Bheela’s Blog -043
11 September 2021
Episode 42 Recap
Oshin’s engagement process has begun. They complete the gift exchange ceremony. Fuji takes up the job of a laborer at Kaga-ya. She comes to know about Oshin’s feelings towards Kota. She disapproves and wants Oshin to marry Mr. Sakuragi.
Kuni informs Kayo that they have finalized a groom for her too. Kayo is upset with this news.
A letter comes for Oshin from Kota, but Kayo picks up and reads the letter. Kota has once again asked Oshin to meet. In her anger, Kayo breaks off her friendship with Oshin. She packs her suitcase and leaves home to meet Kota. She informs Kota about Oshin’s engagement and asks him to take her to Tokyo.
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Episode 43
Oshin runs fast to reach the inn where Kota was staying. She enters the lobby, and the innkeeper recognizes her. Oshin inquires if Mr. Yasuda is staying there. ‘No, he’s not,’ the innkeeper replies. Oshin further asks if he is scheduled to arrive. The innkeeper has no idea, and looking at Oshin’s face, she asks Oshin if she needs to see him urgently. Oshin catches her breath and apologizes to her, saying, ‘No.’ Without wasting any more time, Oshin runs to the seashore!
A letter with no name of the sender, addressed to Oshin, arrives at Kaga-ya. Oshin knew that the letter was from Kota. She is sure that Kayo took and read it. Kota had written to tell Oshin the time, date, and place of their next meeting. Now Oshin had no idea as to when and where that meeting was to be. Worst of all, Kayo now knew about the relationship between Oshin and Kota.
Oshin looks at the vast Sea of Japan without any sign of Kota or Kayo. The dark clouds float over the sky, bringing some evil omen. Oshin’s face is blank, and she decides to return home.
Oshin enters the kitchen where both maids are working. The older one asks Oshin where she was. The maid requests Oshin to tell them when she steps out, or else they cannot inform the senior madam or Mino when they ask. Oshin comes forward and apologizes, saying that she had to go out as it was an urgent emergency. She comes close to Otama and asks her if Miss Kayo is back yet. Otama replies in the negative and also says that Mino is worried.
Mino comes rushing to Oshin. Oshin apologizes to Mino as well for stepping out. Mino is anxious, and she asks Oshin to meet in her room. Oshin sits in Mino’s room opposite Mino next to a table. Mino places a letter on the tabletop and asks Oshin to read a note Kayo left for her. Oshin opens and starts reading.
I have some things to think about so I am leaving home. Please don’t try to find me. I have no intention of getting married or taking over the Kaga-ya business. I want to make it through life on my own. Very sincerely, Kayo.
‘Have you any ideas where she might be?’ Mino, in a panic situation, asks Oshin.
Oshin shakes her head sideways in the negative.
Mino is surprised; she asks, ‘Kayo didn’t tell you? She used to tell you everything!’ Oshin continues to shake her head and doesn’t say a word.
‘Please go look for her at the station,’ Mino pleads, ‘At least find out what ticket she bought!’ As Oshin gets up and is ready to leave for the railway station, Mino comes forwards and whispers to Oshin, ‘I haven’t told her father or grandma yet. We must find Kayo before they learn of this.’
Oshin nods and rushes out of the door through the backyard. Mino takes a deep breath! Whenever she confides in Oshin, she finds some solace. She looks at the letter left by Kayo.
‘Kaga-ya’s daughter bought a ticket to Ueno in Tokyo. She said she has some business there,’ the clerk at the ticket counter at the Sakata Railway station informs Oshin.
(Ueno is a district in Tokyo famous for its cultural sites. For more, please click )
‘Has the train already left?’ Oshin inquires with some hope.
‘Yes,’ the clerk replies.
‘Was she with anyone?’ Oshin just wants to ensure.
‘I am not sure, but a young man also bought a ticket to Ueno,’ he replies, ‘we don’t get many people going to Tokyo. That is why I remember.’
Oshin is now sure that Kayo left with Kota to Tokyo.
The train no. 2109 to Tokyo is moving fast. The headlight on the engine is visible from a distance. Inside the train, Kayo is seated on a bench with her back towards Kota. Kota doesn’t speak a word and is lost in his thoughts.
