Bheela’s Blog -034

Bheela Wadehra
12 min readJul 10, 2021


10 July 2021

Episode 33 Recap

Kuni gives important lessons to Oshin that her poverty can be removed only by education. Oshin continues to learn from Kuni despite the cold looks of Mino.

Oshin saves Kayo’s life by pushing her aside when the electric pole falls. This changes Mino’s attitude towards Oshin.

Electric lights come to Kaga-ya’s home. It is also the onset of the New Year. Mino gets a new dress for Oshin, which is identical to Kayo. Oshin is frightened and feels guilty since she hasn’t experienced this excess of happy moments.

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Episode 34


This was Oshin’s first New Year at Kaga-ya. Oshin would turn nine years old this new year, and much will happen to her this year.

Mino has arranged a hairdresser to get a beautiful hairdo of Oshin. Kayo is delighted to see the new hairstyle, and she exclaims that Oshin looks so good. Oshin is thoroughly embarrassed. She tells Kayo that she had asked not to do this styling. Kayo comforts her by saying that it only happens once a year! Mino enters the room, and she too is pleased to see the hair arrangement; she says that it looks great, and she could hardly recognize Oshin.


The hairdresser comments that Miss Kayo has beautiful hair, and so has Oshin too. Looking at Oshin in the mirror, Mino says that Oshin will surely grow up to be a beautiful woman.


All employees sit for a New Year feast in a line, men on one side and the women opposite them in another line. Each staff has a food tray with delicious dishes and a bottle of the Sake drink.

Kayo’s dad is at the center on one end of the rows of staff on a raised platform; he is flanked by Kuni and Mino on each side. He addresses his team, conveying his thanks for the efforts done by the men and women. Kuni’s son says that Kaga-ya can celebrate the New Year in style again because of them. He asks them to keep doing the hard work. All of them bow down, and they start a short prayer. Kayo’s dad announces, ‘Happy New Year!’ He asks them to eat and drink as much as they wish. Kayo is sitting next to Mino on the higher platform. Oshin is the first to sit in the row of women, so she is just next to Kayo. Both are wearing the new identical kimonos with a red flowery print.

Oshin remarks that this is the best feast she has ever attended! Kayo asks her to try the Ozoni soup.

(Ozoni is a special miso-based soup enjoyed in the morning on New Year’s Day in Japan. The soup usually includes Mochi (rice cake), and the preparation varies by region and household. YouTube has its recipe!)

Oshin murmurs that she wonders how her own family is celebrating the new year. Her mother is working away from home. She wishes that she could share her food with her family.

The supervisor offers a drink to Kuni and wishes her. Kayo asks Oshin what dishes they have in their family during the new year. Oshin replies that nothing special, the nishime (boiled soup) is just daikon and potato. She continues that if they are lucky, they could eat three pieces of Mochi for the entire holiday period! ‘Only three pieces?’ Kayo is shocked. Oshin continues to feel guilty and says in a soft voice that Gods will punish her for having so much food to eat.

The supervisor serves sake to everyone and then comes to Oshin and says that she got to sit next to Miss Kayo at this festival. He comments that both are wearing identical dresses and look like sisters! Oshin replies modestly to him that she doesn’t deserve this attention. Mino remarks that now she thinks of Oshin like her daughter. Mino continues that Oshin saved Kayo from being killed by the falling pole, and that is when Mino realized that fate had brought them together! Mino says that they want Oshin to be an excellent friend to Kayo, and they want to take good care of Oshin. The supervisor tells Oshin that she is indeed a lucky girl! Oshin replies that she plans to work harder than ever. Kayo’s dad, forgetting his past suspicions, smiles, and nods!

Kayo tells Oshin that they will both visit the temple after they finish the meal. Oshin says that she has to take care of baby Sayo. Mino intervenes and says that all employees get three days off for the new year. Oshin won’t have to babysit during these festival days, she can go with Kayo, and have fun!

The way to the temple is filled with snow. People are dressed in their new clothes and woolens to celebrate the new year. Kayo and Oshin fold their hands to pray before the Gods. Oume accompanies the girls.


Other ladies in the temple look at Kayo and Oshin and admire them for their beautiful dresses and hairdo. Oshin feels thoroughly embarrassed, but she is also thrilled. Kayo tells Oshin that probably people think that they are sisters.

Suddenly the girls hear some commotion. Outside the temple, there is a group of men and women who look like tourists. They appear to be drunk and are having fun. One of the ladies is patting a man’s shoulder and says that he should not tease her. They are laughing loudly.

