Bheela’s Blog -053
20 November 2021
Episode 52 Recap
Ms. Taka finally agrees to train Oshin as a hairdresser. She is impressed by her hard work and skills. Oshin writes a letter to her mother for the first time after coming to Tokyo.
Oriki, the employment agent, receives the letter and reads it to Oshin’s mom. After listening, mom burns the letter as she doesn’t want Sakuzo or Shoji to know about Oshin.
Oshin, with her grandson Kei, locate the salon in the lanes of Asakusa. She remembers the names of all the girls who worked there. Kei wants to know if she could make it as a hairdresser; probably not! Otherwise, she would have opened a chain of beauty parlors instead of supermarkets!
Please click the link to read the full Episode:
Episode 53
It is a busy day at the salon. All the girls, including Oshin, are taking their breakfast. The senior girl says, ‘Eat a lot; there might not be any lunch today.’
‘Oshin, New Year’s Eve is the busiest time,’ another girl informs Oshin. She continues, ‘for hairdressers, we might not even get any sleep!’
‘All our regular customers will be here!’ The senior one says; she asks the girls to finish the breakfast quickly.
Ms. Taka enters the dining room; she is in a hurry; she says, ‘We will put my mirror out in the studio, too.’
‘An extra mirror won’t help. We are shorthanded.’ The senior girl says.
‘Oshin can help comb the hair today.’ Taka says; she has confidence in Oshin, but Oshin is stunned to hear this. She stops eating and looks up. Taka continues, ‘Osodo will work on the finishing touches.’
The girls are shocked to hear about this arrangement, including Osodo, who directly works with Taka as a maid. She protests, but Taka says, ‘It is about time you get promoted after three years.’
By now, Oshin recovers, and she says, ‘I am not ready yet.’
‘Have more confidence!’ Taka dismisses her and says, ‘I have been letting you comb my hair every night.’
‘I shouldn’t be combing hair before Oritsu,’ Oshin hesitates as she knows the time it takes before the maids are allowed to touch the clients’ hair. She is also sensitive that Oritsu is waiting for a long time to get her turn.
‘Skill is what counts in the business. It may be impossible for a 12-year-old, but you are 16, so you should be able to comb the client’s hair! Oritsu understands, don’t you? Taka looks at Oritsu. She wants to be fair, but she is also a professional businesswoman.
‘Yes,’ Oritsu says; she has started liking Oshin and doesn’t have any issue.
‘Then that is how we will do it today! Are we clear?’ Taka gives her final verdict and leaves the room.
Oshin gets the feeling of unrest among some of the girls. She keeps calm.
The salon is packed, and several ladies are seated in the waiting area. More ladies are pouring in as the girls welcome them.
All mirrors in the hall are occupied. Oritsu quickly fills tea in the cups for the waiting customer. Oshin refills the hot water. Taka lets the waiting customer take a seat in front of a mirror, just vacated by another customer, and she says, ‘Sorry to keep you waiting.’
On New Year’s Eve, the hairdresser opens its doors before dawn and does not close until about noon of the following day. It would remain busy throughout this period. Oshin takes a keen interest, and she combs the hair of the customers with care. Finally, the last customer leaves the salon. Even after closing, all the workers are too tired to enjoy the New Year. All they want to do is to sleep. But Oshin does not stay idle. She is in the kitchen to prepare the special New Year’s soup. Oritsu comes to help Oshin.
‘You go and rest; you worked very hard.’ Oshin tells Oritsu.
‘You did too!’ Oritsu cares for Oshin.
‘I am used to it. It is much easier as compared to babysitting.’ Oshin says, and she continues to be busy preparing the soup.
‘You sure are a strong one!’ Oritsu appreciates.
‘That is about all I am good for.’ Oshin remains humble. The soup is finally done!
Children play in the lane wearing beautiful clothes to celebrate the New Year. Oritsu helps Oshin, and they serve soup to all the girls. ‘Thanks, you must be exhausted!’ The senior one tells Oshin.
‘Although I got to comb hair, I am still a maid.’ Oshin replies as she fills the soup into bowls.
‘Thanks, everybody!’ Taka enters the room with a big smile on her face. She says, ‘We made it through to the New Year. Here are the tips we got from our customers.’ Taka starts distributing envelopes to each girl with cash as a bonus for the new year. The girls thank her as they receive the money. Taka gives a packet to Oshin too.
‘I get some, too?’ Oshin is surprised as she never expected to receive it.
‘You worked just as hard as we all did.’ Taka replies.
‘Take it, you were the busiest!’ the senior worker smiles and tells Oshin, ‘you worked in the shop and also did the housework!’
Oshin is very happy, and she has a big smile on her face. Oritsu, too gets her share. Oshin conveys her thanks to Taka and bows down.
‘Rest up today. We will be busy again tomorrow. Let us celebrate with our new year’s soup.’ Taka picks up her bowl and sits at the center of the room, surrounded by her workers.
