Bheela’s Blog -110
01 January 2023
Episode 109 Recap
Ryuzo names his son ‘Yu’. Oshin protests. The name symbolizes war, and she is against wars, but she later agrees.
Ken, the gangster, visits to enquire welfare of the Tanokura family. He enjoys a meal with the café girls and Ms. Taka hosted by Oshin to celebrate the seventh-day ceremony of baby Yu.
Fuji decides to return to her village at Yamagata. Oshin is sad to let her mother go.
Please click the link to read the full Episode:
Episode 110
‘Mother, I am packing you some Senbei crackers and candy to eat on the train,’ says Oshin as she helps Fuji pack her stuff.
(Senbei are a type of Japanese rice cracker. They come in various shapes, sizes, and flavors, usually savory but sometimes sweet. Senbei is often eaten with green tea as a casual snack and served as a courtesy refreshment to house guests.}
‘I don’t need anything. Ryuzo has given me money, so I can buy something to eat on the train,’ Fuji replies.
Oshin folds a cloth bag and ties it. She says, ‘Remember to give all our neighbors gifts, too.’
‘Yes, I will.’
Ryuzo enters the room and says, ‘The Rickshaw is here,’
‘I can walk to the station. You sent me sightseeing in Tokyo and treated me to food that I will probably never eat again. You bought me gifts and gave me spending money, too. I have caused you enough trouble,’ says Fuji.
‘Not at all! You were a big help to Oshin; thank you!’ Ryuzo is genuinely grateful. He bows to Fuji as he speaks and continues, ‘I wish you could stay longer.’
‘I would better go home before they think I will stay and live in Tokyo. If I am well, I will be back for your next baby, too,’ Fuji tries to make her parting a bit on a lighter note; she is aware of the sadness it has caused Oshin.
‘I wish you would,’ says Oshin.
‘I will work hard so we can have a new house for us by then,’ says Ryuzo with hope in his eyes.
‘Be careful about your health. And always work together as husband and wife.’ Fuji reminds them.
‘You would better take good care of yourself, too,’ says Oshin, her voice trembling as she feels sad about her mom’s departure.
‘Don’t worry, I will stay healthy for you, so you can come home to Yamagata any time!’ replies Fuji. She turns towards Ryuzo and says, ‘Please take good care of Oshin and Yu,’ Fuji then bows to Ryuzo as her parting respect.
‘We will see one another again soon,’ says Fuji, and she gets up to leave.
Oshin and Ryuzo carry her cloth bags to the Rikshaw. Fuji greets Genzi, who is waiting at the door to see her off.
‘Wear this; it is cold,’ Oshin quickly gets a shawl from inside and wraps it around Fuji’s shoulder. She helps her to hop onto the Rikshaw seat. Genzi and Oshin look on as Fuji leaves for the station waving her hand.
Soon after Fuji returns home, they have another visitor.
‘Young mistress! Our master from Saga is here!!’ says Genzi; he panics as he gives this news to Oshin.
‘Ryuzo’s father?’ Oshin is surprised, too. She gathers the clothes scattered around and quickly cleans up before the guest can come in.
‘Ha-ha! Is this Yu?’ Ryuzo’s father enters and looks at baby Yu; he has a hearty laugh looking at the baby.
‘Thank you for coming,’ Oshin bows to him.
‘He has got a good face on him! Oshin, you did a good job!’ The grandfather is unable to take his eye off his grandchild! He continues to laugh with joy. He turns to Genzi and says, ‘you are right; he looks like me!’
‘Why did you not let us know that you were coming?’ Genzi is still agitated by this sudden arrival.
‘It is your fault! You wrote and told me that the baby looks just like me; I just had to come!’ says the father joyfully.
‘I didn’t say you had to come to Tokyo!’ Genzi says in a mock complaint, and all laugh out loud.
Oshin serves tea to her father-in-law respectfully and sits opposite him in the dining area. Daigoro, Ryuzo’s dad, takes a sip and approves of the taste by nodding.
Ryuzo enters the room hurriedly.
‘Father!’ he exclaims.
‘Welcome home!’ says Oshin.
‘What a surprise! What brings you here?’ says Ryuzo, and he sits beside his dad.
‘I came to celebrate Yu’s birth! Oshin has done a good job!’ father replies with a serious face, and then all of them burst out laughing.
‘How is Mom?’ enquires Ryuzo.
‘She is fine, forever lecturing everyone!’ says Daigoro, taking out an envelope from his pocket. He says, ‘This is little something from me,’ and he places the envelope in front of Oshin, saying, ‘Buy baby Yu something.’
‘Thank you,’ Oshin and Ryuzo say in unison and bow to the father.
‘Don’t let Kiyo know I gave you money,’ says the father knowing that Kiyo, Ryuzo’s Mom, disapproves of Oshin. Realizing the uneasiness, he changes the topic and says, ‘By the way, I hear you have a new business. Let us take a look!’
‘Father, is Mom still angry with Oshin?’ asks Ryuzo. Oshin tries to stop him, but Ryuzo continues, ‘Oshin has been showing good manners and respect to Mother and my older brother, too.’
‘Don’t worry, she will come around one day. Yu is her grandson, too. She will want to see him.’ Says the father.
