Bheela’s Blog -062
22 January 2022
Episode 61 Recap
Oshin catches up with Ms. Kayo, and the two friends reunite with joy.
Oshin tells her grandson Kei that she has many regrets and that meeting with Kayo is one such. It changed her and many other lives.
Kayo apologizes to Oshin for betraying her and shares with Oshin that Kota is not with her. Kayo realizes that Kota does not love her, but she still harbors a faint hope. Oshin informs Kayo about Sayo’s death and insists that she returns to Sakata.
Kayo disagrees; she wants to wait for Kota to return.
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Episode 62
Oshin continues her regular visits at the café Athena. She reaches the café the next day to find Someko waiting for her.
‘Oh! You are first today!’ exclaims Oshin looking at Someko.
‘I wanted to be alone with you,’ Someko takes a puff as she smokes a cigarette and seems in a thoughtful mood. She says, ‘I heard you had some trouble yesterday at the Ginza café.’
‘You heard already?’ Oshin is surprised.
‘He called me about it last night,’ says Someko.
‘I am sorry, I ended up causing you trouble,’ says Oshin apologetically.
‘What are you saying? It is my fault for sending you over there! He wanted me to apologize to you.’ Someko says, stubbing her cigarette butt onto an ashtray.
‘I should have just backed down. I shouldn’t have fought,’ says Oshin.
‘He was surprised at how it turned out. He was the one who called me to have you come. By the time he got there, you were on the ground. He said he fired the staff who misbehaved, but he feels bad for you.’ Someko refers to her friend, Ryuzo, who wanted Oshin to do hair at the Ginza café. Ryuzo was also the man, Someko and two other café girls had a crush on. All three girls made Oshin write love letters to the same man!
‘Is that what happened? Now I feel bad.’ Oshin realizes that her action caused a man to lose his job.
‘It is only natural! He asked for you to come. Isn’t he good-looking?’ Someko is curious to know Oshin’s opinion; it is natural for women to ask their close friends’ impression of their boyfriends!
‘I did not notice,’ replies Oshin truthfully.
‘He said he will return the writing set you left on the ground. I guess he hasn’t brought it yet. I offered to take it to you myself. He insisted on apologizing to you personally.’ says Someko, hoping that Oshin can meet Ryuzo.
‘He did bring it by, but I was out,’ says Oshin.
‘I guess he did; he is a good man. That is too bad that you didn’t notice him. I wish you could have had a better look at him.’ Someko is full of praise for Ryuzo; she continues, ‘He wants you over there again to do hair.’
‘I’ve had enough of that place already,’ says Oshin jokingly, ‘I already have so much work here. I went there only because you recommended me. I don’t want to go back again.’ Oshin pleads.
‘Working on the Ginza would be good for you! They give better tips, too. It will do you good. You will need more clients to make it on your own,’ insists Someko.
‘I like it here! Ginza is too pretentious for me,’ says Oshin, putting on the apron to start her work.
‘I agree! Who cares about the Ginza?’ chirps Someko, agreeing with Oshin! Both of them start laughing. Someko says, ‘We will help you make it on your own! We would better write a letter canceling the appointment. Calling him won’t do. He has this old man, his assistant, who looks out for him and takes all the calls. Ryuzo is the son of a big landowner. I will leave it to you. Write the letter as if I wrote it. I have a couple of more letters I need, to collect loans. Use the same format as the last one. Just fill in the names.’ Someko has started trusting Oshin a lot; she shares everything with her.
There is a knock at the door. Someko says, ‘Your next client is here.’
Oyae, the youngest, enters the room and says, ‘Oshin, you have a guest waiting outside.’
‘Go see who it is,’ says Someko.
‘I will be right back,’ Oshin stops the hairdo and gets up.
As soon as Oshin is out, Someko asks Oyae, ‘is it a man?’ she is too curious to know who has come to see Oshin!
‘Too bad, a woman,’ replies Oyae; she is amused to see Someko’s curiosity.
‘Good, we want to spare Oshin from man trouble!’ Someko says laughingly. All of them have become friendly and protective of Oshin.
Oshin comes out and looks around, and she sees Kayo waiting for her.
‘I am sorry to call you out like this,’ says Kayo.
‘How did you find me?’ Oshin is pleasantly surprised as she didn’t give the café address to Kayo.
‘Somebody told me that you would be here doing the hair of the café girls. How is your leg now?’ Kayo asks with concern.
‘It is much better; come inside,’ Oshin tries to take Kayo to the room.
Kayo resists and says, ‘I came to tell you something. I have decided to go to Sakata for a visit.’ Kayo says with her head down. She is hesitant but somehow brings herself to speak up, ‘I will go and accept my punishment. But I am keeping my room as is. Kota might come back. I will leave him a note to come and see you. Please take care of him while I am gone. But I am sure he won’t come back. I haven’t had word from him in over six months.’ Kayo keeps her head down and blurs out whatever she has in mind. She trusts Oshin completely and continues, ‘But just in case he does, send me a telegram. I will rush back!’
Oshin is stunned to hear this from Kayo; puzzled by this situation, she agrees silently to Kayo’s request. She asks, ‘When will you go?’
‘I am taking the night train tonight,’ says Kayo.
‘I will see you off at the station,’ Oshin wants to help.
‘No, it is not like we won’t see each other again. Besides, my family might throw me out once I get to Sakata. Either way, I have no intention of staying there forever. My job is to wait for Kota. For that, I have to be in Tokyo. He is more important to me than anything.’ Kayo says, full of emotions, and Oshin understands her situation.
Oshin resumes her hairdo after meeting with Kayo. Oyae asks her, ‘doesn’t that woman work in the Ginza? At the same café Ryuzo frequents? I hear she is the most popular waitress there.’