Oshin still can’t believe that she received cash so early in her career. She keeps the envelope inside the folds of her Kimono. Oshin goes to the backyard, where the towels are hung to dry. She opens the envelope. There is a one-yen note inside.
It wasn’t much, but Oshin was happy. She had been paid for doing a hairdresser’s job! She looks at the note several times and then keeps it back, still smiling.
But Oshin had little time for being happy. She starts picking up the dried towels. It would soon be the next day, and she would be working hard as usual again in the new year.
The following morning, Oshin is cleaning the front door with a wet rag. Oritsu comes running towards her.
‘Is the owner awake? I will make tea.’ Oshin asks.
‘Okei and Onatsu are quitting!’ Oritsu is too excited; she doesn’t listen to Oshin and announces this news.
‘Why? Who will take their place for combing?’ Oshin gets up, and she is shocked too.
The two girls who decided to quit are seated with their heads down.
‘If you want to leave, go on. You will be able to get other combing jobs. You can find better places to work, I am sure. Go on, leave!’ Taka is shocked, but she tries her best to remain calm.
‘Please try to understand how Okei and Onatsu feel.’ Another worker speaks on their behalf.
‘What is the use? They just want to quit.’ Taka replies curtly to her.
‘I can understand how they feel, and I know Oshin is a hard worker, but these two had to work as maids for three years before they could start combing hair. They are upset because Oshin got promoted so quickly!’ the worker speaks up full of emotions. As she speaks, Oshin and Oritsu reach near the room and listen to the conversation standing at the door. Oshin signals Oritsu to go back, and she continues to stay.
‘Is that what they are upset about? Taka asks.
‘I tried to talk them out of it. Skill is what counts in this business.’ The senior worker clarifies.
‘But those who put in long years of training are being short-changed! Okei and Onatsu put up with years of training! And we did too,’ the worker is not happy with this logic. She continues to charge Ms. Taka, saying, ‘Now you are breaking the understood rules. We all feel bad!’
‘Ah, I see! But if they don’t like how I do things here, they have to leave.’ Now, Taka gets upset and irritated; she says firmly about her decision. She says, ‘I don’t want people who don’t like working here!
Oshin cannot wait anymore. She understands that there is unrest among the girls because of her. She enters the room, sits next to the two girls, and pleads, ‘Please don’t quit!’
Everyone is taken aback by Oshin’s sudden entry and her request. Oshin is sure in her mind, and she speaks up, ‘I will be glad to work as a maid for three more years. I am willing to do that.’
‘You stay out of it!’ Taka interrupts her; she is the boss and doesn’t like anyone interfering with her decisions.
Oshin doesn’t give up; she continues, ‘No! Onatsu and Okei are both needed here. I cannot stay if they both leave. I will even quit myself if that will make things better.’
‘Don’t be silly!’ The senior worker shouts at Oshin, stopping her, ‘you have nowhere else to go. We all work here to learn hairdressing and to better our lots. So please don’t quit over trivial reasons.’
‘Yes, please don’t quit.’ Oshin pleads again to the two girls.
‘Think of how Oshin feels,’ now the senior worker tells the two girls. She then turns to Ms. Taka and says, ‘Please forget about this and pretend it never happened. Please forgive them.’ She looks at Taka; Taka takes a deep breath and looks away. The senior worker then instructs the girls, ‘Come on, you two, let’s get back to work.’ The girls bow in apology, and all of them leave the room; Oshin and the other worker stay.
‘I am sorry for complaining.’ The worker who has taken up Okei and Onastu’s case bows down to Taka and apologizes. ‘I just wanted you to understand how the girls feel.’ She, too, leaves the room. Oshin now faces Taka.
‘I appreciate your kindness very much, but’ Oshin says apologetically.
‘You sure don’t have much courage. You will never make it unless you are willing to climb over others to get to the top. I thought you had that in you, but I was wrong.’
Taka lights a cigarette. (she says something which is still relevant in today’s corporate world! There is so much to learn from Oshin’s life which is not taught even in the best B-schools) She continues, ‘If that is how you are, I will handle you accordingly.’
After that day, Taka never let Oshin comb a customer’s hair. Oshin had missed out on a chance to get ahead. But she had no regrets. She knew that was the only way to survive the harsh reality of living in a group. She and Oritsu continue as before being maids. Okei and Onatsu remain cold towards Oshin, and that hurts her feelings.
Oshin and her grandson Kei check in to a posh hotel in Tokyo. Kei is also studying in Tokyo; he stays near his university in the dormitory during his term. He is impressed by the expensive hotel and remarks, ‘I have never stayed in a hotel before in Tokyo. This is so grand! Are you sure it is all right?’
‘Why not? I will probably never come to Tokyo again.’ Oshin replies, now she does not care about the expenses anymore. She says, ‘Once I go home, I will never get to enjoy such luxuries again. It is my last fling.’
‘Oh, come on, you will live to be 100!’ Kei doesn’t spare a chance to joke with his grandma. He lovingly gives his grandma a gentle shoulder massage.
