Bheela’s Blog -057
18 December 2021
Episode 56 Recap
Ms. Taka has some plans for Oshin. She realizes that the rumors can be stopped if Oshin can become a great hairdresser. She teaches Oshin the basics and asks her to observe the western hairstyle in other parlors.
Oshin quickly learns by observing and practicing various new styles. She ignores the nasty comments of the other workers.
Finally, a customer arrives at the salon to get a western-style hairdo. Ms. Taka decides that Oshin will do the hair-styling. Oshin is happy to receive her first customer but is also extremely scared.
Please click the link to read the full Episode:
Episode 57
Oshin now had her first chance at doing hair on her own! But it was so sudden that she was afraid and apprehensive. Ms. Taka helps her put on the apron and asks her to attend to the waiting client.
‘Welcome,’ Oshin says as she gets close to the client.
‘You’ll be doing my hair?’ the client looks at Oshin and asks. She gets a feeling that Oshin is relatively young.
‘Yes, what style would you like,’ Oshin gains some composure and inquires professionally.
‘The hidden-ear look,’ says the client.
‘what?’ Oshin doesn’t seem to hear properly due to anxiety!
‘You don’t know that style?’ the client is still unsure.
‘Yes, I do.’ Oshin replies with more confidence now. She asks Oritsu to get her the iron.
Meanwhile, other customers watch the new client.
‘I didn’t know you did Western-style hair here.’ The client to whom Ms. Taka is attending, asks her.
‘I didn’t want to have to turn a customer away,’ Ms. Taka replies politely.
‘That is true; one has to be flexible nowadays. You are the only one around here doing just Japanese styles. At least you still have a lot of geisha staying close by.’ The client says wisely to Ms. Taka.
Oritsu brings hot water, towels, iron, tools and keeps them next to Oshin.
‘Don’t get it too curly!’ the client tells Oshin.
‘Your hair will look fuller this way,’ says Oshin.
Oritsu watches Oshin start her work on her first client, holding her breath with tension! She comes out of the hall, runs towards the backyard, and prays to God, looking at the sky with folded hands. She says, ‘Please don’t let Oshin make any mistakes.’
(way of praying is so similar in Japan and in India!!)
Oshin does the hairdo with great care and complete focus. The client feels relaxed as Oshin works on the hair; she closes her eyes and dozes off. Oshin completes her job hiding the client’s ears with hair and creating beautiful curls.
‘How do you like it?’ Oshin asks the client.
The client wakes up and looks at herself in the mirror; her looks are different now with stylish hair. But her reaction startles everyone.
‘What is this?’ she shouts, ‘I asked for the hidden ear look!
‘Yes, I have hidden your ears,’ replies Oshin.
‘This isn’t the way it is supposed to look!’ She is in a panic now and shouts louder. She continues charging at Oshin, ‘You don’t know that style, do you? Now, my hair is ruined!’
‘I am sorry, I will do it over,’ Oshin says with an apology.
‘I don’t have time; I have an appointment!’ the client shouts again. Hearing the commotion, Ms. Taka arrives and sits next to Oshin. The client now looks at Ms. Taka and says, ‘Are you the owner? How can you use an inexperienced girl on me?’
‘If you don’t like it, you don’t have to pay,’ Ms. Taka remains calm and replies to the client.
‘You think by not charging me makes it all right? My hair is ruined! I have to deal with clients in my line of work!’ She continues to blame in full throttle of her voice.
‘I wish you could stay to have it done again all over.’ Ms. Taka replies with patients.
‘Never mind! I should have never come here!’ The client is now in tears with rage. She gets up and throws the white cloth covering her dress. Ms. Taka goes after her. As they go out of the room, she says, ‘I am not paying! I should be charging you instead!’ she leaves the main door stomping her feet.
‘Thank you!’ says Ms. Taka calmly. She is relieved to let the customer go.
Oshin is unable to move; her eyes are full of tears. As Ms. Taka comes near, she says, ‘I am sorry!’
‘Never mind, you did your best!’ says Ms. Taka consoling Oshin as she folds the apron. Oshin breaks down; she bows to Ms. Taka and runs to the backyard.
‘What a nasty customer!’ Another client, sitting next to the senior worker, comments.
‘You can’t blame her; the girl was inexperienced. We have lost another customer today!’ The senior worker sighs, and she says loud enough so that Ms. Taka gets to hear them. She wants to prove her point against Oshin, as always! She continues, ‘Oshin is nothing but trouble!’
Oshin doesn’t change her apron, and she squats next to the hand-pump, her head down to her knees.