‘She is a graduate of an all-girls school in Yamagata,’ says Someko. The girls seem to know a lot about other cafes in town. Someko continues, ‘She is smart, so all the writers and artists like her!’
‘That is the type of girl Ryuzo prefers,’ young Oyae gives her wise opinion, as usual! ‘No wonder he is spending a lot of time there,’ she says.
‘She paints, too; she is not like us,’ says Someko.
‘We would never win him over from her,’ Oyae is disappointed.
‘You are in love with Ryuzo, too?’ Someko asks directly to Oyae.
‘Oh, come on, he just has a little money, that’s all,’ Oyae lies to her friends laughing, she replies back to Someko, saying, ‘You are the one who loves him!’
‘He is just a customer, that is all!’ Someko lies too. Oshin is busy working on Oshigeko’s hair; she watches and listens to the girls, much to her amusement. ‘He thinks he is so good-looking!’ continues Someko.
‘He thinks he is a big lover!’ Oshigeko speaks up; she was quiet all this time.
Kayo packs her clothes in a suitcase. She is startled by a knock on the door. She almost misses a heartbeat, thinking that Kota could have arrived. She runs close to the door and asks, ‘Who is there?’
‘It’s me, Oshin.’
Kayo sighs, disappointed. But she is also happy to hear Oshin’s voice and finally opens the door.
‘You scared me. Nobody ever comes to visit. I thought it might be Kota,’ says Kayo.
‘Sorry, I managed to get some time off to see if I could help you with anything.’
Kayo lets Oshin in and tries to close the packed suitcase.
‘I am going to travel light,’ says Kayo.
‘You have everything you need back in Sakata. I would better straighten up around here. In case Kota comes while you are gone.’ Oshin wants to help Kayo in whichever way she can.
‘He won’t come back! I won’t be long.’ Kayo says and starts drawing the curtains. She shuts the windows also.
‘I will clean this place all up by the time you return,’ says Oshin.
‘But you are so busy,’ Kayo doesn’t want to burden Oshin.
‘I am leaving where I am now; I will have lots of free time.’
‘Thanks, I appreciate it,’ says Kayo with mock formality, ‘I am not good at housework and such.’
‘It is only natural; you grew up being cared for,’ says Oshin, and she laughs; Kayo laughs with her, too. Oshin continues, ‘I will be coming by often to clean for you.’
Kayo picks up the suitcase and comes out. She asks Oshin to lock the door.
All of a sudden, they hear footsteps. ‘I thought you were ill?’ A man, dressed in fine clothes, comes close to Kayo and asks. Oshin notices the man. He is the same, who appeared to be the café owner at the Ginza when Oshin was being roughed up by the staff.
He is Ryuzo!
‘Mr. Tanokura!’ Kayo exclaims, thoroughly surprised to see him.
‘You missed work, so I came by to cheer you up. I had a hard time finding this place,’ says Ryuzo.
‘Thanks for coming,’ says Kayo, still puzzled.
By this time, Ryuzo takes notice of Oshin; she is puzzled too. Ryuzo comes towards Oshin and says, ‘You are the hairdresser! I am so sorry about last evening. How is your injury?’
Ryuzo takes Kayo and Oshin to a fine dining restaurant. Oshin is stiff with uneasiness. It is the first time she has sat at a restaurant table as a customer.
‘I feel so bad about what happened, Oshin.’ Ryuzo is courteous, but he tries to make Oshin feel at ease.
‘You can never say no to a woman!’ says Kayo.
‘Yes, I know a girl for whom Oshin does hair,’ says Ryuzo.
‘You delivered that letter writing box?’ Oshin speaks up; she can now connect this stranger with all the past events related to him.
‘Of course! At least you and Kayo got to see each other again. It wasn’t a waste, so please forgive me.’ Ryuzo has a hearty laugh at his own statement. Oshin can’t understand why the man is extra cheerful.
‘He has been a big help to me,’ says Kayo looking at Oshin.
‘She came to Tokyo to paint, but all she thinks about is her lover, so I try to encourage her.’ Ryuzo says and laughs again. He looks at Kayo and asks, ‘You have finally decided to return home?’
‘I haven’t given up on him or my painting career. I will be coming back to Tokyo.’ Kayo seems friendly with Ryuzo and comfortable in his company, Although Oshin finds the whole thing very odd. All of this is new to her.
‘You will be back? Then I will give you no parting gift. Go home and apologize for your un-dutiful irresponsible acts. And work more on your art. A woman needs inspiration. Otherwise, you will forever be dependent on a man,’ says Ryuzo in a friendly way.
The waiter in a starched uniform arrives with a bottle of wine. He pours a little in the glass in front of Ryuzo. Ryuzo stirs, smells, and takes a sip to taste. After that, he signals his approval to the waiter and asks him to pour for the ladies. Oshin is again taken aback and sits with her back straight; she feels awkward as the waiter fills her glass.
‘For when we meet again!’ Ryuzo lifts his glass for cheers. Oshin moves forward to click her glass but stops halfway.
This was Oshin’s first actual meeting with Ryuzo Tanokura. Oshin thinks that he lives in a world so vastly different from the one she lives in. She has no idea what he did for a living. She thinks he is a silly man, going to clubs and cafes every night. Night after night.
Oshin returns to the salon and ponders over the events of the evening.
Kayo leaves on a train that night. She is tired and rests her head against the window. She is anxious about what is in store for her once she reaches home.
How will Ms. Kuni treat her once Kayo reaches home? Will Oshin meet Kota at Kayo’s place?
We will find out more in Episode 63, coming soon.