Bheela’s Blog -037

Bheela Wadehra
12 min readJul 31, 2021


31 July 2021

Episode 36 Recap

Senior Madam Kuni decides to give Oshin time off to visit her village as she learns that Oshin’s grandma is on death bed.

Oshin visits her village with Oriki, and her grandma breaths her last. Oshin attends the funeral and is ready to return to Sakata. She feels that she has grown up.

Please click the link to read the full Episode:

Episode 37

Before I start this Episode, I would like to inform my readers that Oshin’s character in the original Japanese TV series was played by three actors. The young Oshin, whom we have seen in the flashback scenes, is played by Ayako Kobayashi

Ms. Nobuko Otowa played the role of elderly Oshin, who is shown in the present time.

A new Oshin who is now 16 years old is played by Yoko Tanaka; we will see her from this time onward.


Oshin and her grandson Kei are staying at a hotel in Sakata. This town is on the coast of the Sea of Japan. Kei and Oshin take a walk along the seashore. It is pretty cold, and Oshin has covered herself with a woolen shawl. Kei wants to reconfirm with his grandma if this is the Sea of Japan! Their home is in Ise, which is on the east side of Japan, and Kei observes that the water looks different from what he is accustomed to seeing at Ise. The area here is filled with layers of snow. It is windy as well. Kei looks at his grandma; she is still in deep thoughts of her past. He asks Oshin, ‘How long were you in Sakata?’

‘Until I was 16’, Oshin replies, she still looks in the distance. ‘Were you working the whole time at Kaga-ya still?’ Kei has more questions. Oshin starts remembering and tells Kei that Miss Kayo loved the sea too; she would come and do her sketches standing right on the beach with her painting stand.


Kei gets curious and asks his grandma if Miss Kayo became an artist when she grew up?

Oshin avoids the question from Kei, and instead, she asks Kei, ‘What do you want to be?’ Kei is taken aback by her question, but he thinks for a while and replies that he does not want to work for Tanakura Supermarket. He doesn’t mind being a businessman, just like his uncle Hitoshi (Oshin’s son, who runs the business now). Oshin remarks that Kei isn’t like his dad Nozomi at all. Kei says that he has never wanted to take over after his dad, as he has no interest in pottery. He has seen his father having such a hard time always with his pottery work. He laughs and tells Oshin that he probably doesn’t have any artistic inclinations. He jokingly says that maybe his dad found him somewhere, and he is not his dad’s real son. He also observes that his father has a gift for pottery skills. Oshin mildly scolds him, saying, of course, Kei is indeed his father’s son. They both laugh at this small talk. Kei has a question, and he inquires his grandma on whom does he take after? He regretfully says if he was Oshin’s real grandson, he would have indeed become a businessman!! He continues by saying that Oshin is a genius and a true businesswoman!

Oshin reflects and tells Kei that it is not that she ever wanted to be in business, which is not why she began the supermarket. It is just that money was so scarce in her youth; she just did her best to survive. She did not have any time for likes or dislikes. She did not have the luxury of choosing her own way of life. Kei is somewhat surprised, and he asks her if it is a ‘luxury’ to choose one’s own way of life? ‘Of course,’ Oshin replies, Kei got to pick out his own college; further, he will get to choose the job he wanted! Kei has a new perspective of life after having this conversation with grandma. He still doesn’t know what he wanted to do or what he wants to become after college. He honestly shares this uncertainty with his grandma as they continue walking.

Oshin is thoughtful; she contemplates and tells Kei that if she had a choice to live her life, she might have led a completely different life!


She is tired and sits on the beach. She shares with Kei that she never had any choice; she always had to send money home. She could never quit her job at Kaga-ya. She wanted to learn about business. She believed that being a merchant was the way to get some real money! Kei is surprised that a woman, in those times, was thinking about such ideas! Oshin tells him that when her grandma died, she decided never to be poor again. That was the reason she continued working at Kaga-ya until she was 16.

Senior madam Kuni taught her so much. Oshin looks far and remembers her past. She tells Kei if that incident hadn’t occurred, she might have married a wealthy merchant and her life might have been much more manageable. Kei gets curious again; he looks at grandma and wants to know what happened that day! Oshin continues, saying that everyone’s life is predestined.


Kaga-ya business has grown. There is hustle-bustle at the store. Mino comes to the kitchen and looks for Oshin. A new young maid is working in the kitchen; she informs Mino that Oshin is at the store; the senior madam called for her. Mino is irritated; she says that they have a manager to run their store. Still, Oshin is always helping her mother-in-law with store finances. Kuni, her mother-in-law, has started counting on Oshin to help out. Mino observes that Oshin already has her hands full with the household work. Another new maid, slightly older, preparing dinner in the kitchen, says that senior madam trusts Oshin because she trained Oshin herself. Mino feels for Oshin and says that Oshin is having a hard time working all day on all fronts. The older maid tells Mino that Oshin has already instructed them what to do back in the kitchen. Mino goes towards the store to find what is Oshin doing there.


