Bheela’s Blog -079
21 May 2022
Episode 78 Recap
Sakuzo and Oshin reach the Tanokura house after Sakuzo learns about Oshin’s decision to marry Ryuzo. Sakuzo has an argument with Genzi, and he comes out. He tells Oshin not to marry, so she continues sending money to renovate the village house.
Ryuzo is shocked to hear Oshin’s decision. He talks to Oshin to reconfirm. Oshin and Ryuzo are aware that their marriage won’t be accepted by their families. Ryuzo will have to start his business from scratch. Oshin asks Ryuzo to wait until she can send enough money to build the house in her village for her brother. Ryuzo is ready to wait.
Finally, Oshin decides to marry, she is 21, and Ryuzo is 27. It is the summer of 1921!
Please click the link to read the full Episode:
Episode 79
Oshin is about to start life anew after agreeing to marry Ryuzo. Paying for her brother’s new house is no longer such a burden when she looks forward to marrying Ryuzo once she finishes paying for it. But things are not to be so easy.
She happily completes the hairdressing of the café girls; her face glows with happiness and improving health. Someko compliments her for her zeal to work with so much enthusiasm.
It is late at night. Ryuzo checks his business accounts using an abacus as Genzi shows him the books.
‘The economy is getting worse and worse. Fewer people are having new suits made. Some businesses can’t pay their bills. We would better pull their stock before they go under. We will just have to give retailers more time.’ Genzi comments as he serves tea post-dinner and sits down with Ryuzo. Putting on his specs, he, too, starts looking at the account books. Tanokura trading company is a whole seller of fabrics. They deal with retailers as well as some general business houses.
‘If they go under, we can’t stay in business,’ says Ryuzo; he understands the inter-dependencies in such business.
‘You would better tighten up your belt,’ warns Genzi.
‘I won’t have much to do with this business anymore, so why should I sweat it?’ says Ryuzo. He wants to break the news to Genzi as he is aware of the consequence of his marriage with Oshin.
Genzi chuckles since he takes Ryuzo lightly.
‘Oshin and I made a pact to get married today! By marrying Oshin, I know I will be disowned and driven from this business. But I am ready to face it,’ Ryuzo brings himself up to tell Genzi all about his plans. He continues, pushing the account books aside, ‘So why should I bother worrying about a business from where I will soon be kicked out?’
Genzi takes out his specs; he gets alarmed by Ryuzo’s stand.
‘I won’t allow it!’ Says Genzi sternly. He shouts, ‘how could you even think of marrying that woman? I am assigned to be your guardian here! I will make sure that you listen to me!’ Genzi is emotional!
‘I have already decided,’ says Ryuzo; he wants Genzi to face reality.
‘You are forsaking your parents for a woman like that? You are prepared to forsake your future for that woman?’ Genzi tries his best to change Ryuzo’s mind, and he refers to Oshin as ‘that woman’ just to insult her. Ryuzo doesn’t tolerate it.
‘What do you know about Oshin anyway? You always put her down for no good reason!’ Ryuzo’s voice is raised, too; he cannot take anyone insulting Oshin.
‘Your backgrounds are so different!’ Genzi argues.
‘We are all human beings. That is no reason to deny Oshin!’ Ryuzo tries to reason out with Genzi.
‘She didn’t even go to school. She can’t write letters or keep books! You can find a better one than her,’ says Genzi; he is losing the argument and says these imaginary false things. He starts sobbing, full of emotions.
Ryuzo gets up angrily and opens the drawer of the cupboard. He takes out a bottle of alcohol and pours himself a drink.
‘Don’t ruin your future! After seeing her father, I know she is no good. She has no manners at all! A bad wife can ruin a man. Please consider!’ Genzi cries out and bows to Ryuzo. He then calms down and says, ‘I can’t leave you here and just go home,’ Genzi starts crying again. He wipes his tears with his fists.
Ryuzo looks at Genzi, thinks hard, and comes up with a plan.
The following morning, as Oshin sews a dress, she hears a knock on her door. Ryuzo calls her, and she replies, getting up to open the door.
‘Good morning!’ Oshin greets Ryuzo; she is happy to see him.
