Bheela’s Blog -070
19 March 2022
Episode 69 Recap
Oshin is interrogated by the detective police as she is seen in Kayo’s room, where Kota visited frequently. She ensures not to involve Kayo during the questioning.
Someko learns about this from Oshin’s landlady, and she approaches Ryuzo for help. Ryuzo gives a guarantee, and Oshin is released. Ryuzo takes her out for dinner.
Please click the link to read the full Episode:
Episode 70
Ryuzo takes Oshin to dinner, and she enjoys the food. ‘I am glad you like the dish. I was worried,’ says Ryuzo; he orders some exotic dish full of protein to make Oshin feel better after the day’s ordeal.
Oshin observes that Ryuzo isn’t having any food himself, so she asks him, ‘You are not having much?’
‘This is all for you! You must be hungry after being questioned at the police station all day long.’
‘I have never had a meal this good,’ says Oshin, ‘Thank you for coming to bail me out. I am grateful.’ Oshin initially felt awkward, but she slowly opens up with Ryuzo.
‘Kayo had asked me to help you. It must be my fate!’ says Ryuzo.
‘I feel so fortunate,’ says Oshin bowing in respect.
‘Kayo sure fell for the wrong man. It has caused you a lot of trouble, too,’ Ryuzo refers to Kota. The affluent community does not approve of rebels in the country. Ryuzo has no knowledge about Oshin’s familiarity with Kota. So he asks, ‘you don’t even know him, do you?’ Oshin doesn’t answer; she looks down. Ryuzo continues, ‘Did the police ask you about Kayo?’
‘Yes, they think she is in the movement too because this man Kota Takakura has been coming to her apartment. But I told the police that she had already gone home to get married. I don’t want people in Sakata to know that Miss Kayo was involved with an activist. I was detained at the police station for so long because I refused to say anything about him or Kayo.’ Oshin hides from Ryuzo that she knows Kota well and she too has soft feelings towards him.
‘I see! You did right by protecting Kayo. I am impressed!’ says Ryuzo genuinely in a friendly way. Oshin smiles at his sincere appreciation.
‘Miss Kayo is the heiress to the Kaga-ya business. The family took care of me as if I were their own. I was raised like a sister to Kayo. She is more important to me than my own life!’ says Oshin; she is grateful to the Kaga-ya family.
‘But you sure have a lot of courage for a woman. I am very impressed!’ Ryuzo is happy, and he continues to praise Oshin.
‘I only did what seemed right to me,’ Oshin remains humble.
‘This man, Kota Takakura, sure is a lot of trouble. He has put you too in trouble!’ says Ryuzo, not realizing Oshin’s feelings for Kota.
The couple who own Oshin’s room is worried. The lady hears the sound at the front door, and she gets up.
‘I am back,’ says Oshin, ‘I am sorry for all the trouble I caused you today.’ Oshin bows, apologizing.
‘I want to talk to you about that,’ says the woman. She walks up the stair to Oshin’s room as her husband watches her.
‘People think that you are a Red!’ says the woman, ‘was this latest trouble related? What if my husband hears about it? He hates people who oppose the government. That is why I want you to move out. I will even pay you back your rent. Please move out as soon as possible,’ the woman is agitated, and she makes it clear to Oshin in one go! After expressing herself, she goes out of the room without waiting for an explanation.
Oshin tries to absorb what she says, but her mind is elsewhere. She takes out the pen Kota gifted her. She thought that she had left Kayo and Kota behind and moved on, but her feelings for him returned seeing that pen.
She prays that Kota was safe, clutching the pen in her fist, close to her heart. She dreams of seeing him again. She forgets all about Ryuzo or even the warning that she was asked to vacate the room, as she thinks of Kota constantly.
Ryuzo hobbles under the influence of alcohol as he walks towards his home late at night. He sings a popular song as he enters his house. As soon as he opens the sliding door, he freezes to see Genzi standing right at the door, waiting for him.
‘Welcome back,’ Genzi says and gives him a stern look. Although he is a servant, he considers his right on Ryuzo as his own son!
‘I told you not to wait up for me,’ says Ryuzo; pushing Genzi aside, he goes in.