‘Why can’t you talk to her? You know how good Oshin is to me. Please help convince mother for us,’ Ryuzo wants his mother’s approval desperately, and he seeks help from his father.
‘I am happy that father has come all this way from Saga to see us,’ says Oshin. She doesn’t want Ryuzo to continue expecting his mother’s approval.
‘Oshin is a good wife, but Kiyo still has bad feelings. Because she had her own ideas about who you should marry, I cannot change how she feels. It can’t be helped. Only time will solve such problems.’ Dad shares pearls of his wisdom.
‘That is not fare to Oshin,’ Ryuzo protests.
‘I don’t mind,’ says Oshin, ‘I am happy to have your father’s support. And one day, your mother will approve of me, too. I am willing to wait! Let us enjoy this evening.’
‘Father, I will show you our factory,’ says Ryuzo and gets up. The father places his cup on the table and gets up.
The tailors are busy working on the sewing machine to complete the day’s job. Ryuzo enters with his father in the work area.
‘You sure hit upon a good idea. The days of wearing kimono are over! People want western clothes for utility and comfort. The clothing business is sure to grow!’ says the father looking around the place.
‘I want to build a bigger factory, but I don’t have the money.’ Says Ryuzo.
‘It will cost a lot, I am sure,’ the father says.
‘I have had offers of financial support, and I am prepared to spend all my money,’ Ryuzo shares his plan with his dad.
‘I can’t give you the money, but I could lend it to you,’ the father starts thinking aloud; he wants to help Ryuzo.
Father walks to the backyard, out in the open, and observes the plants. Ryuzo is excited to hear the offer of a loan from his father. He, too, follows his father to the backyard.
‘A man has to act on his ideas. One doesn’t want regrets later,’ the father continues to share his wisdom.
‘What about mother?’ Ryuzo is apprehensive.
‘I have a thousand or two I can lend you,’ shares his father.
‘That much!’ Ryuzo is pleasantly surprised.
‘The business will grow, and I want to do it for Oshin and Yu, too.’ The father laughs loudly and walks off. Ryuzo stands there speechless.
Ryuzo is in a good mood; he sits in the dining area and enjoys a cup of sake. Oshin joins him after putting Yu to bed.
‘Did father go to bed?’ asks Ryuzo to Oshin, ‘he must be tired!’
‘I hope he enjoyed my cooking tonight,’ says Oshin.
‘Yes, of course! That is what he enjoys most! You saw how happy he was!’ says Ryuzo.
‘He gave us 100 yen for Yu! I feel so bad that he has to hide this from his wife,’ says Oshin.
‘He has also offered to loan me money for the new factory.’ Ryuzo shares his father’s offer with Oshin.
Oshin is apprehensive after getting this news. She asks, ‘Are you really going to build a new factory?’
‘With 30 sewing machines, we can put out three times what we make now. And I will get more orders.’ Ryuzo is upbeat about his business.
Oshin remains cautious; she says, ‘Economy is still not stable!’
‘It is times like these that people need bargain clothes.’ Says Ryuzo enthusiastically.
Oshin is uncomfortable with taking a loan, and she says, ‘Can’t we wait until we can afford it?’
‘If we don’t act now, we will lose to the competitors. People trust our name enough to loan us money. This is an asset; you said so yourself,’ Ryuzo tries to clarify.
Oshin starts thinking deeply, but Ryuzo brushes aside her worries, saying, ‘I will build this business into a big one. Then I will be able to take you to Saga with my head held high!’
Oshin looks at Ryuzo and thinks about how he wants to prove himself.
Ryuzo continues, ‘I will show my mother what you mean to me. How much I need you. If I become a success, Mother won’t be able to complain. That is my dream! Oshin, I will do it; you watch me! I will take you and my son to Saga. And I will do it with pride.’ Ryuzo’s confidence is at an all-time high level.
Oshin looks at him lovingly and wants to support him. Still, somehow some sixth sense prevents her from joining Ryuzo in his enthusiasm.
‘Ryuzo said that?’ asks the father. He is sitting with Oshin in the dining area.
‘I hate to tell you this, but I have been against expanding our business. So, please take back your loan offer,’ Oshin overcomes her hesitation and tells her father-in-law.
‘That is not easy,’ father says after grasping what Oshin said.
‘What if we take a loan from you and we fail? That will cause you more problems,’ Oshin shares her fear with him.
The father ponders for a while and then starts speaking, ‘Oshin, Ryuzo has two older brothers and two younger sisters. His mother didn’t pay him much attention. That is why Genzi is always with him, and you could say Genzi raised him. That is why Ryuzo is starving for his mother’s love. And that is also why I spoil him so much. Because he was denied his mother’s affection then, now he wants his mother’s love and recognition.’
Daigoro takes a deep breath and continues, ‘I feel sorry for him. He wants to expand this factory, and I want to help him. If he succeeds, Kiyo will forgive you, too. It will be good for us all! So please help Ryuzo and stand by him. This business has potential. I am not making any mistakes, and I want my Ryuzo to be a man! Oshin, I will be waiting for the day when you and Ryuzo bring Yu to visit Saga with your head held high! Please take good care of my son!’
The father manages to convince Oshin, giving her the background of Ryuzo and his intention to make Ryuzo happy. Oshin continues to think, but she softens.
Why is Oshin so worried? What is bothering her?
We will find more in the next episode, number 111, soon.