Kuni is at her desk at the store. We see a grown-up pretty young woman sitting next to her. Some visitors arrive, Kuni gets up to receive them. The young woman holds Kuni’s hand to help her get up.



In the spring of her ninth year, Oshin had lost her grandmother. Now, still, at Kaga-ya, she is 16 years old. The beautiful young woman next to Kuni is indeed our Oshin, who has now grown up. She is working fast on the abacus at the store. In Taisho 3 (1914), world war I had begun. (Japanese Calendar has Era system, Taisho Era was from 1912–1916. For more details, click Japan was in an economic boom as a result. It is 1916 now. Japan’s economy has flourished in the post-war trades.


Some visitors have arrived at Kaga-ya. As Kuni gets up and walks towards the living room, Mino enters and announces that Mr. Sakuragi is here! Kuni says she will be right there. Oshin has finished her accounting work; she takes permission to return to the kitchen to check on dinner. Kuni thanks Oshin for help.

Oshin enters the kitchen and appreciates the two maids for their efforts. They prepare fish; the older maid tells Oshin that the fish head and gills are yet to be cooked in sauce. Oshin tells them that she will make the broiled fish. Oshin then turns her attention to the younger maid, who is peeling potatoes.

As Oshin watches the potatoes, Mino enters the kitchen. She tells Oshin that senior madam wants her to take tea for the guests who just arrived. Mino asks Oshin to rush and assures her that the dinner preparation will be well taken care of! Oshin tries to protest; she says she can’t have Mino working in the kitchen! Mino laughs and says that it is good to work once in a while. As she doesn’t have to mind a baby anymore, she has plenty of spare time. Mino ties her apron over her dress and comments that Oshin is working all day at the store. She needs to take a break. Mino is happy to work in the kitchen. She asks Oshin to hurry with the tea, or she fears that Kuni will start yelling.

(We notice that Mino has developed a friendly relationship with Oshin. She is indeed a considerate woman who was earlier bound by old prejudices. Oshin, by way of her hard work and amicable behavior, has won over everyone’s heart at Kaga-ya)

Oshin laughs and proceeds towards the living room; Mino suddenly stops her and asks whereabouts of Kayo. Oshin replies that she was in the store, so she couldn’t see Miss Kayo. Mino is worried for Kayo; she has no idea where Kayo spends her day!


The guests, Mr. and Mrs. Sakuragi, are seated in the living room. Oshin starts the tea ceremony, sitting on one side, next to Kuni.

(Tea ceremony is a specialty in Japanese culture, we can read about this by clicking the link

She pours hot water into the teacups. Japanese homes have a furnace and tea arrangement in the living room itself. Hot water is always available in a large pot kept on top of the stove.


Oshin takes the tea brush and rotates it into the cup of hot water delicately. Once the right proportion of brew is done, she keeps the cup on the ground. The maid then takes it to serve to Mrs. Sakuragi first. Mr. Sakuragi says that he doesn’t know much about the tea ceremony. Still, he seems to be very impressed to see Oshin preparing the tea with great care. Mrs. Sakuragi comments that Kuni has trained Oshin very well. Kuni asks her guests to enjoy the tea and not bother about the ceremony! Mr. Sakuragi tells Kuni that she takes care of Oshin like her own daughter! Kuni replies to them with a pleasant smile. Oshin always has been such a bright girl, so she has tried to look after her. Kuni praises Oshin, saying that Oshin writes very well and is good at abacus too; Oshin keeps the books better than the store manager! Kuni tells the guest that she hopes that when Oshin grows up, she will be good in business. Kuni is unstoppable; guests smile at her enthusiasm as Kuni further adds that Oshin takes care of all the household duties. She cooks well, and she can stitch a kimono in two days!!

The guests are mesmerized to see Oshin completes the tea ceremony. She pours the remaining water into another bowl, keeping the spoon back in position, and covers the pot of water with a lid. Oshin announces that she has completed the tea ceremony. It is evident, the guests are delighted to see Oshin.

Oshin returns to the kitchen; she checks the broth and tells Mino that she is back and can take over from Mino. Mino asks Oshin if senior madam told her about the guests. Mino is somewhat sad. She cryptically tells Oshin that she was hoping that Oshin could stay with them longer and continue to be a close friend to Kayo. Oshin is a bit puzzled.

