Bheela’s Blog -030

Bheela Wadehra
11 min readJun 12, 2021


12 June 2021

Episode 29 Recap

Senior madam Kuni decides that Oshin will stay on. However, soon, Oshin runs into another trouble. This time, she had a fight with Kayo. Kayo is unconscious due to a fall. Oshin is sure that no one can save her job this time.

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Episode 30


Kayo is lying unconscious on a floor mat. Both her parents are anxiously calling her to wake up. Kuni asks Okiku to get some water in a kettle. Mino and her husband are very nervous. As Okiku brings water in a kettle, Kuni pours water slowly on Kayo’s forehead. Kayo’s dad and mom are alarmed and ask Kuni what she is doing; she should wait for the doctor to arrive.

(We in Indian households do the same; if anyone faints, the first thing done is to sprinkle water on the patient’s eyes and face)

Kuni is calm; she says that Kayo just fell down and hit her head. Kayo blinks her eyes, much to the delight of her parents and grandma. Kuni is relieved and advises Mino to change her clothes. Dad wants to know from Kayo what happened. Kayo cries and tells them that Oshin pushed her. Dad is furious; he asks for Oshin and instructs Okiku to bring her immediately. Mino tries to pacify Kayo, saying that the doctor will be there shortly. Kuni is irritated with the pampering; she asks Mino to quickly change Kayo’s clothes. Dad lifts Kayo, and both parents go towards Kayo’s room.


The broken harmonica is lying on the ground; Oshin picks it up and cleans the debris. Okiku comes to her agitated and comments that Oshin has made a grave mistake now! She tells Oshin that this time no excuse will work. Oshin asks her how is Kayo’s condition. Okiku doesn’t reply; instead, she urges Oshin to follow her. Oshin drags her feet and goes behind Okiku.

Kayo’s dad is upset; he tells his mother that he will be turning Oshin to the police.


Kuni tries to reason with him; she says why we should give her to the police without knowing what really happened. It was just a fight, and Kayo isn’t hurt that badly. Kayo just hit her head. Her son doesn’t give up. He is stern and says that it is beside the point that Kayo is not hurt that badly; no one knows what will Oshin do next!

There is a knock on the door; Okiku announces that she has brought Oshin. Kayo’s dad grabs Oshin and slaps her hard on the cheek. He scolds her, saying, ‘You, foolish girl!’ Oshin falls on the floor. Kuni asks her son to stop it as Oshin is only a child. Oshin gets up and bows her head down. She says that she deserves to be hit. She asks Kayo’s dad to go on and hit her. Dad grumbles and, with tight fists, controls himself. Kuni comes close to Oshin and asks her softly if she pushed Kayo. Oshin says yes, nodding her head. Kuni asks her the reason for doing so. Oshin turns towards Kuni and bows her head saying that it is her fault without telling the reason.

Kuni then asks Oshin to tell her exactly what happened. She says that she will listen and then decide what is to be done. Kuni observes that Oshin is hurt too and has bruises on her arms and legs. She laughs mildly and asks Oshin if she had a big fight with Kayo!!

Kayo’s dad is angry, and he says, how dare Oshin harmed his daughter! This time, in front of Oshin, he tells her mother that Oshin was no good; she ran away from her first job with a deserter! Although she was a good worker, we do not know how the truth will show itself!! Oshin is stunned to learn how the facts are twisted through rumors.

Kayo’s dad says with all these reasons, he wanted Oshin out of their home. Kuni then talks to Oshin and says that there is a talk in the village about her. Oshin doesn’t answer; she just bows her head down. Kayo’s dad concludes that these talks are not a mere rumor. He accuses Oshin of hiding the truth from them. Oshin speaks up, saying that she feels terrible that she hurt Miss Kayo but does not regret that her brother Shunsaku saved her, and she stayed with him. She is always proud of her brother, so she wants to clarify to anyone who shows disrespect. She clearly tells Kuni and her son that Shunsaku didn’t desert the army because he was cowardly, but he hated war. He didn’t want to have to kill innocent people in the name of war.


That is why he left the army. She then tells Kuni that she too thinks war is not good.

