Bheela’s Blog -118

Bheela Wadehra
9 min readMar 5, 2023


05 March 2023

Episode 117 Recap

Ms. Taka, Oritsu, Ken, and Fuji line up to say farewell to Oshin. After a long journey, Ryuzo and Oshin reach Saga at Ryuzo’s home.

On her way back, Fuji stops at Sakata and gives Oshin’s news to the Kaga-ya family. She conveys her gratitude to Ms. Kayo. Ms. Kayo takes charge of the Kaga-ya business.

Oshin’s mother-in-law ignores Oshin’s presence, but Ryuzo’s Dad welcomes them. Ms. Kiyo, Ryuzo’s mother, even makes a negative comment on the very first day.

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Episode 117


Oshin and Ryuzo sit in the dining area, surrounded by Ryuzo’s family. They are both fatigued. Ryuzo’s shirt has dirt patches, and Oshin’s hair is messy.

‘This is my eldest son, Fukutaro, and his wife, Tsuneko,’ Daigoro, Ryuzo’s dad, starts introducing his family.

‘I am very pleased to meet you,’ Oshin says politely and bows to them. Both Fukutaro and Tsuneko seem pleased with Oshin’s manners and nod in greeting.

‘This is Sataro, Chiyo, and Chika, their children. There is a baby boy, Heikichi, too,’ Daigoro continues, pointing to the three kids sitting in a row and saying, ‘We will all be living under one roof now.’ He has a hearty laugh.


Oshin bows to the kids, too.

‘This is Atsuko,’ Daigoro points to the young woman sitting next to Ms. Kiyo and says, ‘She is Ryuzo’s sister, she is married, but she keeps hanging around here. If she keeps it up, they will probably divorce her!’

‘She is married into the Yamane family, but we take good care of her. They should thank us instead of complaining. We give her presents to take back to them, too!’ Kiyo comes to the defense of her daughter.

‘You have always been easy on Atsuko,’ says Ryuzo, laughing, and takes a sip from his cup of tea.

‘I just do what is proper, that is all.’ Says Kiyo; she does not spare her elder daughter-in-law, too. She remarks, ‘Tsuneko’s family doesn’t even write to us!’

‘You may go out and play now,’ seeing an unpleasant discussion about their mother, Daigoro tells the kids. The kids obey their granddad and go out in a line.

‘Bring some sake out for us; let us celebrate!’ Ms. Kiyo instructs the maid.

‘Ryuzo’s house and factory are gone!’ says the brother Fukutaro.

‘But he still has the land, right?’ asks the father; he remains hopeful and says, ‘Tokyo will be restored one day. Then you can rebuild!’

‘The land was leased, and I still owe money on the plot the factory stood on. I have no way to return my loans. The mortgage holders have taken over the land,’ Ryuzo shares the grim news with his family as Oshin looks down.

‘You lost the land?’ father is taken aback.

‘Why did you build that factory anyway?’ asks the brother. When the times are bad, all the decisions seem wrong!

‘The factory could have made big money for us! It would make us the largest clothing manufacturer in Tokyo,’ Ryuzo clarifies.

‘You sure had some bad luck!’ comments the sister.

‘Poor thing, old Genzi died, too,’ says Kiyo.

‘Hundreds of thousands died in Tokyo. It couldn’t be helped,’ Dad says.

‘They shouldn’t have left Genzi with the baby! He might have lived if the mother had the baby with her!’ Kiyo doesn’t spare any chance to put the blame on Oshin. Oshin swallows and looks down.

‘It is fate,’ dad tries to put reason into Kiyo’s head, but she does not listen.

‘If you weren’t married, you probably didn’t have to build that new factory. I am sure your wife made you build it!’ Kiyo continues taunting Oshin and provokes Ryuzo.

‘Oshin didn’t have anything to do with it! It was my dream as a man to have that factory! It should have been a success! I appreciate Oshin for all she has done for me,’ retorts Ryuzo to save Oshin from the continuous onslaught by his mom.


‘There is no need to cover up for your wife. The wife must serve her husband!’ Kiyo continues spitting venom.

‘Let us not talk about it anymore,’ Daigoro stops this unwanted discussion.

‘You loaned them 1000 yen, too!’ says Kiyo.

‘That is right,’ joins the brother, ‘that was like throwing your money away!’ Fukutaro looks at Ryuzo and brings up his old grudges, ‘when you left for Tokyo, we gave you what you had coming as the family’s third son! You ended up getting more than your share! I am not saying you can’t stay here, but don’t expect more money from us!’

‘That is no way to talk now,’ Daigoro gets upset about how things are turning when Oshin and Ryuzo have just witnessed the worst times of their life. He is embarrassed by his family’s behavior.

‘These things need to be said! I want Oshin to understand that, too,’ says the brother looking at Oshin. Oshin’s worst fears start coming true, and she nods and bows with guilt and hopelessness.

‘I know you both love Ryuzo, but there are limits! Please understand that.’ Fukutaro looks at his parents and instructs like a boss. He then tells Ryuzo, ‘You can relax and rest tonight,’ he walks off.

‘Listen to him talking like that; that is no way to talk to his brother!’ says Daigoro in disgust.

‘Fukutaro is the head of our household now. You gave Ryuzo money without telling Fukutaro or me about it. No wonder he is angry,’ Kiyo takes her eldest son’s side. With a deep sigh, she gets up, saying, ‘I will go and find them a room.’


Ms. Kiyo walks through the corridor and reaches a door. She opens the sliding door and says, ‘You can use this room.’

