Bheela’s Blog -095
10 September 2022
Episode 94 Recap
Ms. Taka advises Oshin not to overly protect her husband. Oshin works hard to bring the income for the family to survive; she has to also bear the wasteful expenditure of Ryuzo. Ms. Taka suggests that Oshin should divorce Ryuzo.
Someko scolds Ryuzo for spending money that Oshin is working hard to bring. Ryuzo takes it out on Oshin and challenges her.
Oshin decides to divorce Ryuzo realizing that her efforts are hurting him. But she finds that she is pregnant.
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Episode 95
Oshin visits a midwife whom she knew from Taka’s salon. She is indeed pregnant! Oshin feels the irony of life. She has already decided to leave Ryuzo. She walks back to the salon and sits in front of Ms. Taka.
Ms. Taka pours a cup of tea after the day’s work. She starts a discussion with Oshin to help decide her future course of action.
‘You can’t divorce him now that you are pregnant. I am sure you can manage to raise the baby by yourself with your skills. But a baby should have a father. Forget about leaving him,’ says Ms. Taka after thinking carefully. She pauses to take a sip from her cup.
‘But I see no future for us anymore. My husband doesn’t like it that I have to support him. But doesn’t even try to earn any money counting on the income I bring. It is hard on him, and it is worse for me. We are just hurting each other now. There is no reason for us to stay together,’ says Oshin with a lot of conviction about her decision to leave Ryuzo.
‘This happens when a woman is expected to support her husband. I have been through it myself,’ Ms. Taka says and decides to share her life with Oshin. She gets up and sits next to a window looking out in the open.
‘A hairdresser’s husband! Isn’t that what they say? It is true; it doesn’t work. But it is not the man’s fault. They might be happy to work with someone else, but they expect it when a woman earns enough for both of them! They begin thinking they don’t have to work to support their families. We end up ruining a good man. The more we do, the worse it is for the man. That is the curse of the hairdresser,’ Ms. Taka shares with Oshin all about her life. Her intent is to make Oshin understand the situation better and to decide about divorce only after consideration of all aspects.
(Hairdresser’s curse is an old proverb in Japan, meaning one who takes up a profession, their life is doomed. It was a way to discourage people get skilled and be independent)
Ms. Taka continues, ‘it is not that we don’t meet good people. We end up making worthless men out of good ones. I realized that, so I divorced my husband. I thought it would be good for him. And I have never married again. I could do it because I had no children. It can’t be helped,’ Ms. Taka opens up to Oshin to share deep secrets of her life. She is concerned for Oshin. Oshin listens to her and starts thinking deeply.
Ms. Taka gets up from the window and sits next to Oshin. To make things light, she tells Oshin, ‘Children are a blessing from the Gods. It is the job of both parents to raise them.’ Ms. Taka puts a hand on Oshin’s shoulder to encourage her.
‘Don’t leave him, just continue work until baby comes. I am sure the news of a baby will make him want to work again,’ Ms. Taka gives crucial advice to Oshin; she pats Oshin to cheer her up, gets up, and sits in front of Oshin again.
Oshin looks away as if she is in deep thought. Ms. Taka continues, ‘Get yourself together, Oshin! There is nothing better than being blessed with a child. If you are not grateful, the Gods will punish you. Cheer up, for the baby’s sake.’ Ms. Taka looks at Oshin and realizes that Oshin isn’t listening; she seems to think about some plan. Ms. Taka gets anxious and asks, ‘Oshin, are you alright? Oshin!’ she raises her voice to attract Oshin’s attention.
Oshin almost wakes up from slumber; she looks at Ms. Taka and says, ‘I am quitting this work. You have made me realize things.’
Ms. Taka is taken aback, ‘you are quitting?’ she can’t believe it.
‘I began working again to help my husband. I didn’t want him to suffer. That is why I came to you for a job. But I was wrong. I have taken away his sense of being a man. That is why he drinks and fools around. I was stupid to think I was helping him earn all our money! I am sorry to bring it up so abruptly. But I would like to stop working as of today,’ Oshin has made up her mind. She takes a quick decision, and she shares it with Ms. Taka.
‘I know how you felt, but you need to work! What will happen if things don’t work out,’ Ms. Taka is a practical woman and warns Oshin.
‘I don’t care if we starve!’ Oshin interrupts her, ‘It is the only way I can save my marriage. I know I am causing you a lot of trouble. But my marriage depends on it! Please let me quit,’ Oshin pleads and bows down to the ground.
‘This is just like you, Oshin,’ chuckles Ms. Taka; she knows that no one can stop Oshin if she has decided something. ‘You have guts! If you are prepared to starve, go ahead and give it a try. I will manage without you. But don’t give up!’
Oshin nod, and tears start rolling from her eyes. Ms. Taka has been there with Oshin as a solid rock, supporting in all her decisions. ‘I will miss you,’ says Ms. Taka, ‘do come and visit once in a while,’ says Ms. Taka, controlling her emotions.
‘Please make up your mind!’ says Genzi, sitting in the dining area with Ryuzo, deep in discussion.
‘Oshin would never agree to it,’ says Ryuzo.
‘You must convince her,’ Genzi persists.