Oshin looks at them and realizes that the woman is her mom. She is shocked. Kayo asks her why is Oshin looking at these tourists? Oshin just moves her head sideways and says nothing. She looks down out of shame and fear.

The woman is indeed Fuji, Oshin’s mom. She turns around and spots Oshin from a distance. Kayo says that the woman is looking at them.


Kayo is excited and says that she must be thinking of us as sisters due to the identical dresses. Fuji and Oshin look at each other, but some people walk in front of Oshin, blocking the view. After looking at Oshin for just a couple of seconds, Fuji quickly turns around and asks the man to go back, and she hurries them.

Oshin is dumbfounded; she clinches her fists, her eyes teary. Kayo asks Oshin if she knew that woman? Oshin just moves her head sideways in negative. Oume comments with disgust that the woman is a shameful one and behaves this way at a shrine! Kayo is a bit uncertain, and she looks at Oshin. She tells Oshin that they should return home quickly. Oshin consoles herself in her mind; she says silently that the woman can’t be her mom; she might be someone who looks like her mom! Mother couldn’t be in Sakata! But in the heart of hearts, she realizes that the woman indeed is her own mother. She feels odd that mom is with a man; she couldn’t shake that image of mom from her mind.


After dinner, the Kaga-ya family is playing cards. Oshin is sitting with them quietly. Kayo asks her that Oshin hasn’t got a single card yet! Mino notices that Oshin isn’t that cheerful, so she inquires if Oshin is feeling well. Oshin tries to hide her feelings and tells them that it is her first time playing cards. Kayo tells her that Oshin will learn soon; it is easy. ‘It is easier to work,’ Oshin replies. Everyone laughs and Mino says that it is so like Oshin; she is a hardworking girl!

Kayo’s dad enters the room, everyone welcomes him home. Mino gets up and takes the hat and bag from him. Kuni asks him if he completed the greeting calls for the day. Dad is somewhat unsteady and tells his mother that he was made to drink at every house visited. He gives a packet to Kayo, telling her that he brought her Manju cakes.

(Manju is one variety of the various Japanese sweets. Manju is a round steamed cake that is typically filled with a sweet red bean filling).

Everyone laughs at his condition. He then tells everyone that there is a strange woman outside. She went away as he tried to speak to her. Oshin immediately gets alert and looks at Kayo’s dad. He asks Oume to go and check. Okiku asks him if he wants to eat anything. He tells her to get some hot tea.

Oshin starts to get up, and she excuses herself. Kayo tells her to stay as it is not that late yet. Kuni clarifies that Oshin gets up very early in the morning, so let her go and rest. Oshin bows down to everyone saying good night, and comes out of the room. Kuni gets suspicious, she looks at Oshin.

Oshin goes towards the front door; she sees Okiku carrying tea for Kayo’s dad, and she hides behind the door. After Okiku leaves, Oshin quietly comes out of the house, opening the main entrance. Kuni comes out too; she sees Oshin go out. Kuni follows Oshin discretely. Oshin comes to the road, but it is empty; there is a lot of snow getting piled on the roadside. She looks around and, not finding anyone, walks back to the front door. Suddenly, she hears a sound and calls out, ‘Mother, is that you?’ She now looks at her mother. Fuji, who wrapped herself in a shawl, comes out of hiding and takes Oshin into her arms, hugging her tight.

Fuji takes Oshin some steps away from the door behind a pillar and tells her that she just came to see where Oshin works.


Oshin is surprised, and she asks her mom what she is doing at Sakata and how she reached here. Fuji replied that a guest at the Ginzan inn offered to bring her to Sakata. She thought of taking the chance as she knew Oshin was in Sakata. Fuji continues that she did not expect that she will be able to really see Oshin.

She couldn’t have come to Kaga-ya in such a made-up way, in flashy clothes. She did not want to embarrass Oshin in front of her employers. Fuji is ashamed; she did not wish Oshin to see her with a man in that state. Fuji was sure that Oshin spotted her at the temple. She tells Oshin that she spotted Oshin too and the luck of the Gods brought them together. She continues that she is pleased that the Kaga-ya people are good to Oshin. Wearing the beautiful dress, Fuji could barely recognize Oshin. She was pleased to see her.

Oshin observes that her mom has lost a lot of weight; she asks if her job is too harsh. Oshin requests her mom to quit; she hates to see her mom in this state. Fuji agrees and tells Oshin that she will return home and work in the fields after the snow melts. Then Fuji bends down, sits on the ground, and tells Oshin that she hasn’t been doing anything to humiliate her or her father. She also pleads to Oshin to forget that she ever saw her there at Sakata. Oshin is speechless.