Kayo’s dad is perplexed; he looks at Oshin with awe and asks his mother why a child is talking like this? He says that Oshin is beginning to scare him. Oshin continues that her villagers think that Shunsaku was a coward because he deserted the military. Still, to her, he was a kind man. He taught Oshin to read, write and do arithmetic. Kuni appreciates by smiling and nodding her head as Oshin speaks about her brother. Oshin continues that Shunsaku gave her his harmonica too, which Miss Kayo took from her; Kayo said she would pay for it. The harmonica is precious to Oshin, she tells Kuni. It is a souvenir from her dead brother Shunsaku.

Kayo’s dad is angry; he asks Oshin why she almost killed Kayo for something as silly as a harmonica? Oshin bows her head towards Kayo’s dad and says she is sorry; it is her fault; she deserves to die!!

(The child is unable to undo the situation. At the same time, she cannot tolerate disrespect toward her brother. She, therefore, says that she deserved to die. Oshin is indeed a special one!)

Kuni is about to say something, but the maid announces that the doctor is here! Kayo’s dad gets up and rushes to Kayo’s room.

The doctor is examining Kayo; he observes that there is a minor lump. Kayo imitates pain, but the doctor says that keep it cool, and it will go down; there is nothing to worry about. Kuni apologizes to the doctor for bothering him with this nonsense. She thanks the doctor for coming. The doctor smiles and says that it is normal for all other kids to get hurt while playing; the kids or their parents usually do not seem to mind. Looking at Kayo, he continues, but Kayo is the heiress to Kaga-ya fortune!


He says he doesn’t blame them for making a fuss. He gets up to leave. Mino thanks the doctor for coming.

Meanwhile, Oshin is still waiting in the living room when Kayo’s dad enters. Oshin asks him how is Miss Kayo doing? He doesn’t reply to Oshin’s question; instead, he instructs her to pack her things. He tells Oshin that she has to leave; he says that Oshin knows why she is being sent back. He is very stern and says that Oshin is lucky. They have decided not to call the police or else she would be in jail!

Oshin goes to her room. She takes out the packing cloth and starts placing her Kokeshi doll, clothes, the slate, and the broken harmonica. As she is about to finish, Kuni comes to her and says that she couldn’t help it this time.


Oshin says she is sorry; she thanks Kuni for being good and kind towards her. She asks Kuni how Miss Kayo was. Kuni replies that there is nothing to worry about; Kayo will be fine.

Kuni says that she is pretty sure that it is tough for Oshin to have to go home. Oshin nods her head. Kuni wants to keep her, but she tells Oshin that her son and wife will be very hard on Oshin after this incident. Kuni tells Oshin that she feels for her; Kayo is a very strong-willed child; she will never get along with Oshin. Kuni concludes that it is best for everyone that Oshin leaves.

Oshin is sad, and she keeps her head down. Kuni comes close and sits next to her. Kuni understands that Oshin will not be welcome if she goes back home. She tells Oshin if she doesn’t want to go home, Kuni can find another job for Oshin. Oshin looks up, surprised and puzzled. She tells Kuni that she neither wants to nor can go home, as she has already caused too many problems. Kuni knows that Oshin is talking out of her self-respect. Oshin is no ordinary girl.

Kuni explains to Oshin that Sakata is a trading town; it has always been, and it is full of innovative people. Many people here hate wars; instead, they want to do business, trade and bring prosperity. Kuni herself hates wars. She further says that ordinary people can’t do much, as wars are decided by emperors and rulers of the countries. Most people are afraid of the government, so people cannot express their feeling openly. Kuni wants Oshin to wait for a while; she has an idea. She will find another job for Oshin. Oshin exclaims, ‘how is that possible!’ Kuni says that Oshin is not violent by nature; she knows this very well. So Kuni will surely be able to get Oshin employed suitably.

Kuni is sitting with her son in the living room. She has shared with him what is in her mind. Her son ridicules her; he asks his mother why she is getting Oshin another job, and she wants Oshin to keep her at their place until she arranges a job. Kuni says that she will set everything in just a couple of days. Looking at his mother and knowing that she will do what is in her mind, he says that Oshin can stay for some more days if that is what the mother wants. He is worried, and he cautions his mother that nothing good can come out of helping Oshin. If she causes trouble in the new job, the Kaga-ya family will be held responsible! Kuni says that she will not cause any problem. He tells his mother if she has already started asking for a job for Oshin around? Now, Kuni is upset, and she scolds her son that he can’t order her and there is no need to teach her about the consequences of her actions! Son understands and quietly goes.

