Bheela’s Blog -087

Bheela Wadehra
10 min readJul 16, 2022


16 July 2022

Episode 86 Recap

Oshin returns to Tokyo after her visit to Yamagata and Sakata. She decides to devote herself to Ryuzo. She and Ryuzo finally become a married couple. They visit Ms. Taka, the teacher who taught Oshin all about hairdressing. Oshin is sad to know about the falling business of Ms. Taka.

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Episode 87


Ryuzo and Oshin are finally settled in. Oshin stops taking on any newer clients. She starts getting involved in the Tanokura business, learning more about it. She meets some clients and sees them off to the door.

She sits at a desk and starts reading an account book.

‘I know I shouldn’t be interfering with the family business, but it is part of my job! As a wife, I must know how the business is doing,’ Oshin starts a conversation with Genzi. Genzi nods in affirmation.

Oshin continues, ‘Who knows when I might have to take over for you two. So, if I don’t know anything, it won’t go over well with the clients,’ she almost talks to herself.

‘Of course,’ Genzi agrees, ‘I had been meaning to teach you a little bit at a time. You needn’t worry,’ Genzi gets up from his desk and sits on a chair next to Oshin.

‘I wouldn’t worry if we were living on a set income. But we are in a business for ourselves, so our money isn’t guaranteed. Does my husband own this plot and building?’ Oshin is a curious and fast learner.

‘We lease the land. The house and store were built with money from his family. It is under his name,’ Genzi explains.

‘Then we don’t pay rent,’ Oshin is happy about this fact. She goes over the books and asks Genzi, ‘Is this the expense for the month?’


‘We didn’t make enough last month to cover the expenses,’ Oshin observes with a worried expression.

‘We have been selling, but the money hasn’t been collected for the last six months. We can’t be harsh in our collection or take back the merchandise. That is bad for business! We need our retailers!’ says Genzi.

Oshin listens to him attentively. Genzi continues, ‘It is the economy; it is live and let live!’

Oshin isn’t convinced; she continues to worry.


‘I am home!’ Ryuzo returns from business meetings with a packet in his hand.

‘Welcome home,’ says Oshin.

‘I have a French cake for you,’ Ryuzo is happy to please Oshin by showering her with goodies.

‘This is so extravagant!’ Oshin exclaims.

‘I got it for you! At least, pretend to be happy about it,’ Ryuzo is somewhat disappointed by Oshin’s remarks. His enthusiasm drops. Oshin understands quickly.

‘Thank you, let us make tea and enjoy the cake!’ she smiles and takes the packet from Ryuzo.

‘Someone is here to see you,’ Genzi shouts from the living room.

‘Is she Someko? Let her in!’ says Ryuzo.

‘What does she want?’ Oshin is anxious.

‘Sorry to barge in on you. It could have waited until Oshin came by to do our hair. But we thought you should be told first,’ Someko says cryptically.

‘What is it?’ asks Ryuzo.

‘We are having a party to celebrate your wedding next Wednesday night at café Athena!’ declares Someko! She continues, ‘Our manager says we can have it for the night since Wednesdays are the slowest. So, we decided on our own. Is it all right?’ Someko is super excited.

‘It is okay with me,’ says Ryuzo.

‘Each guest will be charged. It will be people willing to pay to help you celebrate,’ Someko has already made a good plan.

‘Thanks, good thing I got Oshin a new kimono. It is a long-sleeve one with a fancy sash, too. It will be ready in a few days,’ Ryuzo is cheerful, and in his happiness, he shares the purchase he made for Oshin, forgetting to keep it a surprise. Oshin gets worried about Ryuzo’s way of expenditure.

‘How gorgeous! Just like the business owner you are! Oshin, you sure are lucky! You get to live in luxury now. It is true what they say, a woman’s happiness is in a good man!’ Someko announces philosophically, ‘I envy you! I would better go see some of our guests.’

‘Stay and have some cake,’ Oshin requests Someko.

‘No more sweets! You are both too sweet for me! Well, see you later!’ Someko laughs and leaves hurriedly.