Ryuzo is dressed formally, wearing a fine suit and tie.
‘Let us get married today at a shrine!’ announces Ryuzo; he is still at the door and comes straight to the point.
Oshin is stunned to hear this sudden plan. She quickly recovers and says, ‘the place is a mess, but please come in.’
Oshin removes the stitching material from the floor and places a cushion for Ryuzo to sit on. Ryuzo keeps the pillow aside and sits on the floor close to Oshin.
‘Why all of a sudden? You said we could wait until my brother’s house is done,’ Oshin is eager to know.
‘I had intended to wait, but things have changed. I told Genzi about us. He has served our family from my grandfather’s time. He has been looking after me since I was a baby. I owe him a lot. But if we get married, he would have to go back to Saga. That is why I told him.’ Ryuzo explains his reasons in detail.
(This is another good characteristic we see in Ryuzo; he cares and respects the services given by those around him)
‘Didn’t he object?’ asks Oshin.
‘He was agitated!’
‘And you want us to get married?’ Oshin is puzzled.
‘That is why I want you with me at Tanokura house. I want him to get to know you, then he can go home to Saga with some peace of mind. I owe him this much,’ Ryuzo is absolutely clear in his mind. He pauses and says, ‘You can refuse me if you like. But I want to be with you,’ Ryuzo remains honest with Oshin and blushes as he speaks. He further says, ‘Maybe that is why I want the ceremony today. It doesn’t have to be today; just think it over.’
‘Today is fine,’ Oshin doesn’t think twice. The truthfulness of Ryuzo touches her heart, and she agrees instantly. She says, ‘I am prepared. I am ready at any time.’
‘Really? You will come home with me?’ Ryuzo is taken aback; he didn’t expect Oshin to agree so soon.
‘Yes!’ Oshin smiles ear to ear; her happiness shows on her face! She lowers her eyes and says, ‘But I still have to send money home until the house is built.’
‘You can continue to do hairdressing!’ Ryuzo is relieved, and he laughs as he speaks, ‘We will move you out of here right after the ceremony. We are going to be busy!’
Oshin laughs too and says, ‘I won’t have to pay rent anymore.’
‘Then you can send that much more home!’ says Ryuzo.
Both of them have a hearty laugh! It was one of the most precious moments of Oshin’s life, which she still remembers clearly.
Oshin and Ryuzo go to a temple. Oshin collects water in a wooden pan from a tap with running water near the temple’s main gate. She washes her hands.
‘Are you really sure? Maybe you need to talk to someone first?’ Ryuzo wants to give Oshin a chance to think. He offers his handkerchief to Oshin to dry her hands. Oshin is pleased with his gesture and accepts the hankie.
‘One needs to make up one’s own mind. I chose this path myself; I will have no regrets!’ Oshin replies cheerfully.
‘We don’t even have a go-between or attendants,’ says Ryuzo; he is accustomed to grand weddings.
‘It is just the two of us, and that is fine.’ Oshin says with happiness all over her face.
Ryuzo is happy to see her enthusiasm, and he laughs with her. They go together to the entrance of the temple building and put coins in the donation box. A rope is attached to a large bell that they pull together to sound the bell.
(I mentioned earlier also, in all the Hindu temples in India, we always have a bell which we sound as we enter the temple)
They wear no formal wedding garments, and there are no guests to celebrate with them. With folded hands, they pray to God together. Oshin thinks about Kayo’s lavish wedding, but she isn’t envious. She is happy to have found her own man and made up her own mind. She is prepared to forever protect her happiness. After completing the silent prayer, Oshin looks at Ryuzo, who just opens his eyes to look at her. Oshin bows to Ryuzo in greeting, and Ryuzo accepts by nodding. Together, they look at the morning sky with hope and anticipation of a happy life ahead.
Oshin and Kei stand in front of the same temple where Oshin had got married to Ryuzo. Oshin prays with folded hands.
‘It is as if you got married on a whim,’ Kei comments after listening to how his grandma got married.
‘We were both very young. At that time, Ryuzo’s sincerity appealed to me a lot. I was ready to follow him anywhere,’ says Oshin thinking about her past. She looks at the same sky! Kei smiles, imagining a young grandma making decisions of her life all by herself.