Genzi closes the door angrily and transfers his rage on the door! He sits down with a cup of tea. He looks at Ryuzo, who is changing his clothes into a comfortable kimono, preparing himself for going to bed.
‘Were you out visiting the cafes?’ Genzi doesn’t like Ryuzo spending his time at the cafe.
‘It is all part of business,’ replies Ryuzo, his back still towards Genzi as he puts on the nightdress. He says, ‘Many of our customers for the fabrics go to the cafes. I am not spending money without any purpose. I have made many new clients in those cafes.’
‘That is why I have never complained before. But this woman that came today is trouble!’ Genzi warns Ryuzo.
‘She came today with a message, that is all. Don’t worry about her.’ Ryuzo says as he sits next to Genzi with his cup of tea. He is relaxed.
‘What I am worried about is your spiritual weakness in allowing such women to visit your office. The Tanokura family is an illustrious old family from Saga. We were allowed to have a family name from early on, and you mix with cafe waitresses like that?’ Genzi is upset with Ryuzo, and his voice quivers as he speaks.
‘I know,’ Ryuzo tries to console Genzi.
‘No, you don’t!’ Genzi protests.
(Saga is a coastal town nearly 1200 km southwest of Tokyo, Tanokura family is well known in that town)
‘I am the third son, and I left the family to start my own business,’ Ryuzo tries to reason out with Genzi.
‘But you can never ignore your background! Your mother ordered me to watch over you here in Tokyo!’ says Genzi, worried, as he picks up the fine suit and keeps it in the cupboard on a hanger.
‘I know, but I am old enough to look after myself.’
‘You are still a child; you need me!’ Genzi gets emotional when he says this. He feels like a guardian in a true sense.
Ryuzo understands his feelings and scratches his head in apology. Genzi laughs, watching Ryuzo’s embarrassment.
‘Your mother is worried, and she wants you to settle down, so she sent a photo for a possible match,’ says Genzi. He takes out an envelope from the cupboard and shows a photo to Ryuzo. He continues, ‘she is a fine girl with a good background!’
‘I will have some tea and rice and go to bed,’ Ryuzo ignores and changes the topic. He asks Genzi to go up to bed first.
‘Look at the photo first,’ Genzi insists.
‘Why bother with this? I will just turn this offer down, too.’ Ryuzo shuts the photo cover and places it back into the envelope. Genzi protests, but Ryuzo continues, ‘I told you, I will find my own wife. I built up this business myself, and I won’t have people telling me what to do!’
‘You got money from your family to start this business in Tokyo. You didn’t do it all on your own!’ Genzi reminds him.
‘It is only natural that the family supports their son. I won’t be troubling them again. I am on my own. It is my business to find my own wife. I refuse to have my family tell me what to do.’ Ryuzo gets up after clearly stating his stand.
‘What will you do if the business runs into trouble? You are doing well now, but who knows? You should better honor your family, just in case,’ Genzi tries to reason out. He has an experience that came with age.
‘No matter what, I will handle my own business. My brother is the head of the family now, and I can’t be counting on him. I am willing to take my chances with life,’ says Ryuzo confidently. In conclusion, he says, ‘Please send this picture back,’ and he walks off.
Genzi is upset; he makes a face out of frustration and says to himself, ‘He is just a snot-nosed kid.’
Ryuzo is in a good mood after meeting Oshin. He continues his singing. Genzi stops and listens to the song and says, ‘He is such a child!’
It is a busy day at the Tanokura Trading company. The staff picks up fabric for delivery, and Genzi is busy with accounts. Genzi looks at the entrance, hearing footsteps. Oshin is at the door, and Genzi opens his specs to look at Oshin.
‘Hello, I was here once to use your telephone,’ says Oshin, ‘Is Mr. Tanokura here?’
‘What is your business?’ Genzi enquires.
‘Isn’t he here?’ Oshin asks.
‘I will give him your message,’ Genzi, as usual, does not like Ryuzo interacting with women.
‘This is some sake for the kindness he showed me yesterday. I didn’t know what to get.’ says Oshin; she opens a packet and places a bottle of sake in front of Genzi. It is a common custom to gift a bottle of sake to express gratitude in Japanese culture.
