stock market crashed, so we don’t get as many customers anymore,’ says Someko; she is worried, just like everyone else in Tokyo during that year.
( This research paper describes the sequence of events leading to the worst economic condition in Japan. It all started in the 1920s and continued till the start of the second world war)
Someko continues sadly, ‘Ryuzo hardly ever comes by.’
‘You think Mr. Tanokura’s shop is doing poorly?’ asks Oshin.
‘His business seems to be doing fine. I need you to write a letter for me to Ryuzo. I have to get him to visit more often. I need four or five written, to other customers, too. I will let you decide what to write. Just say I love them, and to please come by. I have to do something with the poor economy!’ says Someko.
Other girls join in, and Someko says, ‘Here they come!’
‘Business is so bad,’ says Oshigeko.
‘We just need a little patient, that is all,’ young Oyae quips. She looks at Oshin and says, ‘I have a friend who needs her hair done. She can’t afford her old hairdresser anymore. You charge only half of the other hairdressers.’
‘Oshin is the only one making any money now!’ says Someko; she is always proud of Oshin.
After a day’s work, Oshin returns home and starts writing the letters with great care and neat handwriting!
Genzi looks at some envelopes addressed to Ryuzo and comments, ‘These letters are all written by the same hand.’ He gives the letters to Ryuzo.
Ryuzo is in a foul mood; he tears all of them without even opening them. ‘No, don’t!’ Genzi protests; he tries to stop Ryuzo, saying, ‘It cost them money to have those letters written! Why not go visit the girls once in a while?’ Genzi has observed a change in Ryuzo’s behavior, and he finds this odd.
‘You used to tell me not to go to the café!’ says Ryuzo; he tears the letters and makes a ball of the shredded paper and throws it into the dustbin.
‘I rather not see you at home looking depressed. A man is not a man if he doesn’t play!’ Genzi’s care for Ryuzo is genuine. He is ready to bend his own rules for his master’s happiness.
‘I am sick of it; besides, why waste my money during bad times?’ Ryuzo is thoughtful.
‘Don’t worry, you can still afford a café visit or two.’ Genzi insists.
‘Leave me alone!’ Ryuzo is irritated.
Genzi doesn’t care; he laughs, looking at Ryuzo to amuse him, and then teases, saying, ‘I think it is time you got married.’ He then picks up the torn paper ball and tries to reassemble them. He says, ‘the man who wrote these letters has a good education, but what a waste.’ He gets up to attend to the household work.
‘A woman wrote them,’ says Ryuzo; he already knows that Oshin wrote them for the café girls.
‘A woman? You know who wrote these letters?’ Genzi is surprised.
‘You can tell it is done in a woman’s hand!’
‘No, it is a man, woman nowadays cannot write like this.’ Genzi tries to argue. He also laughs to make the situation light. He goes to the kitchen, throwing the pieces of paper near Ryuzo.
Ryuzo looks at the papers; he has Oshin in his mind constantly.
Oshin continues writing letters. She speaks outs the words as she writes and adds some flowery language as told by the café girls in love with Ryuzo. She writes and mimics them, ‘I think of you each day. Please come and visit!’ Oshin has Kota in her thoughts!
A hand-pulled rickshaw stops in front of Tanokura trading company’s shop. A woman gets down, pays the puller, and enters the front door. Genzi springs up from his chair and rushes to welcome her.
‘My lady!’ Genzi exclaims.
‘I have finally come! You are looking well, Genzi!’ she says, smiling.
‘Why didn’t you send us word?’ Genzi gets busy welcoming her.
‘I didn’t want to bother you all.’
‘Where are the attendants?’ asks Genzi; he expects the lady to travel with servants.
‘I came alone. It costs a lot to come here from Saga. I am not that old yet; I can still travel alone! My bags are out there,’ she laughs, and Genzi reciprocates. She looks around and says, ‘Where is Ryuzo?’
Ryuzo comes out with a client; he doesn’t notice the woman yet as he speaks to the man. Ryuzo bows and says, ‘Thank you, take care!’ Ryuzo goes up to the door to see off the gentleman and conveys his gratitude again. The woman looks at Ryuzo in amazement.
‘Mother!’ Ryuzo finally spots the lady. He is taken aback to see her.
‘You are acting like a real merchant!’ Mother is delighted to see her son.
‘Has something happened back home?’ Ryuzo is still shocked.
‘No, your father and your brother are both fine! Your father enjoys looking after the grandchildren. I am the only one who isn’t busy.’ She says with a smile.
‘What are you doing here?’ Ryuzo finally gets over his initial shock.
‘I just decided to come on impulse. Why should I call and cause you trouble?’
‘Please come inside,’ says Genzi.
Mother looks around and says, ‘So this is your business?’; she seems to be impressed.
Genzi serves tea in nice cutlery to Ryuzo and his mother.
‘I am no guest, don’t bother so much,’ she says.
‘We only have men here; we can’t do much,’ Genzi remains apologetic and humble.
‘You have been here five years now! I have been wanting to come to visit you. I finally made it.’ Remarks Ryuzo’s mom.
‘You should have told me you were coming,’ says Ryuzo.
‘Genzi wrote to me, and I got concerned,’ Mother reveals the truth about Genzi writing to her.
