Bheela’s Blog -055
Episode 54 Recap
Oshin is now 18 years old and still works with Ms. Taka as a maid. One day, she receives a letter from her mother informing the death of young Miss Sayo of the Kaga-ya family. Oshin takes a trip to Sakata. Ms. Taka helps her with money to travel and gives her days off.
Ms. Kuni and Mino are delighted to see Oshin; they ask her to stay with them. Ms. Kuni gives some wisdom messages to Oshin and tells her to share the same with Kayo if Oshin happens to meet her in Tokyo. Oshin returns to Tokyo and sees a crowd shouting about ‘Rice-Riot’ at the Ueno station.
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Episode 55
The rice riots began on 03 Aug 1918, in Toyama, where angry fishermen’s wives started a protest against the skyrocketing rice price. Soon similar riots were seen throughout the country. More than 700,000 people were said to have taken part in them. In Tokyo, too, a crowd had gathered at Hibiya Park on 13 Aug to demand affordable rice.
Oshin had just returned to Tokyo from Sakata after visiting the Kaga-ya family when she learned about Sayo’s death. As she comes out of the Ueno station, she hears the crowd shouting about a riot at Hibiya; she feels that it would be possible for her to see Kota. She knew that Kota was planning to gather peasants to rise against the authorities. She starts running towards Hibiya Park instead of going to the salon.
Oshin, with her grandson, Kei, is visiting Tokyo. They come near Hibiya, a beautiful park with fountains and water bodies. Kei cannot believe that Oshin ran all the way to Hibiya Park from the Ueno Station as it was at a distance of almost 5 km.
‘I was desperate, and I was only 18 then!’ Oshin replies with a smile on her face. Both Oshin and Kei walk with umbrellas on their heads to protect from the sun.
‘You wanted to find the man you loved?’ Kei asks curiously; he too smiles.
‘I wanted to find Miss Kayo to help the Kaga-ya family. I thought if I found Kota, I would be able to meet Kayo, too.’ Oshin is thoughtful, and she remembers the past very clearly. She continues, ‘Kota was an activist for the poor, so I figured he would be there surely at the rice riot. There were so many people that I was swallowed up in the crowds.’ Oshin says and looks at the pigeons gathered on a lovely ground with a well-maintained carpet of grass. The park has some benches where people can sit and feed the pigeons.
‘I know about the ‘rice-riots,’ but I could never imagine that you took part in it.’ Says Kei; as he is studying in Tokyo, he is aware of the city’s history.
‘The people were all so excited. The average office worker back then earned between 18 to 25 yens per month, but the rice would cost as much as 70 sen per measure. That means a month’s salary could buy only a half bushel (1 Bushel = 27.6 kgs). Some merchants made big money by hoarding rice and speculating on war goods for huge profits. No wonder people rioted.’ Oshin clarifies to Kei to make him understand the situation completely.
‘The police didn’t do anything?’ Kei gets curious, and he asks.
‘They feared a revolution like the one in Russia the year before.’ Oshin references Russia since people had become more aware of communism and socialism in those times. Wealthy Japanese had started fearing the communists, and they referred to them as ‘Reds!’
(Russian revolution, more famously known as the October revolution, was led by Lenin, resulting in Russia’s end of participation in the first world war and the eventual establishment of a social state. Peasants got their land back from the monarchy, and USSR was formed. For more click )
‘Did you find Kota?’ Kei wants to discuss what happened with Oshin; he wants to know if she could reunite with her love, the very purpose of Oshin’s long run to Hibiya park!
‘Of course not! It was a dense crowd, people shoved me around, and I ended up in terrible trouble.’ Although Oshin laughs as she replies, she looks far and recalls the unexpected turn of events.
It is a busy time at the salon. The customers and the salon workers discuss the current affairs as the ladies get their hair done.
‘The world sure has become a dangerous place. Someone told me that the riots are let by Reds!’ One of the customers starts the conversation.
‘The Reds sure are scary!’ says another one.
‘They started the Revolution in Russia, too. They are also stirring up all the labor problems!’ replies the first one.
‘Oh my God!’ all of them say in unison.
‘The police are rounding up all the Reds now.’ The lady says; she seems to be aware of the situation.
Suddenly, the salon’s main door is opened by a Police officer. Looking at him, all the workers freeze out of fear. Oritsu comes out and says, ‘May I help you.’