‘You can’t expect much on your first time!’ Oritsu arrives and says, sitting next to her, ‘don’t lose heart.’
‘I feel so bad for our owner!’ Oshin is unable to grasp the turn of events and is miserable.
‘That woman is an idiot! Her hair looked great! The style looked so good on her. She just didn’t get it! You did her ear and everything. What is her problem!’ Oritsu chirps and tries to make the situation lighter.
‘I am no good. I will never be able to do it. I will learn to do the proper Japanese style, no matter how many years it takes me. I am sure I can do that if I study hard enough.’ Oshin says with sadness, but she is still hopeful. She pauses for a while and then continues, ‘I was dreaming! No more Western-style for me!!’ She takes a deep breath.
She then gets up straight and tells Oritsu, ‘Let us get back to work!’ Oshin believes in moving on after a setback. She says, ‘I still have a year left as a maid!’ She picks up a bucket and fills water.
Ms. Taka carries on with her painting work in her spare time. The senior worker comes to her and starts a conversation.
‘I hate to talk to you like this, but I disagree with what you had Oshin do today. She is only practicing for three months. You should have known better! You only told us that you would never do Western-style hair in our salon! We take pride in what we do here,’ the senior worker continues to complain. Ms. Taka listens to her quietly.
‘I have tea for you,’ Oshin is at the door; she brings tea for Ms. Taka.
‘Oshin, you didn’t even know the hidden ear style!’ The senior one takes the tray from Oshin, keeps it in front of Taka, and she starts accusing Oshin, saying, ‘You should have declined if you did not know. You have made our owner look very bad!’
‘I know the hidden ear style. Every parlor had a couple of people with that style.’ Oshin replies with a low voice.
‘Then why did you do it strangely? You know of it, but you can’t do it, right?’ the senior worker tries her best to blame Oshin.
‘I thought she would not look good in that conventional hidden ear style. So, I just hid her ears and did it in another style to suit her face.’ Oshin defends.
‘How ridiculous!’ The senior laughs sarcastically and tells Oshin, ‘A hairdresser does it the way the customer wants it!’
‘I thought it was our job to make her look better. She would look very foolish with the plain hidden ear style. She doesn’t have the face for it.’ Oshin looks down as she tries to explain.
Ms. Taka, who was listening to the conversation, sipping her tea, has a hearty laugh at the innocent way Oshin clarifies! She says, ‘Maybe Oshin is right. It is all set as to who wears what in the Japanese style. A housewife wears the Maru-mage, and a girl wears the Momo-ware. You can tell a woman’s profession just by looking at her hair!’ she laughs to make Oshin feel easy.
( Maru-mage and Momo ware are Japanese hairstyles, click these links to see more details and )
Ms. Taka continues to share her vast experience, ‘There is no set way in doing the Western styles. A working girl, a wife, or a school girl doesn’t matter what she wears. A style doesn’t have to have a name! A hairdresser does her best to fit the customer.’
‘I am saying,’ the senior worker is upset since Ms. Taka continues to support Oshin.
‘Yes, I know! It is time for our lesson, Oshin,’ interrupts Ms. Taka, asking Oshin to ignore the complaints from the senior worker. Ms. Taka gets up.
‘Please teach me the proper Japanese style. No more Western-style hair for me!’ Oshin pleads to Ms. Taka.
‘Otoyo, you can be the subject tonight.’ Ms. Taka looks at the senior worker and asks to follow her to the salon hall. ‘Come on, let’s go!’
Otoyo, the senior, looks at Ms. Taka in disbelief. She doesn’t have an option; she follows the owner to the main hall. Other workers practicing at the salon hall are surprised by Otoyo sitting in front of a mirror as a subject. Taka instructs Oshin, saying, ‘Give Otoyo a style that fits her best,’ then she looks at the other girls and says, ‘You all should watch. You might all have to do this one day.’
Ms. Taka sits next to Otoyo and lets Oshin work on Otoyo’s hair.
Once done, Otoyo, full of anger, comes to the workers’ room and starts undoing her hair.
‘Don’t remove, it looks so good on you!’ the girls say appreciatively in unison, ‘the Western-style is not bad!’
‘Oh, sure! I was made a fool! Nobody can make a living by doing hair like this!’ she shouts with fury as she removes and throws all her pins. She continues, ‘Oshin causes us all so much trouble.’ Before she finishes, Oshin is already at the door, and she listens with sadness.