Oshin looks at the room; it is more like a storage space with boxes and suitcases kept around. The room is dark, and has hardly any open area. Ryuzo places the cloth bags they carried from Tokyo on the floor.

‘There is no light here!’ remarks Daigoro, who also enters to inspect the room; he says, ‘we have other rooms!’

Kiyo opens a small window with a wooden grill and says, ‘we don’t want to upset Fukutaro. Oshin and Ryuzo need the room only to sleep in. They both will be working during the day. Remember, you are not a guest here, know your place!’ declares Kiyo and sits next to a box.

Oshin carries Yu in her lap. She clears some space.

‘We have our house rules here,’ says Kiyo.

‘Yes,’ Oshin nods, bowing slightly again. She places Yu on the floor on a mat.

‘She will learn in time,’ says Daigoro; he sits next to Oshin on the floor. He says, laughing, ‘why don’t you both lie down and rest?’

‘We are hungry; our food has run out,’ says Ryuzo.

‘You haven’t eaten at all today?’ Daigoro is alarmed.

‘They came without notice; we have no extra rice!’ Kiyo comments.

‘I am not hungry,’ Oshin says immediately. She lies.

‘I am sure I can find enough for Ryuzo to eat,’ Kiyo responds merrily.

‘Make something for Oshin, too!’ says the father.

‘She is not hungry,’ says Kiyo and rushes to the kitchen.

‘Oshin, are you sure you are not hungry?’ father cannot believe it since Oshin looks weak and exhausted.

‘I need to wash Yu’s diapers,’ says Oshin with a smile.

‘I will go tell the maid,’ Daigoro calls the maid.

‘Please don’t; I will be scolded if I ask the maid to do it,’ says Oshin.

‘You need to sleep; let the maid do it,’ Ryuzo tells Oshin.

‘I am all right,’ says Oshin.

‘Then I will help you,’ says Ryuzo and picks up the soiled clothes. Oshin gets up to stop Ryuzo, but she drops to her knees due to weakness.

‘See, you are weak! Get some sleep before you collapse,’ says Ryuzo and goes out.

Daigoro approaches Oshin and says, ‘You have had a rough time of it, Oshin! Sleeping in the rubble and traveling all this way. I am surprised you have lasted this long.’

‘Father, I am so sorry! After all, you have done for us! I am sorry for old Genzi, too!’ says Oshin; she clings to the father, who seems to be the only bright spot in the gloomy Saga and harsh dealing by others.


‘There is no need for you to apologize. You have helped Ryuzo a lot! Genzi always wrote to sing your praises. He said it was you who made that new factory a reality. And he said he had no more regrets. Genzi died when he was the happiest! He has gone to paradise. Oshin, be strong; you and Ryuzo are one! That is what counts. Never lose faith, be ready to start over! Wait for the right time. You will get your chance. Hang in there, for Yu’s sake, too! Kiyo is like that, but she is not a bad person. Just don’t mind her.’ Daigoro gives Oshin pieces of advice.

Listening to him, Oshin gets some of her strength back, bringing a smile to her face.


Ryuzo starts cleaning the diaper in the backyard washing area. Kiyo comes out running. She is alarmed to see her son doing the household work. She pushes Ryuzo aside with all her force. Ryuzo is startled by this.

‘This is no work for a man!’ says Kiyo and starts washing. She says, ‘I will do it, so go and eat.’

‘I will wash my own baby’s diapers,’ Ryuzo tries to take the soap from Kiyo. Kiyo brushes him aside again, saying, ‘Maybe you can do that in Tokyo. But it is shameful for a man to do the wash here, in Saga!’

‘Oh, come on! It is my own son’s nappies!’ protests Ryuzo.

‘Don’t spoil your wife so much, Ryuzo!’ the mother looks at Ryuzo with hatred.



Oshin falls asleep as Yu plays near her. She turns her head to the door as she watches Ryuzo coming in.

‘Don’t get up,’ Ryuzo tells Oshin, looking at her condition.

‘I am sorry,’ says Oshin, ‘I am too exhausted to do the wash. I hope your mother didn’t say anything.’

‘Don’t worry about it,’ says Ryuzo, lying on the small empty space on the floor, using his arms as pillows under his head.

Oshin gets up, shifts to make room for Ryuzo, and says, ‘I will work starting tomorrow. How can I get your mother to like me?’ says Oshin, sitting up with her legs stretched; she rests her back on a suitcase box.

‘Don’t rush it; we might end up living here for good,’ says Ryuzo; he, too, is exhausted.

‘Live here all our lives?’ Oshin says; she isn’t ready for this.

‘We have no money; we can’t go anywhere else!’ Ryuzo has no solution with him now.

Oshin drops her head to the box edge and closes her eyes.

‘When in Rome, we must do as the Romans do,’ Ryuzo sits up and comes near Oshin. He says, ‘people mean well when they say things to you. Just bear with it and become a Tanokura. I will work hard to set roots here in Saga. Please follow my lead.’


Oshin listens to him, but her mind cannot accept it. She has no idea what life here in Saga has in store for them. She looks out of the small window and sees a faint light coming in. But she has already decided to do the very best she can!

How will Oshin’s life pan out at Saga? We will know more in the coming episode, no. 119, soon!



Bheela Wadehra
Bheela Wadehra

Written by Bheela Wadehra

Originally from JBP-MP, daughter of Ajit & Basanti, sister of Chanda, Neela & Archanaa, wife of Sudhir, Mom of Tanvi & Poorvi. Works as an Engr at GGN-HR

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