‘I don’t want to live that long. I have had enough trouble in my lifetime already.’ Oshin has started sharing events of her life with Kei.
‘Why not just retire? You have uncle Hitoshi (Oshin’s second son) to run the Tanakura Supermarkets. You have nothing to worry about!’ Kei sits on the carpeted floor next to Oshin’s feet and suggests. Oshin takes a sip from a teacup and puts a hand on Kei’s head in blessing. Kei happily jumps and lies on the hotel bed jumping! He is happy to be with his grandma.
‘Nothing to worry about?’ Oshin reflects on her present life and thinks.
‘You suffered enough in those days. You worked day and night without pay. And you got no holidays. That would be against the law today!’ Kei wants his grandma to finally rest after he has learned how tough her young life was.
‘I was in training at the hairdresser, and that is how things were!’ Oshin says.
‘You never quit and just hung in there?’ Kei is curious to know what happened next. He gets up and sits close to his grandma.
‘When you have a bunch of women all living under one roof, you always have some trouble.’ Oshin says with her own experience and smiles.
‘Listening to you, I get the feeling that we are all living wild and wasted lives. It is as if you were reprimanding us all.’ Kei is thoughtful. He had no idea of his grandma’s earlier life; in fact, no one in the family knew what Kei learned in the past days as he traveled with her.
Oshin has a hearty laugh; she says, ‘That is why I never shared my life with anybody. Nobody wants to listen to an old person talk about the past! If you don’t like it, you can leave. I never asked you to come along!’
Oh, come on! You can’t go wandering off alone. I am concerned about you!’ Kei is very close to his grandma and says truthfully.
‘You mind your own business! Your college should be back in session soon. Why not go back to your hostel in the university while we are here in Tokyo?’ Oshin mildly scolds Kei. All the same, she has a very soft corner for her grandson.
‘It is fine. I have decided to go along with you the whole way.’ Kei is firm on his decision to accompany his grandma.
‘It will take at least another month.’ Oshin warns him, smiling.
‘I will come if it takes a whole year more!’ Kei declares and continues, ‘To tell you the truth, I enjoy your stories more than the lectures at school.’
‘Your father might get very upset with you.’ Oshin laughs and reminds Kei about his father.
‘He is worried about you! He is the one who asked me to stay with you.’ Kei won’t give up no matter what. He suddenly remembers his father and asks Oshin, ‘Shall we call him? I won’t say where we are. I will just tell him that we are both fine.’ Kei moves towards the telephone and has a crucial question to ask his grandma; he says, ‘Aren’t you curious to know what is going on back home?’
‘I already know what is going on!’ says Oshin with a sigh.
Oshin seems to know all about the business and also about the threats their company is facing now. She continues, ‘That is why I left on this journey.’ Oshin thinks hard and also takes a sip from the teacup. Kei looks on, puzzled!
Hitoshi, the second son of Oshin and the president now, is extremely worried, although he tries to hide his stress. He is in discussion with Takeshi, the husband of his sister, Tei. Takeshi works closely with Hitoshi and takes important decisions for the Tanakura business.
‘Are we going to keep waiting for your mother to come back?’ Takeshi asks Hitoshi; he is worried too.
‘She has been gone 10 days already. It is about time she comes home.’ Says Hitoshi; he lights a cigarette to ease his tension.
‘We have to conclude our deal with Namiki!’ Takeshi says with urgency in his voice; he almost panics as he speaks, ‘What if he sells the land to the developer?’
‘What could I do?’ Hitoshi seems to run out of options. He reveals to Takeshi, ‘Mother is friends with Namiki’s old man. I am sure she can cut us a good deal.’
Takeshi is surprised to hear this; he says, ‘She knows Namiki’s owner, the old man? How does she know him?’
‘Never mind! It doesn’t concern you.’ Hitoshi doesn’t want to share any further and replies curtly.
‘However, is there any sense in waiting for her?’ Takeshi tries to find a solution to the current crisis the Tanakura business is facing. He says, ‘She might have left home knowing the problem we face. That is what I think.’
‘Mother knew our family business is in trouble?’ Hitoshi cannot believe it; he continues, ‘And she has abandoned us?’
‘She was against opening our new store.’ Takeshi speaks slowly, trying to figure out the turn of events.
‘Don’t be silly! Mother is the one who built up Tanakura Supermarket! She would never do anything to hurt the business,’ says Hitoshi.
Hitoshi is angry and hurt, but he tries his best to keep calm. He takes a drag and sits on the chair.
Kei finishes his bath and comes out drying his hair using a towel. He looks at Oshin.
Oshin stands against the window, and she looks out as it gets dark. She seems to know the future of the Tanakura business. She also is lost in thoughts about her past at the same time!
What is brewing in the Tanakura business? What will be the next event in Oshin’s life as she works as a maid at the hairdresser’s salon?
We will know in the next Episode, no 54 coming soon.