Bheela’s Blog -066
19 February 2022
Episode 65 Recap
Ms. Kuni is getting better; she is enthusiastic as Kayo has agreed to marry the man, she chose for her.
Oshin gives a Kimono as a gift to Ms. Taka and sends 20 yens to her mother. She has earned 47 yens and 65 cents in a month on her own.
Kayo wants to wait for Kota until the day of her wedding; she calls Oshin at Ryuzo’s office telephone. Oshin gets to see Ryuzo’s clothing business.
Oshin goes to clean Kayo’s room, and she comes face to face with Kota.
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Episode 66
Oshin and her grandson visit a restaurant in Tokyo. It looks like a fine one with the wealthy of the city arriving in fancy cars.
Oshin starts drinking alcoholic drink sake. She remembers her past and is extremely sad about her decisions. Kei looks at grandma, puzzled. She speaks out all that has been hidden in her heart for many years.
‘Why did I have to run into Kota again? If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have had to suffer as I did.’ Her voice isn’t stable, she says with deep regret.
A waiter comes and places another glass of sake. She gulps it down in one go. Kei protests, but she doesn’t listen and puts the empty glass on the table.
‘I ruined Kayo’s life. Her whole life!’ Oshin sobs and keeps her head down on the table. Kei is perplexed.
‘I see, Kayo has gone back home?’ Kota asks Oshin. He checks by opening the curtain slightly. He wants to ensure that he isn’t being followed. He draws the curtains and continues, ‘I was traveling for about six months.’
‘She waited for you,’ says Oshin; she brings a glass of water for Kota from the kitchen and places the tray on the center table.
‘I had no idea you two were friends again! I didn’t even know that you were in Tokyo. So, what do you do?’ Kota wants to know about Oshin. Oshin takes a chair in front of him.
‘I am a hairdresser,’ she replies
‘As a live-in?
‘I trained for three years, but I have been on my own for a month now.’
‘I am glad; I heard that the study period is pretty tough. But a woman should stand alone,’ Kota is cheerful as he continues this small talk with Oshin. He congratulates Oshin. After a pause, he says, ‘I have no right to say such things to you. I haven’t the right even to face you. You must think that I am terrible.’
‘It is all right; it is all in the past,’ says Oshin looking down, and then she changes the topic, saying, ‘You must be hungry, I will fix you something to eat.’ She gets up to go to the kitchen.
‘It was May 20th,’ Kota interrupts her, and she stops. He continues, ‘I got off the train at Sakata and waited for you. I was going to take you with me to Tokyo no matter what. But Kayo came in your place. She told me you were getting married. Ceremonial gifts were to be exchanged that day. I felt glad for you. No matter how much I loved you, I did not think I could ever make you happy. A man devoted to the labor movement shouldn’t be married.’ Kota sits with his head down in regret.
‘Please take good care of Miss Kayo. She is still waiting for you,’ there is urgency in Oshin’s voice, and she comes close to Kota to convince him, saying, ‘please call her in Sakata now! Or she will be forced to take a husband. There is still time!’ Kota tries to interrupt Oshin, but she continues forcefully, ‘Kaga-ya has nobody else they can make their heir since Sayo died. Miss Kayo has been forced to take over the business. She waited for you. She is only doing this because she hasn’t heard from you. But she told me she would come back to Tokyo the minute you returned. I will call her now,’ Oshin is agitated, and she runs to the door to go out.
‘Don’t!’ Kota calls out. Oshin turns and looks at Kota. He continues, ‘If Kayo has decided to get married, let her.’
‘Why?’ cries Oshin, ‘She loves only you! She will get on the first train to get back to you.’
‘What good will it do for her to come back to Tokyo? She will have more heartache,’ says Kota, his back towards Oshin; he wants to hide his emotions.
‘You don’t understand how a woman feels. She will suffer any hardship for the man she loves. She waited for you for over three years!’ Oshin is emotional; though she speaks for Kayo, it is the way she feels herself too.
‘Kayo had a sister when I first met her. But now the situation has totally changed. Kayo is the only heiress now. We ought to just let her continue the Kaga-ya business.’ Says Kota thoughtfully.
‘But,’ Oshin protests.
‘Don’t tell her that I came back. I will never see Kayo again.’ Says Kota, he is firm.
‘Are you sure,’ Oshin is unsure about Kota’s feelings towards Kayo. She asks him clearly, ‘You didn’t come back here to see her?’
‘We are not real lovers,’ says Kota, ‘she has been good to me, I will admit that. But she was just filling the void left in my heart created by you. That is all it was. It won’t change that even if she comes back now.’
‘She knows all that, yet she wants you. I know how she feels. A woman can be happy loving like that.’ Oshin gets frustrated, trying hard to convince Kota.
