Bheela’s Blog -063

Bheela Wadehra
11 min readJan 29, 2022


29 January 2022

Episode 62 Recap

Kayo changes her mind and decides to visit Sakata to accept her mistakes.

Oshin gets to meet the famous Ryuzo. He takes Kayo and Oshin to a fine restaurant.

Kayo leaves for Sakata on a train.

Please click the link to read the full Episode:

Episode 63


Kayo leaves for Sakata taking a night train. The next day Oshin wakes up earlier than usual. Kayo would reach by the evening. Oshin wants to pray for Kayo’s safe journey, and she is at a temple. A rope is attached to the bell; she pulls it to sound the bell and folds her hands in prayer.


(Sounding the bell as one enters any temple is also followed by people in India practicing Hinduism. I was surprised to see the similarity)


Kayo reaches her home at Sakata with the suitcase in her hand. She looks at the building and its surroundings. The lane is busy with vendors and people going about, the same as before. The Kaga-Ya banner at the entrance is still there. She can see the front office where her father talks to some merchants. She decides to enter from the rear door.

‘What do you want?’ A maid appears; she is new and doesn’t recognize Kayo.

Kayo pushes her aside and enters. ‘Where are you going? Who are you?’ the maid shouts with panic. Kayo dodges another maid and enters the kitchen.

‘Someone is here,’ shouts the maid as she goes inside and reports to Mino.

Mino comes out rushing, and she freezes, looking at Kayo.

‘Kayo!’ she says in disbelieve.


‘I am home!’ Kayo announces cheerfully, ‘I am glad! You look well!’ Kayo says, smiling at her mother.

Mino is excited with fear, joy, and sorrow; she calls her mother-in-law. She screams, running from door to door, ‘Kayo is home! Kayo is home!!’

‘What is all the ruckus?’ asks Kayo’s father as he comes to the kitchen; he too is shocked to see Kayo.

‘Kayo!’ exclaims her dad.

‘I am sorry to have caused you to worry,’ says Kayo bowing down to her parents.

‘We are so glad you are home!’ Mino is unable to contain her joy.

Ms. Kuni comes running to the kitchen. She is stunned to see Kayo but composes herself.

‘Our prayers have been answered,’ says Mino looking at Ms. Kuni.

Ms. Kuni gives a firm tight slap at Kayo’s cheek. Kayo falls to the ground due to the force. Dad holds his mother to control her anger.


‘Please don’t; we are just happy that she is back,’ Mino pleads.

‘It is okay, I deserve to be hit,’ Kayo steadies herself; she sits at Ms. Kuni’s feet and says, ’Grandma, you can hit me as many times as you like. I came prepared. Go ahead, hit me!’ she bows her head down. Mino starts crying. After a short pause, Kayo looks up and says, ‘I abandoned you all. I left thinking that I would never come back. So, I don’t expect you to forgive me. But I ran into Oshin.’

‘You saw Oshin?’ Mino stops crying, sits next to Kayo, and asks her.

‘Yes, she told me about Sayo. I had been hoping that Sayo could care for you all in my place, but when I heard what happened, I just had to come back. I came prepared for you to send me away.’ Kayo looks up again at her grandma and says, sobbing, ‘Just tell me to go, and I will return to Tokyo. I am really very sorry for having been an unworthy daughter.’

Mino starts crying as Kayo mentions Sayo; Ms. Kuni’s eyes get moist. She calms down and tells Kayo affectionately, ‘you have train soot all over your face! We will talk after you wash up.’ Ms. Kuni turns and goes to her room. Kayo is relieved, and she gets up.


‘Your room is just as you left it,’ Mino is now excited; she pulls Kayo and says, ‘I knew you would be back! I am so glad you are home!’ Mino carries Kayo’s suitcase and takes her to the room.


Three days have passed since Kayo left. Oshin is busy cleaning up Kayo’s room. She wants the house clean for Kota, should he return. She sincerely wishes Kota’s and Kayo’s happiness together. She wets a rag in a bucket of water, squeezes, and swabs the floor sparkling clean.

She returns to the salon rushing. Oritsu is preparing tea for a customer.

‘I am back,’ says Oshin.

‘Welcome back,’ Oritsu replies.

‘Sorry I am late, I will start dinner,’ says Oshin putting on her apron.

‘Don’t worry, you are about to set out on your own,’ Oritsu is mentally prepared for Oshin’s departure, and she has taken over the household work upon herself.