‘If one overthinks about it, maybe one will never marry. We were able to go through with it because so many people opposed it,’ says Oshin as they get down through the steps and reach the garden.
‘You did not think about Kota?’ Kei always has questions!
Oshin smiles and replies, ‘The first love always stays with you. If it weren’t for Kota, maybe I wouldn’t have married Ryuzo. Because I was hurt by Kota, I think I appreciated Ryuzo’s warmth even more.’
‘I see,’ says Kei; he is still somewhat puzzled, but he now understands grandma’s point of view. He says, ‘The past always lingers. We all have something, don’t we?’
‘When I think back, it was as if we got married looking for trouble. But at that time, I didn’t feel if I suffered any hardships.’ Oshin smiles and thinks of the unusual way she got married and moved to Ryuzo’s place.
Ryuzo and Oshin rush towards the Tanokura house. A carriage follows them with Oshin’s luggage. Oshin looks at the signboard at the entrance, and she is nervous. Ryuzo welcomes Oshin, and she feels more confident.
‘Where were you all morning?’ Genzi asks as soon as Ryuzo enters.
‘I was at a wedding!’ Ryuzo replies in a cryptic way and smiles.
‘Whose wedding?’ Genzi is confused.
‘Oshin and mine! She will be moving in from today. We can’t live apart since we are married. We needed only one cart to bring her things.’ Says Ryuzo confidently. He then asks Oshin to come in.
Oshin takes a deep breath, smiles, and enters her new home!
‘I am so sorry for my father being so rude to you,’ Oshin looks at Genzi and bows to greet him. She continues, ‘Now that we are married, I will be staying here with you. Please accept me as Ryuzo’s wife.’ She bows again enthusiastically.
‘We will be sharing my room,’ declares Ryuzo to Genzi, and then he turns to Oshin and says, ‘bring your things in.’ Oshin leaves the room to fetch her stuff.
Genzi is stunned. He somehow takes control and tries to protest.
‘It is too late to say anything!’ Ryuzo stops him.
‘What will you tell your parents?’ Genzi is upset and scared.
‘I will tell them later. I will tell my parents that I am prepared to be kicked out of here, but I wanted you to know Oshin better first. That is why I brought her!’ Ryuzo has thought out the consequences of his actions, but he cares for Genzi.
‘How can I face your parents now?’ Genzi shakes with emotion and starts sobbing. He says, ‘Killing myself wouldn’t be apology enough.’
‘It is not your fault,’ Ryuzo tries to console Genzi.
The carriage man brings Oshin’s mattress in. Genzi, with his entire force, tries to stop him. He says, ‘you can’t bring this in here!’
‘Get everything in before it gets dark,’ Ryuzo takes charge and orders the man carrying the luggage.
There is a scuffle between the porter and Genzi. The porter loses his balance. Oshin comes in with another package and asks the porter to follow her, moving Genzi aside. Genzi watches helplessly.
Oshin starts putting her things in Ryuzo’s room. Ryuzo brings in the last box and stacks it with the others lying around the room.
‘I have all my dishes and cups in here. We will take good care of them for our future!’ Oshin chirps; in her happy state, she forgets her tiredness.
‘I am sorry Genzi was being unpleasant when you came in,’ says Ryuzo, ‘But I am sure you can understand his position.’
‘It is only natural for him to be upset. After all, I just showed up even after he was so violently opposed,’ Oshin replies, smiling. Her happiness knows no bound.
‘I am sorry,’ Ryuzo apologizes again.
‘It is only for a little while,’ Oshin reassures him.
Ryuzo is overwhelmed; he brings Oshin close to her, to which Oshin responds and keeps her head lovingly on his shoulder.
Both of them get startled as they hear Genzi approaching the room. Genzi enters and stops for a moment. He hesitates and then goes back to the living room, letting the couple have their privacy.
Oshin follows Ryuzo to his home, but she is nervous around Genzi. Her new life starts with awkward moments. But her heart today is on cloud nine!! What will happen now? Will Oshin be able to win Genzi’s approval?
We will know more in the next episode, number 80, soon.