‘If she refuses to come to Saga with us, we will just have to divorce. It is our fate. I don’t really want to return home to Saga, myself, either. And I don’t want to part with Oshin, but I don’t want to depend on Oshin for our livelihood. We should get divorced. I will talk to Oshin about it,’ Ryuzo has reached his lowest point of self-confidence and has given up on trying to revive his business.
‘I am home!’ Both of them turn to the door, hearing Oshin’s voice. They are surprised to see her return home early from the salon.
Ryuzo quickly tells Genzi, ‘I will tell her now; please help me!’
‘Welcome home!’ Genzi says; he is always pleased to see Oshin.
‘You didn’t go out tonight?’ Oshin greets Ryuzo with a smiling face and sits opposite him.
‘I needed to talk to you,’ says Ryuzo; he is nervous but smiles.
‘Good, I have something to tell you, too,’ says Oshin.
‘Oshin,’ Ryuzo starts, but Oshin stops him.
‘I quit my job today,’ Oshin announces, looking at both Ryuzo and Genzi. Oshin shares news number 1. She is yet to inform them of her pregnancy.
‘Did you have a fight?’ asks Ryuzo; he is shocked.
‘The work is too much for me. I will take it easy at home for a while. I have you for a husband! I don’t have to work. I will depend on you.’ Oshin says with a mischievous smile. She is preparing herself to break the news. She continues, ‘I will just become a housewife again.’
‘I am glad we can all go to Saga together. Genzi and I were just talking about it. Life here in Tokyo is too much. We can’t go on living here anymore,’ Ryuzo gets hopeful now; his smile is on his face.
(It is a perpetual dilemma for those who leave their small-town parental home and come to a big city hoping to find a better life. This is very common in India too. Mumbai sees thousands of people from all over India to make it big. Some succeed, and many keep thinking of returning home)
‘No, I won’t go to Saga!’ declares Oshin.
‘I can’t just leave you here in Tokyo by yourself,’ argues Ryuzo.
‘Of course not; we are husband and wife. We can’t get apart! What will I do here all by myself?’
‘That is why we should all go to Saga!’ Ryuzo raises his voice to convince Oshin.
‘No!’ says Oshin.
‘Then we will have to live apart or divorce!’ Ryuzo gets anxious.
‘Why can’t we all keep living here in Tokyo? The business isn’t bankrupt yet. If you put your mind to it, you can rebuild it. That is why I quit my hairdresser’s job,’ says Oshin, ‘we have a responsibility to keep living here in Tokyo!’
‘Oshin,’ Ryuzo tries to interrupt.
‘Besides, we can’t divorce; I am three months pregnant,’ Oshin lowers her head and finally announces the good news. The baby will come next January.’
‘Oshin!’ Ryuzo is happy and confused; Genzi jumps with happiness.
‘You will still leave me and go back to Saga? You have to work to rebuild our business for our baby and me. I will depend on you. Don’t even think about going back to Saga!’ Oshin is happy to share the good news. She is against returning to Saga and wants Ryuzo to take charge of his life and business.
Ryuzo looks at Genzi; he doesn’t know what to say! Genzi is shy and smiles at his Young Master!
‘I am so glad I don’t have to work anymore!’ Oshin stretches her arms, yawns, and swings dramatically. She says, ‘I suddenly feel tired.’
‘Please go and rest,’ Genzi says; he gets worked up.
‘I will go to the bath first,’ declares Oshin and leaves the room singing. Ryuzo and Genzi are stunned.
‘If you quit, won’t Ms. Taka have a hard time?’ asks Ryuzo. He lies on a mattress. Oshin has just returned from her bath; with her hair wet. She dries them, twisting the hair with a thin towel.
Oshin comes close to Ryuzo and sits next to him. Ryuzo is in awe of Oshin; She looks beautiful, freshly bathed with her wet open hair. Oshin slips into Ryuzo’s quilt and lies close to him. Ryuzo takes her into his arms, and he feels good.
‘Our baby and I need you. We don’t need money. We just want to be a family together,’ says Oshin, lifting her head.
Ryuzo nods and holds her tight.
Oshin is at home, and she cooks a nice meal for both men. Ryuzo returns after a day’s toil.
‘Welcome home!’ Oshin greets him.
Ryuzo is tired and lies in the dining area, keeping his arm below his head.
‘We have to pay 10 Yen for electricity tomorrow,’ he announces as Oshin comes near him. He then jokes with Oshin, saying, ‘all you do is sit around the house all day! Can’t you get the money to pay that bill?’
‘I depend on you to pay all the bills now,’ Oshin responds pleasantly. She says, ‘if they turn off the lights, so what? We won’t die without any electricity!’ Oshin is cheerful; she sits next to Ryuzo. Then she takes a turn and lies down on the floor. She mimics Ryuzo with mock tiredness.
Oshin does as little as possible. Their money runs out quickly, but she does not return to work. She is waiting for a moment when their lives will be the same as poor people. She assumes that this will drive Ryuzo’s will to exert and stand up on his feet again.
Will Oshin’s wish be fulfilled? Will Ryuzo’s business pick up again?
We will know more in the coming episode, number 96, soon!