‘Oshin has her own life to lead,’ Kayo tries to strike a conversation with Kota and says, ‘everyone wants to be happy. She was born poor. And that’s why she has chosen to marry a rich man. You can’t blame her! But I am not afraid of poverty! I want to be true to myself. That is why I have decided to follow you.’ She is emotional with her speech. She turns towards Kota and continues, ‘I am leaving everything behind! I won’t be a burden to you!’
Kota is silent, but he is listening to Kayo. Kayo now gets up and takes a seat in front of Kota, and faces him. She says, ‘A friend of mine from my school in Yamagata has a sister in Tokyo studying piano. I can have her help me find a place to stay. In Tokyo, women have no trouble finding work. I have enough money to live for a while. I won’t be a burden to you. But, please don’t forget that you are the reason I am going to Tokyo.’ She finally confesses to Kota. Kota is clearly indifferent towards Kayo, and he looks out of the window. Kayo is waiting for some answer, but she doesn’t get any from Kota.
Mino searches the cupboards and drawers in Kayo’s room to find any clues on Kayo’s whereabouts. Kuni enters the room and asks if Kayo is back yet. She is puzzled to see the space in a messy condition and asks Mino what she is doing there. Mino cannot hold it back anymore. Sobbing, she tells Kuni that Kayo has run away. Her knees are weak, and she sits on the floor. Kuni watches around and calls Mino and Kayo’s dad, Seitaro, to the living room.
Seitaro blames Mino saying, ‘You weren’t watching her close enough! You had no idea what she was up to? And you call yourself her mother?’
‘You are her parent too!’ Mino is listening with her head down, but she retorts when she gets all the blame.
Kuni, though is trying to find some practical solutions to the problem. She asks, ‘How much money did she take with her?’
‘I hope you did not let her talk you into giving her money’ Seitaro continues to blame Mino.
‘I’ve been giving her money to buy her art supplies,’ Mino admits meekly, ‘Painting supplies cost a lot!’
‘So, you have been giving her money!’ father says with anger in his voice.
‘I didn’t want her to rebel; that’s why I used to send her extra money while she was at school in Yamagata too.’ Mino replies.
‘You were sending her extra allowances? Seitaro is very upset, and he lights a cigarette out of frustration.
Mino is apprehensive; she expresses her fear, ‘Maybe she has been saving up all her money for this Tokyo trip.’ Mino is now sad and worried.
‘It is too late for you to realize that now!’ father is worried too.
Kuni, as usual, listens carefully to both of them. She looks relieved and says, ‘At least, she is not going to starve!’
‘It is all your fault!’ father again blames Mino.
Oshin is at the door; she knocks, opens the door, and asks if she could serve dinner.
‘There is no time for dinner!’ Father continues to shout in anger. Oshin quietly slides the door back to close.
Kuni stops her and asks, ‘Oshin, did Kayo have a man?’
‘She never mentioned it to me.’ Oshin is not sure if she could reveal all, so she answers in brief.
Kuni is relieved; she says, ‘If there is no man involved, we need not worry.
She will be back when her money runs out! Kayo is not used to hardship. Once she is out of money, she will come back home’ Kuni is calm as always, even in such a crisis. She continues, ‘Kayo can’t withstand poverty, and she could never work to support herself.’
‘What if something that should happen to her before, then?’ father continues to be anxious, ‘Living alone in Tokyo is just asking for trouble!’
Kuni gets irritated by the hopeless attitude of her son. She scolds him, saying, ‘If you are so worried, go to Tokyo and find her!
‘I would never find her in that big city!’ Seitaro is shocked to hear such advice from his mother, ‘That’s unreasonable!’
‘Then we will just have to wait for her to come home.’ Kuni is calm, and she asks Oshin to serve dinner.
Kayo’s disappearance had draped everyone at Kaga-ya with an air of heavy despair. Oshin felt worst of all since she knew the truth about Kayo and Kota. She wished she could quit her job and leave. But she would stay and wait for a word from Kota. She couldn’t get him out of her mind. Even after 10 days, there was no word from Kayo, nor from Kota. Oshin was getting desperate.
Seitaro just concludes a meeting with some clients in the front office when the phone rings. Seitaro jumps to receive the call thinking it to be from Kayo. Kuni and Oshin also look up to the phone booth.