‘Thank you,’ says Oshin, seeing her off to the door.

‘She is always so cheerful,’ Ryuzo comments happily.


‘Is it true you ordered a kimono for me?’ Oshin asks Ryuzo as soon as Someko leaves. She is apprehensive about the way Ryuzo spends money.

‘Oh yes, you don’t seem to have any fancy ones, and I wanted you to wear the one that I liked,’ says Ryuzo.

‘Thank you, but our business isn’t making any money,’ says Oshin with anxiety.

‘Who has told you we were in trouble? This is my business; I made it what it is. I have my own ideas as to how it should be run. I don’t let Genzi say a word, and I don’t need a woman telling me what to do?’ Ryuzo is upset with Oshin warning him about expenses. He is accustomed to running his business his own way, and he speaks out about his terms very clearly, somewhat rudely to Oshin.

Oshin is speechless by this outburst from Ryuzo. She lowers her head and remains quiet.


Someko arranges a fabulous party. The café Athena is decorated with beautiful chandeliers and lights. Someko is the first to enter, followed by Ryuzo and Oshin. Ryuzo is dressed in his fine black suit and bow tie. Oshin is wearing the fancy pink kimono Ryuzo ordered for her. Genzi is dressed in traditional attire with decorative badges attached to his black kimono.

The café girls are dressed in their finest clothes and flowers fixed to their stylish hairdos. All of them clap as the couple enters the café.

‘Thank you all for coming. As a hostess, I would like to welcome you all. Most of us are top waitresses in this town. We will celebrate our favorite former customer, Ryuzo! It is to celebrate his wedding with our Oshin, and we will have fun with the bride and groom. Here is our manager who is letting us use his café for free!’ Someko delivers her welcome speech theatrically and sighs with mock exhaustion!

All of them clap for the manager. Ryuzo scratches his head in awkwardness; Oshin is excited as she holds Ryuzo’s arm firmly.


‘Let me make a toast to the bride and groom,’ the manager announces. Someko hands him two glasses of wine.

‘Best wishes to the Tanokuras!’ says the manager, raising his glass.

‘Congratulations,’ the café girls shout in unison.

‘Thank you,’ Oshin and Ryuzo say together, with a wine glass in their hands, bowing with acknowledgment and gratitude.

Oshigeko runs to Ryuzo, takes the glass from him, hands it to Oshin, and says, ‘I will be the first to dance with you.’ She takes Ryuzo’s hand to hers. Oyae comes forward, grabs Ryuzo’s other hand, and says, ‘And I am the next!’

‘You will have to let us have him tonight, then we will never bother him again!’ Oshigeko looks at Oshin and takes her permission.

‘Go right ahead,’ replies Oshin cheerfully. She laughs out loud, looking at the girls fighting among themselves to dance with Ryuzo.

Someko helps Oshin sit at a table. Genzi joins her and says, ‘They are leaving you all alone!’

‘I am happy to have a popular man for a husband,’ says Oshin.

‘Without you, he would have spent all his money on girls!’ quips Genzi. He joins Oshin in laughing at his joke. After a pause, his expression becomes somber. He tells Oshin, ‘But the way our business is going, he doesn’t have any money to spend on women and wine.’

Oshin doesn’t want to talk business, so she offers Genzi a fresh glass of wine. Genzi is happy, too; he says, ‘this is fine; always take good care of my Young Master!’ He gets up with some emotions of happiness and declares, ‘I am going to drink, too! I want some sake or Shochu spirits!’

(Shochu is a Japanese distilled alcoholic drink, having about 25–35% alcohol. It is made of rice, barley, sweet potato, buckwheat, etc. For more on Shochu, please click )

Everyone is enjoying Oshin’s wedding reception party. Ryuzo dances with the café girls. The other guests also dance to the popular tunes.

‘Welcome to the party,’ Someko shouts. Ms. Taka, the hairdressing teacher, and her disciple, Oritsu, arrive at the door. Someko brings them to Oshin’s table.

‘What a fine party!’ says Ms. Taka.