‘She needs true happiness, not the happiness I can give her.’ Kota continues to clarify, but when Oshin protests, he says, ‘this applies to you too!’. After he says this, he realizes that it hurt Oshin, so he lowers his head and moves a little away towards the window. He concludes, saying, ‘I am glad that we parted as platonic lovers. If you had come with me that day, I would have made you unhappy, too.’ Kota looks at Oshin with fear and love in his eyes, and he says, ‘Oshin, you are strong. I want you to keep on growing. A time will come when a woman can be free.’ He sighs deeply and looks away.
After a pause, he says, ‘let me stay here for a few days. And, now, I want to be left alone,’ Kota is dead tired; he drops on the bed, on his back, covering his eyes with his elbows.
Oshin turns and looks at him. She is in deep thought about what she should do.
Oshin visits the café for her usual trip to do the hair-styling of the girls. She hears the sound of laughter. As she enters, she sees Ryuzo sitting with Someko and Oshigeko. Someko takes a puff of the cigarette she smokes and welcomes Oshin, saying, ‘He has been here waiting for you!’
‘Sorry, I am late,’ Oshin bows greeting everyone, and sits down to start her work. She then bows to Ryuzo and says, ‘Thank you for your help the other day.’
‘Kayo called again today,’ says Ryuzo, ‘she sounded depressed. She says you haven’t called her. You haven’t heard from Kota?’ Oshin doesn’t say a word; she just nods her head slightly. Ryuzo continues, ‘then call her and tell her that. I am getting a little concerned too. You can use the phone at my office. She will feel better if you call.’ There is sincerity in Ryuzo’s voice.
‘You are so nice to other women!’ comments Someko, with an artificial complaint.
‘This is serious!’ says Ryuzo.
‘Thank you for all your help,’ Oshin speaks up.
‘Yes, I feel sorry for Kayo. She must be having a tough time of it.’ Says Ryuzo.
‘I think I will go to Sakata,’ Oshin has made up her mind. At this young age, Oshin starts making decisions in such difficult moments.
Oshin takes the train to Sakata that night. She reaches Kaga-ya home and is nostalgic to see the building and its surroundings. She looks at the signboard of Kaga-ya and decides to enter from the backyard.
Mino and Oshin sit next to Ms. Kuni; she has recovered somewhat but keeps lying with her eyes closed.
‘Mother, Oshin has come to attend Kayo’s wedding!’ Mino informs Ms. Kuni.
Ms. Kuni is delighted and opens her eyes to look at Oshin; she grins from ear to ear.
‘I had no idea you were ill,’ says Oshin softly.
‘It is nothing,’ says Ms. Kuni; she replies with a smile and continues, ‘I am only sad that I can’t be at the wedding. But I have no regrets knowing that Kaga-ya will be in good hands. Kayo has no real sister to count on; please always be a good friend to her.’
Oshin nods with happiness. The door opens suddenly, and Kayo rushes in. Oshin turns to look at Kayo.
Oshin and Kayo go to the beach, at the same spot where they accidentally met with Kota. The Sea of Japan is calm, with gentle waves hitting the shore, but there is turmoil in Kayo’s mind.
‘If you should ever see Kota again, try and get back together. I know he hasn’t forgotten you,’ says Kayo; she has more or less accepted her fate of not meeting Kota.
‘No, I have no right to see Kota ever again,’ says Oshin; she is conscious of the fact that Kayo loves Kota so much. She changes the subject and says, ‘Miss Kayo, I have a request, please let me do your hair for the wedding. I am not that good at Japanese-style hair, but I want to do a good job for you. I want to help in comforting you.’
‘Oshin, thank you,’ says Kayo, and she starts sobbing. She runs towards the sea, her back to Oshin, and cries to her heart’s content.
On the morning of Kayo’s wedding, Oshin styles Kayo’s hair; she does not tell Kayo anything about Kota. She believes that it is best for Kayo and Kaga-ya. Oshin chooses Kayo’s life for her, and she prays that she has made the right decision. As she does her hair, they both look at the mirror. Kayo looks stunningly beautiful in her unique hairstyle.
Oshin is totally drunk by consuming a lot of sake. Kei carries her to the room and helps her lie on the bed. Oshin cannot stop talking about her regret.
‘Thanks, Kei,’ says Oshin, ‘If Kayo had come back to Tokyo and seen Kota, her life would have been different. Not just hers, but every else’s lives, too.’
‘You better change and go to sleep,’ Kei tries to lift her. Oshin moves Kei’s hand away and continues to repent.
‘I did not tell her. I betrayed her,’ says Oshin; she starts crying and continues, ‘I should have told her no matter what Kota said. Then I wouldn’t have to live in regret. It is all my fault. I ruined Kayo’s life!’
Kei had never heard his grandmother speak of regrets or seen her vulnerability. Kei also can feel the pain Oshin has hidden in her heart. But he has no way of knowing all the implications of what Oshin is talking about. He lovingly covers Oshin with the duvet and wipes her tears with a handkerchief. He straightens the cover. Oshin is in a deep sleep.
What happened after Kayo gets married; why is Oshin so regretful?
We will know in the coming episode, no 67, coming soon.