Fuji says that now she is glad that she came. She was anxious about Oshin. Fuji then asks Oshin if the girl in the matching kimono was the Kaga-ya’s Young Miss? She is happy that they treat Oshin like her sister. With this, she can now go back to Ginzan peacefully. Fuji takes out some money and gives it to Oshin, saying that she has very little. Oshin quickly refuses to take that. Mom says that she got this as a tip from a customer; this is for Oshin to buy something. Oshin doesn’t take it; she tells her mom to buy something for grandma, as she must be waiting for mom to return home. Oshin urges her mom to go home for grandma’s sake. Mother has tears in her eyes. Oshin reminds her mom that she has the Kokeshi doll which mom gave her when Oshin had gone to Ginzan on her way to Sakata. That is all Oshin needs. Mom tells Oshin to take care of herself. She looks around and asks Oshin to return before anyone sees them. Oshin cannot hold herself anymore; she hugs her mom again with tears in her eyes. Mom asks her to go in, hugging Oshin one more time; she turns around and goes into the darkness of the street.

With a heavy heart, Oshin returns to the house. Her mom, hiding behind the pillar, sees her getting in. Oshin closes the door after entering, but she is so weak with emotions that she cannot stand. She sits down, resting her head against the door, and starts crying. Kuni comes forward close to Oshin and asks her to sit.

Kuni has seen everything.

Kuni shares her wisdom with Oshin in a comforting way. She says, ‘A woman doesn’t work for herself. We women work to help our husbands and our children. We do our best against all odds. A woman lives for others.


Your mother, too! She is doing whatever she can for her family. No matter what she does, never ever think of her with any regret. She wanted to see you badly. She couldn’t bring herself to visit us formally. I am sure she is having a tough time. Oshin, always do take good care of your mother when you grow up.’

(Kuni’s words of wisdom are universal. Women who take jobs that are socially not respectable also do this for their families. Kuni teaches Oshin never to look down upon any job a woman is doing.)


The following day, Mino, as usual, is helping Oshin tie baby Sayo on her back. Mino says that Oshin is taking such good care of Sayo. Mino’s voice is full of kindness. However, Oshin never took Mino’s trust for granted. She worked hard and kept her place. Soon, she became someone indispensable to Kaga-ya.

As Oshin is about to go out with baby Sayo to take a stroll, Kayo enters. She demands from her mother that she wants to wear Western clothes to school. Her friend, the daughter of Soma-ya, a neighboring family, wears a dress and leather shoes! Kayo says that the skirt she wears has so many frills! She wants one for herself. She threatens her mom, saying that she won’t go to school if she doesn’t get a western dress.


Mino generally fulfills all demands raised by Kayo, so she agrees. Kuni enters, and she frowns; Kuni asks if Kayo is still talking about the same topic of western dress? Mino pleads with her mother-in-law to allow Kayo to buy the dress; she says that one can move around freely in a dress.

(Source: Wikipedia: With the opening of Japan’s ports for international trade in the 1860s, clothing from several different cultures arrived in Japan.

The first Japanese to adopt Western clothing were officers and men of some units of the Shōgun’s army and navy; sometime in the 1850s, these men adopted woolen uniforms worn by the English marines stationed at Yokohama.

By the beginning of the 20th century, the Western dress had become a symbol of social dignity and progressiveness. However, the kimono was still considered popular fashion, with the two styles of dress essentially growing parallel with one another over time.)

Kuni flatly refuses; she says that wearing western clothes will just draw more attention towards their Kayo! Mino further requests, saying that it doesn’t cost that much. Kuni is firm; she says that it is not the money, Kuni disapproves of Kayo’s attitude. Kayo remains stubborn, and she declares that never mind the clothes, she won’t go to school. Kuni, in a calm voice, says, ‘Okay then, stay home!’

Kayo starts crying as her wish is not fulfilled! She goes out of the room, and Mino goes after her. Oshin was watching all of it, standing next to the door with Sayo on her back. Kuni calls Oshin and asks her if she could prepare daikon gruel. ‘Yes, I can,’ Oshin replies. Kuni tells her to make some for dinner. She asks Oshin to cook just like they did at Oshin’s home.

Oshin couldn’t understand what the senior madam wanted. But she was glad to be able to make daikon gruel again after a long time.

Why this request for daikon gruel? We will know in Episode 35, coming soon.



Bheela Wadehra
Bheela Wadehra

Written by Bheela Wadehra

Originally from JBP-MP, daughter of Ajit & Basanti, sister of Chanda, Neela & Archanaa, wife of Sudhir, Mom of Tanvi & Poorvi. Works as an Engr at GGN-HR

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