‘Hello, this is Kaga-ya,’ he speaks in a hurry. But soon, he is disappointed to learn that the call is not from Kayo. Mr. Sakuragi has called. Seitaro exchanges greetings halfheartedly. He says on the phone, ‘Yes, we will be sending Oshin over.’ After putting the receiver back, he informs Kuni that the Sakuragi’s are having an iris-viewing party for all the wealthy people of the town.
(In Japanese culture, the iris flower is revered for its purifying properties. In Japan, a standard iris definition includes the idea of purifying evil energies and protecting those who wear them. Source: Internet)
They want Oshin to come over and help out. Kuni is pleased to hear this. ‘That is just an excuse,’ she comments with a big smile looking at Oshin, ‘They want to show Oshin off to everyone as their son’s bride-to-be!’
‘I don’t feel up to it!’ Oshin is nervous about this meeting.
‘You can’t refuse now!’ Kuni is more practical.
‘I am too concerned about Miss Kayo’ Oshin tries to find some excuse.
‘But we haven’t told anyone else about Kayo’s trip to Tokyo. Besides, it hasn’t anything to do with you. Just go and make a good impression on people.’ Kuni is optimistic about Oshin getting a chance to mingle with her future family.
At the Sakuragi home, a big party is arranged. The guests are seated in the garden area. ‘We would like all of you to enjoy some tea,’ Mr. Sakuragi, the groom’s father, announces. One of the guests, a lady, looks at Oshin and comments, ‘She is perfect!’
‘She is Oshin, our son’s bride-to-be.’ Mrs. Sakuragi informs her guests.
‘Oh, she is the one who works for Kaga-ya?’ The guest inquires.
‘She has received excellent training at Kaga-ya’ groom’s mother is proudly showing off.
‘It is best to have a hard-working wife, not just someone from a good family.’ The guest says with all her wisdom.
As the guests laugh and talk, Oshin completes the tea ritual and serves them. She also oversees the maids arranging the lunch dishes in the dining room. After the lunch is over and guests leave, Oshin helps the maids fold up the carpet in the garden area. Suddenly, Mr. Sakuragi, the groom-to-be, enters the garden in a drunken state. He is unsteady and calls up Oshin coming close to her. He says that Oshin need not do this work; this is maid’s job! He asks Oshin to go to the living room and serve sake to the family. ‘I’ll be right there,’ Oshin politely replies to him and tries to maintain a distance. But the man catches her hand, Oshin quickly withdrawing reflexively. ‘Don’t be embarrassed, we are engaged!’ the man now loses control and comes close to Oshin; he puts his arms around Oshin and pulls her close to him. Oshin tries to release herself, asking him to stop.
‘You are already the same as if you are my wife,’ he doesn’t stop and applies force. ‘I will treat you right!’ he says in a loose voice. Oshin gives a big push with all her strength. The man is unsteady and falls into the garden pond, wetting himself thoroughly. He tries to come out of the shallow pond but cannot do as he is heavily drunk.
Oshin is stunned but collects herself and runs as fast as she can.
Oshin reaches the Kaga-ya warehouse area where her mother is working. Mother is surprised to see Oshin at this time, decked in beautiful formal Kimono. Mom comes close to Oshin and asks her if something happened. Oshin catches her breath and says, ‘It’s nothing; I just wanted to see you.’ Mom cannot believe her and looks closely.
Oshin enters the kitchen from the backyard; the older maid sees her and exclaims, ‘You are back early!’ Otama says that they didn’t expect her back until tonight. The older maid tells Oshin that Kuni wants to see her when she gets back. Hearing the commotion, Kuni comes out and comes close to Oshin. ‘I am back,’ Oshin says softly to Kuni, and she bows.
‘What have you done? That is no way to treat your future husband! They called and threatened to call off the wedding! Go and apologize; I will come with you!’ Kuni has anxiety in her voice. The Sakuragi’s have complained to her about Oshin’s behavior.
Oshin stands without moving. She has determination in her mind. ‘I have no intention to apologize!’ she tells Kuni firmly.
Kuni is taken aback. She has never seen this side of Oshin.
Oshin lowers her eyes.
What will happen now? Will the marriage with Sakuragi be called off? How will Oshin face this situation?
We will find out in the next Episode 44, coming soon.