‘Who are you?’ Genzi is somewhat puzzled, so he asks.
‘My name is Oshin. Please convey my gratitude.’ Oshin bows and turns to leave.
‘Genzi, did we send that congratulatory gift?’ Ryuzo comes out and speaks to Genzi. Oshin stops hearing Ryuzo’s voice.
‘I have sent flowers and ten yen,’ Genzi replies.
‘You gave ten yens?’
‘Their new shop will be a big outlet for our fabrics for suits. We will make that ten yen back in no time!’ Genzi laughs at his own smartness.
Oshin listens to this conversation; she is a good learner of business. The give and take process is a time-tested feature of growing one’s business.
‘Oshin!’ Ryuzo spots Oshin and is surprised to see her.
‘You are still here?’ says Genzi. He turns to Ryuzo and says, ‘I got her message already.’
‘I came to thank you for your help yesterday. I am going now,’ says Oshin.
Oshin turns and walks out of the door to the lane. Ryuzo runs after her calling. Genzi is upset again; he murmurs, ‘what does he see in that silly girl?’
Ryuzo catches up with Oshin and starts a conversation, ‘you didn’t have to come and thank me.’
‘I just wanted to show my appreciation.’
‘Don’t be like that.’ Ryuzo protests.
‘I feel so bad for the trouble I caused you,’ says Oshin.
‘Don’t worry about it! How about having a coffee with me? I know a good place.’
‘I better be going,’ Oshin hesitates.
‘Don’t you like coffee?’ Ryuzo wants to spend time with Oshin as much as possible.
‘I have to look for a place to live,’ Oshin says truthfully.
‘A room?’
‘I was thrown out of the house. The owners don’t want any trouble with the police.’
‘That is nonsense!’
‘It is not their fault; that is how society is!’
‘Come and have coffee with me. We should better talk,’ Ryuzo wants to help Oshin. He says, ‘I will help you.’
As Ryuzo walks ahead, Oshin follows him to a cafe. As they start drinking coffee.
‘Do you really enjoy doing hair?’ Ryuzo asks Oshin.
‘Yes, I am glad to have this skill,’ Oshin replies cheerfully, ‘it allows a woman to make it on her own.’
‘Then open your own shop. I will provide the funds. Find a good location, and you can repay me in installments every month.’ Ryuzo sees potential in Oshin, and he proposes this deal.
‘I can’t ask you to do that for me,’ Oshin protests; she is taken aback.
‘This is business; it is an investment! You will surely be able to run a business well,’ says Ryuzo.
‘Thank you, but I am best at house calls. If I open a shop, I would have to hire people, which will cost money. I already have all lined up to make house calls. It is freedom too. A shop would tie me down,’ says Oshin.
‘Yes, but..’
‘I make good money. Please don’t worry,’ says Oshin. She realizes that her refusal of Ryuzo’s offer has somewhat disappointed him. He was genuinely interested in Oshin’s welfare.
Ryuzo is upset; all the same, he is impressed that Oshin has a mind of her own. To make the situation light, Oshin smiles and says, ‘I know, I shouldn’t say this, but the coffee isn’t that good,’ she laughs at her own joke! Ryuzo also gets distracted by this change of topic and is puzzled.
‘You live in a different world from mine,’ says Oshin and laughs.
Ryuzo laughs too. He returns home, dragging his feet. Genzi shows him the bottle of sake that Oshin had left for him. He says, ‘That girl left this sake for you earlier. What exactly did you do for her?’ Genzi asks Ryuzo; as usual, he is suspicious.
Ryuzo is still upset; he doesn’t reply and starts to go in. Genzi tries to stop, making him even angrier.
‘Quiet!’ shouts Ryuzo, and he goes in.
Genzi has a puzzled look!
Oshin doesn’t know why Ryuzo was being so helpful. She walks back home in a good mood; she strokes a child’s hair playing in the lane. She even considers his attention a bother. She just wants to make some money to send her family back home.
Is Ryuzo in love with Oshin? Oshin is not, but she has somehow started opening up with Ryuzo in a friendly way. Where will this lead to?
We will know more in the next Episode, no 71, coming soon.