‘But I am still a maid as long as I am here,’ Oshin remains dutiful, ‘I must do what I can. I have brought some vegetables for dinner,’ she spreads the veggies on the counter and starts chopping.

‘You should better find a room quickly and move out,’ says Oritsu.

‘I don’t mind working here. Besides, I will miss this place once I leave,’ Oshin feels sentimental; she looks around the kitchen. This has been her home for the past three years. She is doubtful and says, ‘what if I cannot make it on my own?’ She starts putting firewood into the furnace.


‘Oh, you are back?’ Ms. Taka enters the kitchen and looks at Oshin.

‘Thank you for giving me time off,’ says Oshin, welcoming Ms. Taka.

‘I am glad that you are looking after your former employer. Oh, I found you a room. One of our customers told me of a place. An old couple has a room upstairs. It is nearby, so if you can, come to me for advice, and if we get busy here, you can come and help,’ says Ms. Taka cheerfully. She pours herself a cup of tea and sits next to Oshin.

‘Thank you,’ says Oshin.

‘Go take a look and see if you like it. You will have to get things moving. Otherwise, your plans will be side-tracked,’ says Ms. Taka; she is a practical woman. She wants to help Oshin stand on her feet.

‘Yes,’ Oshin says.

‘You are ready, aren’t you?’ Ms. Taka gets up and goes to her room.

Oshin starts thinking; another change in her life is about to happen!


‘You decided on that room?’ Someko asks Oshin as she visits the café for her regular hairdo.

‘The landlord is very nice, and the rent is reasonable,’ says Oshin.

‘You will have more time to yourself, and you will get to keep all the money you earn!’ young Oyae chirps in, ‘sooner the better!’

‘I guess we will have to start paying her now,’ says Oshigeko; she waits for her turn.

‘Of course! She has to eat!’ says another girl.

‘I don’t know if I will be able to make it alone,’ says Oshin.

‘It’s not like you! You will be all right, and we will find you more clients,’ Someko encourages Oshin, saying, ‘we won’t let you starve!’

‘When will you move?’ asks Oshigeko.

‘Tomorrow,’ replies Oshin.

‘We will help you,’ says Oshigeko.

‘No, I don’t have anything other than some clothes, so I can manage,’ says Oshin.

‘We have bought you pots and pans and such; just leave it to us,’ says Someko.


The following morning, having packed up her clothes and minor possessions, Oshin is ready to move. She knocks at the door of Ms. Taka.

‘Good morning,’ says Oshin.

‘Come on in,’ Ms. Taka welcomes her. She is in a sad mood.

As Oshin starts to bow down to express her gratitude, Ms. Taka interrupts her, saying, ‘No formalities, you will still be in the neighborhood.’ Ms. Taka takes out an envelope and says, ‘this is the tips you have received from clients. I have been keeping it for you.’ She hands over the cash to Oshin.

Oshin is speechless; she is full of mixed emotions.

Ms. Taka understands Oshin’s conditions; she says, ‘You will really be on your own from this day on. Nobody will help you. Don’t count on anyone else. Do you understand?’

‘Yes,’ says Oshin, her eyes are on the ground; she briefly looks at Ms. Taka. (these are the same words her mother had said when she left for Sakata as a child)

‘Be a good hairdresser.’ Says Ms. Taka, her eyes filling up with tears and her lips quiver. Oshin looks at her and bows down. Ms. Taka doesn’t want to show emotions; she lights a cigarette and holds back her tears.



Oshin arrives at her new home, her own!

‘Hello!’ she calls out as she slides open the main door. An elderly woman, the landlady, comes out.

‘I will be moving in today,’ says Oshin, bowing to the house owner.

‘All your friends are here,’ says the landlady looking up towards the staircases leading to Oshin’s room.

Oshin looks to the ground, and she sees several pairs of slippers placed close to the door. She smiles. The husband of the woman comes out to meet Oshin. She bows to both of them. They watch Oshin as she climbs the stairs.

Oshin enters the room and sees all four café girls sitting and unpacking stuff.

‘What took you so long?’ asks Someko.

‘We just finished putting everything away,’ says Oshigeko. All of them are excited to see Oshin.

‘Where is your luggage?’ asks Oyae.

‘This is all I have,’ Oshin shows them the cloth bags.

‘She really doesn’t have anything!’ exclaims Oyae.