Kayo returns home, and the maids welcome her. We now see a grown-up Kayo, too; she has turned into a very pretty young woman.

She is carrying a board and colors for painting. As Kayo goes towards her room, Mino rushes after her. Kayo keeps all her painting material on the table, and Mino starts to complain, ‘you were out all day! Your vacation is over, and when will you return to school?’ Mino implores her, closing the door of the room. Kayo announces that she isn’t going back to school; she intends to quit. ‘Not that again,’ Mino exclaims and reminds Kayo that she has to take over Kaga-ya business soon one day! They have to find a good adoptive husband for her soon. Kayo is totally not interested in this conversation; she tells her mom that Sayo can take over the family business.

(It is clear that Kayo has become a rebel. She does not want to fit into the conventional scheme of things designed by the century-old customs of the wealthy families in Japan!)

Mino is distraught, her voice raised; she continues, ‘Don’t be silly, the eldest daughter always takes over!’ Kayo is not disturbed by her mother’s anxiety; she replies calmly to her mother that there is no such law. She asks what difference does it make if it is her or Sayo taking over the business. Kayo further says that she wants to be an artist and paint. She picks up her brush and tells her mother that she wants to go to Tokyo to study arts!


Mino is now worried, and she tells Kayo that they won’t allow her to go. Kayo then says philosophically, ‘human beings are free to follow their calling; what is life without freedom!’ Mino gives up, and she is puzzled how Kayo can speak like this and what has come over her!! She asks Kayo what good is drawing pictures anyway.

Mino then tries her last weapon saying, why Kayo can’t be more like Oshin? Oshin has completed her bridal training! Kayo is not bothered; she replies, ‘Oshin is Oshin, and I’m me!’

The door opens, and we see a girl of about six or seven; she is little Sayo, now started going to school. She tells both of them to stop making noise as she is unable to study! Mino is upset; she leaves the room and goes. Sayo calls Kayo and spills all the beans; she informs Kayo that Oshin is getting married. The guests are in the living room who have visited to look at Oshin, Sayo tells Kayo with excitement in her voice. Kayo is taken aback! Sayo adds further that the couple has a son for whom they want Oshin to be the bride. Sayo then asks Kayo to follow her to the living room.

Kayo and Sayo hide behind the pillar, where the guests are talking to Kuni. All of them seem happy with the discussions. Kayo isn’t pleased; she tells Sayo that these people are one of those newly turned rich!


Kayo is sure that the man got rich off the booming rice market! Sayo puts her palm on Kayo’s mouth and asks her to be quiet.


It is dinner time. The family sits together, and Oshin is serving them the dishes. Kayo’s dad comments that Sakuragi must be happy with Oshin! Kuni says that Oshin has seen them too! Kuni further informs the family that they are doing well in their business. Mino is worried; she says that they want Oshin for their second son. Kuni replies that second sons get a good part of the family business too. Kuni is sure that they will give their son a house of his own. Kuni declares that it is a perfect match for Oshin.

Oshin brings a dish to Kayo, and Kayo asks her if Oshin will marry their son? Oshin feels embarrassed by these talks, so she replies that she also just heard about this proposal. Kayo tells Oshin not to marry a man she doesn’t even know! Mino tries to interrupt her, but Kayo won’t stop. She says that marriage can work well only if there is love; it is not a matter for others to decide! Mino tries to argue that one cannot get married unless others arrange for the couple! She also confirms that arranged marriages are the best!

(In the early 20th century, Japanese women, having acquired higher education, started protesting against the marriages arranged by parents. It is an eternal discussion in India, too; what is best? Arranged marriage or the wedding based on couple’s own choices!!)

Kuni, listening to this conversation, says that she didn’t want to send Oshin away! This family, Sakuragi, all live here in Sakata. Oshin won’t have to go far. Kayo doesn’t stop her argument; she tells her grandma, ‘You can’t push your will upon Oshin!’ Mino comes to Kuni’s defense and says that grandma is thinking about what is best for Oshin.

Kayo then turns to Oshin and says that she doesn’t have the right to oppose it, but Oshin should consider what is best for her.

It was all so sudden; Oshin hadn’t had time to think things over. But she couldn’t help thinking of all the events of her life up until now. She is busy clearing up the plates and is in deep thought.


What will happen now? Will Oshin get married to the second son of this wealthy family?

We will find more in Episode 38, coming soon.



Bheela Wadehra
Bheela Wadehra

Written by Bheela Wadehra

Originally from JBP-MP, daughter of Ajit & Basanti, sister of Chanda, Neela & Archanaa, wife of Sudhir, Mom of Tanvi & Poorvi. Works as an Engr at GGN-HR

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