Bheela’s Blog -060
08 January 2022
Episode 59 Recap
Oshin is now a regular visitor at the café Athena to do the hair of Someko and her friends. The girls also ask Oshin to write letters. To Oshin’s complete shock, three girls ask her to write letters to the same man, Mr. Ryuzo!
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Episode 60
After a couple of months of doing hair for the café waitresses, Oshin becomes popular among the neighborhood workers. The café girls appreciate Oshin’s innovative hairstyles. They also like Oshin’s kind and helpful manner. She is invited to do hair at other establishments as well. Oshin’s days are busier than ever.
One of the days, Oshin is in a happy mood, and she walks touching the leaves of the tree as the winter is now receding and the new leaves swing with the breeze. She begins doing hair for Oshigeko. Suddenly there is a knock on the door.
‘Oshin! I need your help making me a kimono by next Sunday,’ says Someko as she enters carrying a cloth material.
‘I will complete this for you by Saturday,’ replies Oshin.
‘That’s my Oshin!’ Someko is happy. She says, ‘I will tip you well.’
‘You don’t have to! I am just happy to help,’ says Oshin.
‘You are too nice,’ says Oshigeko; she too wants Oshin’s help, ‘can you please pick up something for me tomorrow?’
‘You are taking advantage of Oshin, too!’ retorts Someko.
‘I don’t mind, I will pick it up on my way here,’ Oshin is genuinely happy to help the girls. All of them treat her in a friendly manner, and she reciprocates.
It is late at night; after dinner, Oshin starts working on the Kimono for Someko. Otoyo, the senior worker, enters the room and sits next to Oshin.
‘Oshin, you are doing too much!’ says Otoyo, in a complaining tone. She continues, ‘I know you were told, that, to make house calls, is part of your training, but you don’t have to try so hard to please the clients. I would overlook it if it was just once or twice, but are you a hairdresser or a tailor?’
‘I am sorry, I just wanted to help out,’ says Oshin.
‘There are limits to things! You write letters for them and do their errands, too. Maybe you should give up going out to do hair if you have to go that far to get customers,’ her volume increases, and the tone turns insulting.
‘A hairdresser must please her clients to survive! It is only natural for me to do all I can as long as I don’t inconvenience all of you here.’ It was Oshin’s turn to respond to the insults. She has gained confidence and support from Ms. Taka. She also feels that she does things that her values allow her.
‘Don’t talk big just because you get tips! Maybe this is good if you were on your own, but you are still just an apprentice here. What you do reflects on the owner, too! Stop this disgrace now!’ She starts shouting at this point with anger.
‘What is all the noise so late at night?’ Ms. Taka comes out wearing a coat as it is still chilly. She seems to be disturbed.
‘I am sorry to wake you,’ says Otoyo, ‘I am just fed up with Oshin! She is taking advantage of you and doing as she pleases. It is not a good example to set for the others!’ she fumes as she speaks with rage.
‘Fine,’ says Ms. Taka; she is calm as usual. She tells Otoyo, ‘I will talk to Oshin, you go to bed.’ She pats Otoyo’s shoulder to pacify.
Ms. Taka sits in front of Oshin, directly facing her. Oshin moves the cloth material to one side and says, ‘I am sorry, it is all my fault.’
‘Oshin, I think the time has come for you to leave. If you stay here, you would still be on the lowest rung on the ladder. A mere maid! I can’t always be protecting you. I let you go out to do hair as training. But once you start getting paid, you can’t stay here. It might sound silly, but we all have rules. I don’t want you here continuing just as a maid. It is best if you go out on your own.’
Oshin is stunned to hear this from Ms. Taka. Her face becomes pale.
‘I am not throwing you out,’ Ms. Taka tries to make it light, ‘You have many clients. And you are good enough to charge for your services. You can make it on your own. Sure, it will be tough, but you will be free to be yourself. You won’t have to do maid’s work. You will have your own time to do your own work. And you can take on more clients. I think that is best for you.’
Ms. Taka is extremely wise; she knows exactly when to let her employees grow based on their talents. She continues, ‘It doesn’t have to be right away. You can take your time.’