‘Thank you both for coming. Please have a seat,’ says Oshin.

‘Someko has invited us. I am so glad you came over with Ryuzo to my place the other day,’ says Ms. Taka. She looks at the couples dancing on the floor, comes close to Oshin, and tells her, ‘I didn’t mention the other day because Mr. Tanokura was with you. I am thinking of selling my salon and moving to the village. I don’t want to have to do western-style hair.’ There is pain written all over the face of Ms. Taka.


‘Then get someone who can help with western-style, and you can keep doing the Japanese style! Don’t close the salon,’ says Oshin, full of concern.

‘It is too hard to find a good hairdresser to help me,’ says Ms. Taka.

‘I wish I could help,’ Oshin lowers her head as she speaks.

‘A businessman’s wife can’t help me. Oshin, you have bigger and better things ahead of you,’ Ms. Taka encourages Oshin.

‘What is going on here?’ Someko approaches the table and asks Oshin, sitting next to her.

‘Congratulations,’ says Ms. Taka.

There is commotion among the girls as Genzi enters with a hat on his head. He is slightly drunk and is wearing an off-shoulder costume. He dances merrily and removes his hat showing a ribbon hairband headgear. The girls circle around him and start clapping to the beats of the music playing in the background.


Oshin is so happy to see Genzi enjoying himself at the party. He has been against her marrying Ryuzo, but he is their biggest supporter now. She wants to be sure that they never betray his trust.

Oshin starts clapping too with the girls. Ms. Taka nods, looking at Oshin, and she feels happy, too.


The last dance of the party begins. Ryuzo takes Oshin into his arms and moves with her in the slow melodic music the band plays. Oshin dances with Ryuzo for the first time; she hides her face against Ryuzo’s shoulders. She doesn’t know how to dance, but she is happier than she has ever been in her whole life. She wants this happiness to last forever.


Genzi joins the couple at a table. Ryuzo and Genzi are now heavily drunk, and Oshin watches them with amusement. She goes to the bar counter to fill more for Genzi.

Suddenly a man approaches her. The man indicates with his hands to ask Oshin to come out of the hall. Somewhat puzzled, Oshin keeps the glass on the bar counter and goes to the corridor to meet the man. She recognizes him as he works at the Tanokura company.

‘What is wrong?’ asks Oshin.

‘I need to talk to your husband urgently,’ says the man.

‘He had a lot to drink; tell me instead,’ Oshin replies politely.

‘One of our biggest retailers is about to go bankrupt!’ The man announces, whispering so no one other than Oshin can listen.

‘They are bankrupt?’ Oshin is alarmed.

‘They might go under any day now.’

‘What about what they owe us for the fabric?’

‘That is what I am worried about and wanted to ask Mr. Tanokura.’

Oshin starts thinking quickly. She has some God-gifted business instincts. After a short pause, she says, ‘Get some movers together tonight so we can get our fabrics out of their warehouse before the other creditors! There is no time to wait for my husband and Genzi to get sober. We need to act now! I will go, too. Get all our men together! We need all the help we can get. Please contact everybody. We will all meet at six tomorrow morning.’


Handling emergencies since her childhood helped Oshin rise to the occasion. She assumes a position of leadership. She owns up to the problem and gives quick solutions. There is much to learn from the actions Oshin takes about the business from this day on!

‘All right,’ the man agrees with her suggestions; he bows to Oshin respectfully and goes out.

Oshin returns to the party and is relieved that no one saw her going out. The café girls are still dancing together.

But Oshin’s happiness and delight seem to fade. The fears Genzi expressed a short while ago are coming true. Oshin watches as Ryuzo and Genzi have a hearty laugh at some joke.

What will happen now? Oshin is worried about the business and also Ryuzo’s casual approach.

We will know more in the next episode, number 88, soon.



Bheela Wadehra
Bheela Wadehra

Written by Bheela Wadehra

Originally from JBP-MP, daughter of Ajit & Basanti, sister of Chanda, Neela & Archanaa, wife of Sudhir, Mom of Tanvi & Poorvi. Works as an Engr at GGN-HR

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