‘Is Taka Hasegawa here?’ the office asks for the owner.
‘What is the problem?’ Oritsu says, hesitating to call Taka; she wants to buy time.
‘Is she here or not?’ the policeman shouts sternly.
Before Oritsu replies, Taka comes out and bows politely to the policeman and says, ‘I am Taka, the owner here.’
‘You are the owner. Do you know a girl named Oshin Tanimura?’ the officer asks.
‘Oshin is an employee here.’ Taka replies calmly.
‘So, she does work here,’ the officer seems satisfied with the answer.
‘What has she done?’ Taka is worried, and she asks the police officer.
‘We are holding her at the Hibiya Police Station. She needs a guarantor to be released. Please come to the police station and get her.’ The officer replies.
‘Oshin has been arrested?’ Taka cannot believe it.
‘She was arrested at the rice riots yesterday. She has been cleared of any connection to the riot. Bring your signature seal and come to the station.’ The officer replies and waits.
Taka nods; she goes in and gets ready to leave. The senior worker comes running to her room. She doesn’t want Taka to help Oshin and accuses, saying, ‘I thought Oshin had gone to Sakata. Strangely, she was caught at the scene of the riots. Just leave her in jail. She can ruin our reputation here! Just ignore her,’ the senior worker urges Taka, and as Taka continues to pack her things, the worker warns her, ‘She might be a Red! Otherwise, why would she be at the riots?’
‘Red or not, we can’t just leave her in jail.’ Taka replies with a straight face. She is not impacted by the warning the senior worker gives her. ‘Watch the shop for me!’ Taka instructs the worker and leaves.
The salon workers are eating their meals during a break. They are scared by today’s development. Oritsu servers the soup, and they start discussing Oshin. Onatsu, who was cross with Oshin, says, ‘She sure is a trouble maker! It is trouble for all of us! If people hear of this, we would all be suspected.’
‘I am sure our owner will have to let her go now.’ The senior worker says.
‘Of course! She might cause us more trouble.’ Says Onatsu.
‘She is no Red! She has worked hard for two years.’ Oritsu listened to this conversation, but she could not stop herself from taking Oshin’s side. She has started liking Oshin and wants to defend.
‘Then why was she arrested?’ Onatsu is defiant and replies sarcastically.
‘It must be some kind of mistake! That is why she is being released.’ Oritsu continues to support Oshin.
‘Society will never overlook an arrest record!’ says Onatsu.
‘That is ridiculous!’ Oritsu says.
There is noise at the front door; Taka has returned with Oshin. Oritsu runs to receive Oshin. Taka enters the hall and asks Oshin, ‘Come on in!’ Oshin drags her feet, and Oritsu catches hold of her cloth bag. Oshin is tired, but she thanks Oritsu.
‘Sorry for worrying you!’ Oshin tells Oritsu.
Oshin enters the main hall, where some customers get their hair done. She greets them by saying, ‘I am back!’ None of them reply to her greeting, and they all look away. Oshin and Oritsu reach the dining room, where the workers are laughing as they eat soup during their break. As soon as Oshin enters, they stop and become quiet.
‘I am back now. I am sorry’ says Oshin. None of them respond and show a cold shoulder towards Oshin.
‘You must be hungry,’ says Oritsu; she is the only one now who cares for Oshin.
‘I must get lunch ready for Ms. Taka,’ Oshin says; she never neglects her responsibilities. Oshin moves to the kitchen.
‘I am sorry to have been away for so long,’ Oshin says as she brings a tray with meals for Taka and serves her. Taka lights a cigarette.
After a pause, Taka asks, ‘Oshin, did you go to Sakata?’
‘Yes, the Kaga-ya people are doing fine. I feel better now. Thank you for all your help.’ Oshin bows with gratitude and continues, ‘I have gifts for everyone, too. And, here are the five yen you loaned me. Thank you.’ Oshin takes out the cash from her kimono pocket and places it on the table before Taka. She says, ‘The senior madame told me to pay you back.’
‘I told you, you can keep the money.’ Taka says; she had a slight doubt but hearing Oshin’s truthful version, she is at peace now.
‘Please accept this,’ says Oshin apologetically.
‘I am sorry if I sounded accusing!’ Taka smiles and says, ‘But, how did you get involved in the riots?’