‘I owe you so much, and I haven’t helped you out at all.’ Oshin is puzzled by this sudden development and doesn’t know what to say.
‘You already worked for me for three years; that is enough. I want you to be independent. You have something special that the others lack. You can do it! I will find you a place to live, so don’t worry. Just trust your own skills.’ Ms. Taka comes close to Oshin; it is also a pain for her to let Oshin go, she has grown to like Oshin as a daughter, and she has seen potential in Oshin. She controls her emotions and says, ‘This will be your true test!’
Oshin breaks the news to the café girls. All of them are excited.
‘You will be going out on your own?’ asks Someko.
‘Your teacher sounds very understanding,’ says Oyae, the youngest!
‘Now we have to start paying you for your services.’ Oshigeko says.
‘Of course! She is good enough to get paid.’ Someko wants to support Oshin with income.
‘I am not that good, and I will make it cheap for all of you!’ Oshin remains humble and says with her head down.
‘Don’t give a discount to other people,’ chirps one of the girls. All of them want Oshin to make good money.
‘You will need more clients, too,’ Says Oshigeko.
‘I am afraid I might not get any,’ says Oshin; she is still doubtful.
‘Don’t worry, we will help you out,’ Someko says, assuring Oshin.
‘We will also help you find a room,’ says the other girl.
‘Thank you. I just need a place to sleep,’ Oshin wants to begin with the minimum requirement.
‘You will need to cook, too. If you eat out, all your money will be gone,’ the girl says; these girls also came from surrounding villages to the big city; they are aware of the high living costs.
‘We will buy you all the kitchenware you need,’ says Someko.
‘Maybe a small table and cushions, too,’ Oshigeko is also very enthusiastic about helping Oshin in her new journey.
‘We have shop owners among our clients. We will talk to them to get good discounts for Oshin!’ says Oyae.
Oshin is happy. She felt unsure about leaving her teacher’s home even though other workers treated her with contempt. But these café girls were giving her confidence. They all chat excitedly about Oshin’s life, they laugh a lot as they talk, and Oshin joins them in their hearty laughter.
Oshin is still with the salon, and she continues the housework before going out. Oritsu comes running and says, ‘I will do that!’
‘No, it is still my job for as long as I am here.’ Says Oshin.
Otoyo, the senior one, watches, comments sarcastically, looking at Oshin, ‘You are smart to leave! You know Japanese-style hair going out; just pack up and leave! Young people can be so ungrateful.’
Oshin keeps silent and continues doing her kitchen work. She goes out with a broom and starts sweeping the front area of the salon, outside the main gate.
‘You are still doing this kind of work?’ Someko says as she walks towards Oshin from the lane leading to the salon. Oshin is startled to see her. Someko takes the broom from Oshin and starts cleaning herself, trying to help Oshin.
‘I have to find a room before I can leave,’ says Oshin.
‘You are so hardworking!’ says Someko as she cleans the rest of the lane. Oshin helps her gather the dust into a dust tray.
‘That man came to see me.’ Announces Someko shyly, ‘the one you wrote my letter to.’
‘Mr. Ryuzo?’ Oshin asks
‘He took me out for sushi after work. But Oshigeko and Oyae tagged along, too! He came because of that letter you wrote. I will treat you to something good!’ Someko is excited, and she blurs out all in one go!
Someko jumps with joy, and Oshin is amused to see her happy. Someko calms down and tells Oshin, ‘That is not why I came!’ she finally remembers that she came to give a message to Oshin.
‘I came to tell you that a café on the Ginza wants you to come out and do hair!’ She says.
‘The Ginza?’ Oshin is taken aback; Ginza is a posh area.
‘Ryuzo brought the message. This is the place.’ Someko takes out a piece of paper from her pocket and hands it to Oshin. She continues, ‘It is a classy place. Writers and artists go there! The waitresses there have all been to school, too. They are probably awful but just bear with it. Maybe you can get regular clients there. The more customers, the better. Working on the Ginza will give you class, too. So, you don’t have to come and do for us today. They want you there at 5 O’clock. Just do your best! It is the Ginza!’