‘Of course not! She worked as a live-in maid. We figured she wouldn’t have money either. That is why we bought her all furnishings.’ Says Someko; she feels as if she is a guardian to Oshin.

Oshigeko starts showing Oshin the items they have got. She enthusiastically says, ‘A table and some cushions, a teapot and cups. These are from me!’ she shows proudly, keeping the teapot and cups on the round table.


‘You will need a mattress to sleep on.’ Someko gets up, opens a sliding cupboard door, and shows her the futon.

Oshin is alarmed at all these gifts! She tries to protest, but Someko stops her, saying, ‘don’t worry, one of my clients sells them. He gave this to me in place of a tip.’

‘Oshin, I got you this pot and some dishes from one of my customers, too. He gave me a big discount,’ says young Oyae; she wants to contribute too, although she is the youngest. She shows the pots and bowls, placing them on the table.

The other girl shows a box to Oshin and says, ‘I got you a sewing kit, a kettle, and a brazier to keep you warm. She places the kettle on the table, lifts the heavy brazier, and keeps it in front of Oshin.



‘Thank you all,’ Oshin is overwhelmed by the efforts the girls have taken to help her.

‘This is to celebrate your new independence,’ says Someko.

‘Thank you,’ this time Oshin bows down to the ground expressing her heartfelt gratitude.

‘We couldn’t get you the one thing you really need,’ says Someko in a cryptic way. All of them look at her for the answer.

‘Mirror stand costs too much for us, sorry!’ Someko says dramatically; she gestures her mock apology by folding her hands.

The girls laugh, and Oshin says, ‘You have done enough!’

‘You will need one for your business, to do hair,’ the other girl says on a serious note.

‘I will just be making house calls for now,’ says Oshin cheerfully.

‘You will soon have enough money to buy a dressing table with mirror,’ young Oyae says with all her wisdom, ‘and maybe a set of drawers, too.’

The girls laugh at the dreams and say in unison, ‘You can do it, Oshin!’


There is a knock on the door, the girls stop chatting and lookup. Oritsu, the maid at the salon, arrives.

‘This letter just came for you,’ says Oritsu, handing a letter to Oshin.

‘Thank you for bringing it to me,’ Oshin wonders who could have written a letter to her. She looks at the envelope. At the back, it is written, ‘From Kayo’


‘What will you do back in Tokyo?’ Mino is worried that Kayo wants to return to Tokyo. She asks Kayo, sounding anxious.

‘I told you, I am studying painting,’ replies Kayo.

‘You work as a waitress; you are not painting.’ Mino says; she can’t believe.

‘You wouldn’t let me go; that is why I had to get a job to support myself,’ Kayo is defiant.

‘Don’t be silly,’ grandma says; she was quietly listening to the conversation and now speaks up, ‘you don’t have it in you to be an artist. I can tell! You probably have a lover in Tokyo.’

‘Mother, she is not that kind of girl!’ dad protests taking Kayo’s side.

‘She is old enough to have a man or two,’ Ms. Kuni is quite blunt at times; she says matter-of-factly and continues, ‘I am not saying that is bad. Why don’t you bring him to meet us if you have one? Any decent man would come and pay his respects to his future wife’s family. A man who won’t do that can never make you happy. It is just a passing fancy, isn’t it? I won’t try to break you two up if you really love each other. But if he is the kind of man you can’t bring home, do reconsider.’ Ms. Kuni gives some practical advice. Kayo listens to her patiently; she has much to protest, but she seals her lips to remain quiet.


‘The Kaga-ya business needs you. We can’t just close it down!’ Dad pleads to her; Kayo remains silent and keeps thinking about what to tell them about her life in Tokyo.


Oshin opens the letter from Kayo and reads, ‘I reached Sakata safely. My family has forgiven me, and I am glad I came home. But now that Sayo is dead, my situation here is more complicated. I have no intention of staying on to take over Kaga-ya, and I must wait for Kota, so I have to go back to Tokyo. But I don’t know when I will be able to return to Tokyo.’


Oshin finishes reading the letter and ponders over the events of her life.

What will happen next? Will Oshin meet Kota? What about Ryuzo? How will he influence Oshin’s life?

We will know more in the next episode, number 64, soon.



Bheela Wadehra
Bheela Wadehra

Written by Bheela Wadehra

Originally from JBP-MP, daughter of Ajit & Basanti, sister of Chanda, Neela & Archanaa, wife of Sudhir, Mom of Tanvi & Poorvi. Works as an Engr at GGN-HR

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