‘I am so sorry! When I got back to Ueno station, I got caught up in the crowd as they marched to Hibiya. There were so many people! And that is where the police arrested me.’ Oshin shares the incident with Taka.
‘You must have had good reason to go to Hibiya. I am no fool. I have known you for two years, and I know that you wouldn’t have gone for no good reason. I want an answer that will satisfy me!’ says Taka. She is a thorough professional, and she doesn’t want to form a wrongful opinion of Oshin.
‘If my being arrested is a problem for the business, I will leave. But I wasn’t there to take part in the rice riot!’ Oshin starts revealing the actual reason; she continues, ‘I was looking for someone. I thought I might be able to find him there.’ Oshin lowers her head and says, ‘you don’t have to believe me,’ and she keeps her head down.
‘You didn’t find him, did you?’ Taka understands completely; she doesn’t want to lose Oshin on flimsy rumors. She has a smile on her face, and she says, ‘I understand, forget it! I was afraid you might not return after visiting Sakata. I thought it might have been an excuse to quit. A girl like you is too good to work for us as a maid! I am sorry, I didn’t mean to sound suspicious.’ Taka is pure at heart and ready to own what she says.
Oshin hesitates to speak. Taka interrupts her and says, ‘Never mind! But people will talk, and there will be rumors. Just be prepared for it. And I also know that silly talks won’t bring you down.’ Taka has confidence in Oshin, and she ends by saying, ‘I am starving, thanks for the lunch.’
‘Your soup is cold; I will warm it up.’ Says Oshin; she quickly picks up the bowl and rushes to the kitchen. Oshin puts the pot on the burner and inserts some firewood to increase the heat. She is happy with the conversation she just had with Taka.
The salon is busy as always. Taka is doing hair for an important client. She tells the client, ‘Fewer women want their hair in Japanese style now.’
‘Have you been losing customers?’ The client inquires. She continues, ‘It is because you don’t do Western styles here.’
‘We don’t consider it proper!’ the senior worker says in defense of Taka’s salon.
‘But they have so many interesting new styles.’ The client says.
‘Sure,’ says Taka; she wants to end this conversation. She is aware that they will have to do something to increase sales.
‘Besides, that is not why we lost customers.’ Starts the senior worker. There are rumors about one of our workers here.’
‘You mean Oshin? The one who was in the rice riot?’ says one of the clients; it seems the word is already out! The client continues, ‘She sure doesn’t seem the type. Young people can be horrifying! I feel sorry for you’ she tells Taka. Taka is done with the hair; she keeps quiet and thinks how to reply.
After a pause, she says, ‘I can’t blame people for being upset with society. Young people should get involved. We have trouble paying 50 sen for a single measure of rice!’ As Taka speaks in favor of the fair price of rice, the senior worker fumes with anger.
Onatsu is more direct; she accuses Oshin, ‘Do you realize how much trouble you have caused? Just think of all the problems you have caused us! You sure are a bad person!’
Oshin quietly continues to wash the plates. Oritsu, who helps Oshin, cannot remain quiet, she retorts, ‘What has she done wrong? She was arrested due to a mistake!’ Oshin tries to stop her.
‘But she was arrested just the same! Society won’t let you off that easily’ Onatsu continues with contempt in her voice.
Osodo enters the kitchen and says, ‘Oshin, Ms. Taka wants to see you!’
‘What is it about?’ Oritsu gets worried.
‘It is none of your business,’ Osodo replies curtly.
Oshin is worried too.
‘It’s me, Oshin,’ says Oshin, knocking on the door of Ms. Taka’s room. She enters after sliding the door open.
‘People sure do talk!’ Ms. Taka paints in her spare time; she says. She asks Oshin to come in. Oshin closes the door behind her and sits in front of Ms. Taka.
‘You must be having a bad time of it.’ Taka starts a conversation; she is considerate towards Oshin.
‘I do not care what people say, but I feel bad for involving all of you,’ Says Oshin with her head down.
‘Maybe you should start thinking about your future. That is what I wanted to talk to you about.’ Says Taka; she seems to have some plan, but she keeps a blank expression. She asks Oshin to come close to her. Oshin obeys.
Oshin knew this was coming. She was being laid off. But she had no regrets for running with the rioters in search of Kota.
What will happen now? Will Ms. Taka fire Oshin? Will Oshin find another job in Tokyo?
We will know in the next Episode, no. 56, coming soon!