A new day begins at the salon. Ms. Taka completes the hairdo of a customer and thanks her for coming. Some customers wait for their turn. Oshin is working in the kitchen. Some girls come to the kitchen to take meals during their break. Otoyo comes to the kitchen and shouts at the girls, saying, ‘stop taking so long to eat!’
‘I have finished eating!’ says one of the girls, still her mouth full of food.
Oshin asks Otoyo to take her lunch, but Otoyo says, ‘I don’t have time to eat! Our customers are waiting.’ She goes back to the main hall.
Oshin and Oritsu exchange glances. Otoyo is still upset with Oshin.
A client walks into the salon wearing fine clothes. Oritsu welcomes her and then stops. She is the same woman who got western-style done by Oshin and didn’t pay because she didn’t like the style.
‘Where is that girl who did my hair the other day?’ the client asks Oritsu. Before Oritsu replies, Ms. Taka comes out and greets the client. Taka asks the client, ‘Do you want to see Oshin?’
‘I would like for her to do my hair again. I am sorry I lost my temper the other day!’ the client says apologetically. She continues, ‘everybody told me my hair looked great! The other girls at my place asked about it. I have decided to have her be my stylist. And, I will pay for my last visit, too.’
‘We don’t do western styles here at this Salon.’ Says Ms. Taka, ‘we made a special exception for you the other day.’
‘But, I said, I was sorry. I will give a good tip!’ the client insists.
‘I am sorry, please leave.’ Taka says firmly; Oritsu is surprised at Taka’s rigidity. She tries to soften Ms. Taka’s stand.
‘Don’t be so mean! I want that girl to do my hair,’ the client now starts pleading.
‘Then I will have her make a house call. On a house call, she can do any style she pleases.’ Taka finds a business opportunity and plays her cards well.
‘She makes house calls? Good, that will save me the trouble of waiting. Have her come to the Cafe Athena in Kanda. Ask her to come around 4 o’clock and enter through the back door. Ask for Someko.’ The client is pleased and eager to engage Oshin.
‘Will you write down the address?’ Taka asks Oritsu to get a pen and paper.
‘Just remember it; It is in Kanda.’ The client hesitates to write.
‘But it is her first time in that area,’ says Taka. Oritsu brings the notebook.
‘Don’t embarrass me; I can’t write.’ The client gives the real reason for her hesitation.
‘I am sorry,’ says Taka, and she instructs Oritsu to call Oshin.
‘Oshin, come quickly! It is good news.’ Oritsu is excited as she calls Oshin. Oshin runs towards the waiting area as Oritsu almost pushes her.
‘I am sorry about the other day!’ the client says, looking at Oshin.
‘Take down her name and address.’ Says Ms. Taka, handing the notebook and pen to Oshin.
‘Hanabusa-Cho in Kanda,’ the client starts dictating the address. She can’t believe that Oshin could write, she says, ‘You know how to write?’ she exclaims, ‘I am impressed!’
‘Any landmark?’ Ms. Taka asks.
‘There is a tobacco shop on the corner; it is two doors down. Cafe Athena. My name is Someko.’ She says in a single breath.
‘I will have her come around 4 o’clock.’ Says Ms. Taka.
‘I will be waiting!’ the client is pleased, and she gets up to leave.
‘Thank you!’ Ms. Taka is always courteous towards her customers.
Oshin is stunned by this event; she looks at Ms. Taka with a blank face.
‘Take your tools and make a house call. Leave at 3 O’clock.’ Ms. Taka is thoroughly professional; she wants Oshin to be punctual. (Kanda is another suburb in Tokyo about 5 km from the salon; it takes an hour to walk there)
‘Whom will I be accompanying?’ Oshin asks; she is still not sure about this development.
‘She asked for you! She liked the style you did for her.’ Says Ms. Taka assuring Oshin.
‘I am not good enough!’ Oshin hesitates, she says, ‘Please turn her down.’
‘I have already told her you would be there.’ Ms. Taka understands Oshin’s lack of confidence, so she tells Oshin encouragingly, ‘Shape up! You already know the basics. So, do your best. If you fail, try again! Give it a try!’ Ms. Taka places her hand on Oshin’s shoulder.
Oshin had her second chance. But she still lacked confidence. She also felt bad for her fellow workers.
Ms. Taka’s plan to diversify seems to be working; at the same time, she wants to retain her brand, which is traditional styling. She presented the case to the customer to grab a house call opportunity for Oshin. This made perfect business sense!
What does the future hold? Will Oshin succeed as a hairdresser, now that she received a second chance?
We will know more in the next Episode, no. 58, coming soon.