Someko advises Oshin and hands over the broom wishing Oshin good luck. She runs off, leaving Oshin dumbstruck.
Oshin looks around for the place, checking the piece of paper Someko gave her with the address. She reached in front of a café. As she is about to enter the main door, Otsuru, the hairdresser who did for the café girls, comes out.
‘Otsuru, you work here, too?’ Oshin is surprised, and she asks her.
‘What do you think you are doing!’ Otsuru is upset to see Oshin at her workplace; she pulls Oshin by holding her elbow and charges her, ‘You are here to take my clients away?’
‘I was asked to come; I did not know you worked here,’ says Oshin.
‘I have been working here for ages, and now they tell me I am out! So, it was you!’ Otsuru is furious, and she starts shouting.
‘I did not know,’ Oshin replies politely.
‘How dare you! I let you take the café girls’ job at Kanda away from me. They were all stingy, and I was sick of it. But I will never give up my Ginza business! Why don’t you just leave!’ she says, blowing insulting glares towards Oshin.
By this time, Oshin takes charge of herself. She fully understands that being meek or polite wouldn’t help her; she will have to fight for her work.
‘I am not here because I want to be here.’ Oshin says firmly.
‘Then go!’ shouts Otsuru at the top of her voice.
‘Where I work is my business! You say that I cannot work here? I have an appointment.’ Oshin gives her a reply and turns towards the main door of the café.
A man dressed as staff comes out of the door and says, ‘You can’t just come in here.’
‘Tell her! She is just country girl!’ says Otsuru with disrespect.
‘Otsuru does all the hair here.’ The man seems to be an ally of Otsuru. He puts a hand on Oshin’s shoulder to show his power. Oshin just pushes his hand away.
‘I was asked to come. Don’t tell me what to do.’ Says Oshin; she too is getting irritated by now.
‘Don’t get fresh!’ says the man harshly.
‘She needs to be taught a lesson!’ provokes Otsuru.
‘I will show you what goes on here.’ The man says, and he pushes Oshin.
Oshin balances herself and says, ‘Don’t try to get tough with me!’
As Oshin tries to enter the main door, the man grabs Oshin’s shoulders from behind and pulls her out to the street. He did not expect Oshin to resist and he feels defeated. This makes him angry, and he says, ‘Don’t take me for a fool!’ He shoves Oshin against a wall and slaps her on her face.
‘Stop it!’ A woman coming from the lane sees the violent scene, trying to stop the man.
‘Stay out of this!’ the man is in rage, and he slaps Oshin again and grabs her neck, slapping again. Oshin tries to free herself, and the man throws her to the ground; he says, ‘You are persistent!’
Another man comes out of the restaurant, hearing the commotion. He is dressed in a formal fine suit. He appears to be the owner, and he questions the angry man.
‘Young Master!’ the man now sobers up and tries to laugh off.
‘Why are you picking on this girl?’ asks the owner.
‘She was getting fresh.’ Says the friend of Otsuru.
Another woman comes out of the café. She looks at Oshin on the ground; she bends and picks Oshin. She is concerned and says, looking closely at Oshin, ‘Are you all right? You are bleeding.’
‘I am sorry for causing all this trouble,’ says Oshin, gathering herself. Oshin turns and looks at the woman and is shocked.
‘Miss Kayo!’ Oshin is unable to believe that she would meet Kayo here.
‘Oshin!’ now it is Kayo’s turn to be stunned. She recognizes Oshin and is equally shocked.
‘It is you, Miss Kayo!’ cries Oshin with joy, sorrow, and shock, all mixed emotions.
Kayo collects herself; she does not want to connect with Oshin; she gets up and runs towards the next lane as fast as she can. Oshin is in pain, but she won’t let Kayo go away. Oshin gets up with difficulty and runs after Kayo.
Meanwhile, other guests also come out of the café. The owner is in shock too. He seems to know Miss Kayo.
Oshin continues to run behind Kayo and tries her best to catch up.
What will happen next? Will Oshin unite with Kayo? Will she finally be able to see Kota?
We will know in the next episode no. 61, coming soon.