‘He has changed lately,’ Genzi tells mom, looking at Ryuzo.
‘Genzi thinks you should get married. I am glad I have Genzi here in Tokyo with you. He has helped you get this far in business! Now he wants you to get married.’ Mom says, appreciating Genzi’s efforts. Genzi is embarrassed but pleased as well! Ryuzo, though, is upset with Genzi writing to his mom.
‘Why did you do this?’ he gets irritated and asks Genzi.
‘He did the right thing,’ says his mom defending Genzi, ‘You are already 27, and I am concerned. I have just the girl in mind, I sent her picture to Genzi, and he thought she was great.’
‘I did show him the picture,’ Genzi tries to explain, ‘I think she is the perfect bride for the boy!’
‘She is here in Tokyo now studying tea making with the Urasenke group,’ says mom.
(Urasenke is one of the main schools of the Japanese tea ceremony. Read more on this group here,%22%20(%E4%B8%89%E5%8D%83%E5%AE%B6). )
‘She is cultured!’ adds Genzi.
‘She arranges flowers and dances, too.’ Both Genzi and mom try to convince Ryuzo to agree to this match.
‘A merchant’s wife doesn’t need culture!’ Ryuzo argues.
‘It is all part of a good woman’s training.’ Genzi gets impatient.
‘He is so right!’ mother seconds.
‘You came to arrange a marriage meeting with this girl in Tokyo?’ says Genzi; he is hopeful.
‘Ryuzo is our third son, but he is still crucial to the Tanokura family. It is my job as your mother to find you a wife.’
‘I don’t need any help in finding my own wife! I will decide who I marry!’
‘Your mother has travelled from Saga!’ says Genzi.
‘Never mind, Ryuzo has always been stubborn. He has always opposed his father and mother. I am sure he will change his mind about the marriage meeting.’ Mother is confident about her scheme of things!
‘No, I won’t!’ protests Ryuzo.
‘You will have this marriage meeting! Do you think you got to be where you are on your own? You owe your parents! Stop being stubborn,’ declares the mother in her final words!
She tells Genzi, ‘Get me a hairdresser.’
‘A hairdresser?’
‘My hair needs to be redone. Have the hairdresser come and visit here at home.’
‘I wouldn’t know where to get one,’ Genzi is puzzled; he doesn’t seem to know about the hairdressers’ visiting homes.
Ryuzo’s face lights up. He thinks of Oshin and a chance that the two can meet. He is cheerful again and says, ‘I know a hairdresser who makes house calls. She is good; I will get her to come here.’
Mother has a suspicious look on her face, and she exchanges a glance with Genzi; Genzi doesn’t know how to respond.
Oshin arrives at the Tanokura place with her tools.
‘It is nice to see you again,’ she bows to Genzi and greets him respectfully.
‘Young Master is busy; just leave a message,’ as usual Genzi gives his standard curt reply to any woman looking for Ryuzo.
‘I have come to do hair,’ says Oshin.
‘You are a hairdresser?’ Genzi is surprised; he asks, ‘Young Master sent for you?’
Oshin nods, and Genzi feels awkward for having spoken to her rudely. He takes Oshin to the inner room, where Ryuzo is talking to his mother pleasantly.
‘The hairdresser is here,’ announces Genzi.
‘Thanks, we can use the other room,’ says Ryuzo’s mom.
As she proceeds to the other room, Oshin bows at Ryuzo.
‘That is my mother; thanks for coming at this short notice,’ says Ryuzo; he is nervous and happy at the same time.
‘This is the latest style here? It is nice and feels so light.’ Mom is happy with the hairdo; she looks in the mirror after Oshin completes the job and admires herself!
‘Do you like it?’ asks Oshin.
‘I am thrilled; I will do it while in Tokyo.’ Mom looks at the mirror, and she calls Ryuzo to see the change as a result of her beautiful hairstyle done by Oshin.
‘How do I look? Isn’t it modern-looking?’ she asks Ryuzo as he enters.
‘Very nice, it makes you look younger!’ he is impressed too!
‘This hairdresser is young, but she is excellent. Tokyo sure has good hairdressers!’ As Oshin packs her tools, mom takes out cash and gives it to Oshin, saying, ‘Thanks, this is for you. Please come again while I am here.’
‘Thank you, I will be going now.’ Oshin bows to mom as she gets up and leaves. She bows to Ryuzo briefly as she passes him. Mother watches them together.
Once she goes, mother says, ‘She is such a nice girl. She has good manners, a product of good training. I had heard that Tokyo girls are frivolous. But I guess a few good ones are still left.’
Hearing this from his mother, Ryuzo gets excited; he sits close to his mom and asks, ‘Do you like her? I am so glad; I want to marry her!’ He quickly speaks out, ‘I want her to be my wife!’
Mom turns and looks at Ryuzo; her expression changes entirely. She is taken aback by Ryuzo’s submission.
Ryuzo’s mother is highly opinionated; she seems very hard to please. Oshin was nervous in her presence. She is happy that she was well-received, and the mother appreciated her work. But a storm was brewing in the Tanokura house! Oshin doesn’t have any idea.
How will the mother react? Will Ryuzo be able to convince his mother? Will Oshin agree to the proposal?
We will know more in the next episode, no. 73, coming soon.