Oshin is making a toy in her room; she uses straw and jute ropes and ties them to shape. She cuts the edges neatly using scissors. Oume brings food for her and tells Oshin that the old madam wants Oshin to eat enough. Oume is curious to know what is Oshin making. Oshin then replies that she is making toy owls; her grandma used to make these for her.

(This reminded me of my childhood which is another similarity; my eldest sister made toys at home using old clothes, wool, cotton when she was ten and I was seven. She made dolls resembling our father, mother, and four sisters (us). We kept those six cloth toys in a box, which was our toy house)

Oume is awed by Oshin’s skills. A couple of toy owls are ready, and Oshin asks Oume to give these to Miss Kayo. Oume is taken aback. Oshin says that she wishes to apologize to Kayo in person, but she is not permitted to see her.

Kayo is asleep. Oume keeps the toy owls next to her pillow. Kayo wakes up; Oume asks if Kayo is feeling better. Oume informs Kayo that it is dinner time now; she will bring food for her. Oume shows the owls to Kayo and tells her that Oshin made these for Kayo; Oshin is feeling very bad about what she did to Kayo. Oume tells Kayo that Oshin made these all by hand herself. Kayo looks at the owl toys and is happy to see them; she comments that these are such cute owls.


Kayo says, Oshin, for sure, is good at everything she does. Oume tells Kayo that Oshin finally will have to leave now; she will be happy to know that Kayo liked the owls and will leave with a clear mind once Kayo gets well and forgives her. Kayo asks if Oshin will be going home. Of course, Oume replies, Oshin has hurt Kayo and cannot expect to stay here. Kayo gets thoughtful.

It is dinner time; Mino and her husband are eating the starters. Mino tells her husband that his mother is a problem. He replies that his mother does not listen to him. Kuni opens the door and enters the dining room. Mino apologizes for starting their dinner without waiting for her. Kuni seems pleased; she says that it is all set; she found a new job for Oshin; Kawada-ya, the shipping agent, has agreed to take Oshin’s services. They are ready to take Oshin despite the troubles caused. Kuni has some sarcasm in her voice; she says that some people understand situations correctly. Mino and her husband get the point; they look at each other and chose to be quiet. Kuni says that it will do Oshin good to get away from Kayo and her parents. Kuni further announces that she will take Oshin to her new job the next day.

Kayo enters the dining room rushing. Mino is surprised; she tells Kayo to stay in bed. Kayo sits in front of her grandma and asks her where she is taking Oshin. Kuni replies that she found a new job for Oshin. Kayo urges not to take her away! She pleads to her grandma to let Oshin stay with them.


Dad is completely taken aback, he tries to stop Kayo, but Kayo comes closer to grandma. She admits that it wasn’t Oshin’s fault; she was unreasonable and made Oshin angry; she repeats that it was her own fault.

Grandma cannot believe it! Kayo continues, she says, that she likes Oshin; but had never done fights before; Oshin came at her as they were fighting, she admits that her foot slipped. She further says that she did not care to lose the fight to Oshin but is happy that she did her best.

Kayo shows the toy owls to grandma and tells her that Oshin made these for her. Kayo says that Oshin knows so much. Kayo has some realizations; she thought that money can buy anything but knows that she was wrong. She tells Kuni that Oshin would not sell her harmonica, which Kayo wanted badly. Kuni is so pleased to see this transformation in Kayo; she stretches her arms and tightly hugs Kayo. Kayo once again request grandma not to send Oshin away. Kuni laughs and cries at the same time with joy.


Oshin, alone in her room, her stuff packed in the cloth, eats her dinner slowly. She is worried about a new job. She has no idea that Kayo is pleading to let her stay. This would change her life forever.

What will be the reaction of Kayo’s parents? Will they still oppose?

We will know in Episode 31, coming soon.



Bheela Wadehra
Bheela Wadehra

Written by Bheela Wadehra

Originally from JBP-MP, daughter of Ajit & Basanti, sister of Chanda, Neela & Archanaa, wife of Sudhir, Mom of Tanvi & Poorvi. Works as an Engr at GGN-HR

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